• long running

Free Travel Insurance for CBA Gold/Diamond/Platinum Credit Card Holders - Register Online, No Spend Required


I just read this news article and it reminds me of the free travel insurance for CBA (gold, diamond, platinum) credit card customers.

I know this deal has been published before, but when I tried to find it, I can’t easily find it, so posting this deal again in case anyone need it and missed the last one. It might belong to discussion forum but most people don’t follow it.

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    • +12

      Other deals get reposted as periodic reminders.
      No need to neg.

  • Hi OP, do you know if you are required to pay for your trip with one of this Commonwealth card, in order to get this benefit ?

    • +3

      According to "GWH" who posted the deal last year:

      There is no need to buy your airfares with your credit card - in fact there is no need to spend a cent on the card to get the insurance (for international trips anyway).

      • Thanks mate.

      • Less likely if there is a high annual fee.

    • I think you did in times gone by, but not any more.

    • hey Oz, my understanding is no payment is required. Though CBA also offer extended warranties for certain cardholder levels on things you buy while overseas..in that case, you would have to purchase with the CBA card for that to apply.

  • +1

    It used to be on par with paid cover but last time I looked this didn't compare well anymore. For example $2500 rental car excess cover vs $5000, which is usually what the rental company will hit you with.

    • "For example $2500 rental car excess cover vs $5000"

      Actually it looks to be $2250.

    • Yeah TID, SCTI and 1Cover all seem to be much better options.

  • If no mistaken, it's only for oversea travels.

    • "If no mistaken, it's only for oversea travels."

      Q: Does International Travel Insurance included with Credit Cards cover domestic travel?

      A: No.

  • +1

    Yes its only for overseas travels and also gold comes with 3 months platinum 6 months and diamond upto 12 months. And no purchase of airfare or anything like that required.

  • I just wish the bank sent me some Gold/Diamond/Platinum ….

  • what if you were studying outside of Australia but come back to Australia every 2 months?

  • They also have a 250 dollars excess on medical. I needed to go to the emergency for an allergic reaction and found out.

  • $250 excess on each claim

  • +3

    Not new but I have used this insurance many times and has saved me more than it's cost me.

  • Is it really worth it with the $250 excess?

    You can get a World2Cover policy for $100 - $150 with no excess, i guess if you wanna weigh up the risk of claiming vs no claiming its something to think about.

    • You cannot get that for less than 150$

    • +2

      It's a $250 excess, but the policy cost is $0 - you only have to pay the excess if you have to make a claim.

      What do you think your ratio of claims to trips will be ? If you make a medical claim 1 in every 10 overseas trips, you're out of pocket $250 with CommBank (1 * Excess only) and $1500 with World2Cover (10 * $150) after 10 trips !

      • I have spent more than 300 days covered by travel insurance in the past 4 years and not had to make one claim. It's super important to have the insurance but in my own experience, I am happy with $250 excess because I have never had to use it. (By the way most of that time I was paying for TI not using commbank)

  • Travel insurance. You get what you pay for.

    Better safe than sorry.

  • +1

    I had an accident 2 years ago and broke my hip in Madrid. The operation, 2 x one way business flights and 1 x economy flight as someone had to accompany me on the flight home plus loss of income probably came to about $40 000 in total. Thanks for the free insurance ( and those lovely Spanish nurses ) compliments of CBA and Allianz. Well worth the $119 a year as that was the 4th time I've had travel insurance for free which has saved me over $1000 on top of this too.

  • +1

    I was involved in an earthquake and my canon 5D camera was smashed. when it came time to make my claim, insurance depreciated it real hard. The camera which costed me $3000 with receipts, was depreciated down to $750 and so they only paid out what they though it was worth. At that time, no canon 5D cameras on the market were worth even under $1500 and there was no way i was able to buy another canon 5D camera with what they paid out.

  • Although a year old this is a great comparison site of most of the major cards…..

  • Would you recommend applying for the card just for one trip overseas and then cancelling afterwards?

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