This was posted 6 years 9 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Nintendo Switch] Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle - $44.97 (Was $89.95) @ EB Games


Lowest price for a new copy of the game. Can also get it pre-owned for $36

Great review of the game

Just Dance 2018 is also on sale

Make sure to turn off adblock, thanks Dunnymeister!
Also the same price at Amazon. Thanks tms846!

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • Great game for a great price.

  • +2

    Great Game. Great Price.

    Sigh. Bought this and was I think 80% of the way through before I some how lost the cartridge…. would like to finish but think I need to borrow the cart off of some one because I'm hoping to one day find it again … and I'm just too tight to repurchase.

  • This game is not made by Nintendo correct?

    • +1


      • Thanks

  • +1

    Collectors is 77

    • +1

      ….unless you're a schmuck buying it on eBay ;-) $110 all the way up to $440!

      • +1

        Whaaaaat. I won the collectors edition in a competition, played the game and sold it on eBay about a month after it came out. It only got about $90!

  • +2

    Now I just need a Nintendo Switch.

  • +3

    Of course - 4 days after I bought it for $59 at JB..

  • Anyone else having trouble checking out? Enter all my details, click "confirm" and the button plays a little animation before becoming active again and showing no error message.

    • +3

      Update: Disable your ad blocker, their new checkout process doesn't play nice with it

      • Thanks. Was wondering what that oddness was!

  • Fantastic deal. Picked up pre-owned version and Just Dance 2017 :)

  • Thanks! Just bought a pre-owned one to pick up at store.

  • +5
  • +1


    I rented it months back, spent about 15 hours beating the main story of it, and returned it. Absolute blast. Thought it would suck given the Rabbids' involvement but the game was daaaaamn good, I was sad to finish it.

    However, I have finished it, and I think it's too soon for me to really bother replaying it, especially since I've barely touched DKCTF, Hyrule Warriors, and a bunch of other games at that.

    GREAT to see it hitting this price though, despite not being made by Ninty I was expecting it to hold onto the Ninty price for years as per usual, this is good tbh.

    • +1

      who says ninty

      • +2

        Duke nukem.

      • English people

      • It's time to kick ass and shorten company names, and I'm all out of names.

    • Thought I read somewhere it was like 30 hours or so.

      • Took me somewhere between 15 and 20 hours but that was deadset just playing the thing's main missions, not really exploring for hidden stuff, not unlocking the bonus missions, sticking with the same basic group and not branching out, no replaying any missions, and also not dying a lot as IIRC I picked easy mode like the (profanity) I am.

        Could take a lot longer depending on how you play, but since it was borrowed I knew how much time I had and didn't wanna dawdle.

  • Wasn't it about the same price last year ($50+?) that included the figurine?
    Tried doing a search on ozbargain but couldn't find it.

    • I vaguely recall it being around that late last year or early this year. Not certain but.

  • Trying to checkout but it won't process my payment. Anyone else having issues?

    • look above - turn off adblock.

  • -5

    Still too expensive for me. I’ll wait until it gets to $30

    • a mario game will go cheaper you reckon?

      • well, it kinda has Mario in there :)

    • what's your expected timeframe for that to occur?

    • Can probably get that price only on gumtree

    • +2

      Just picked up Mario 3D Land in Big W for 29 bucks. That only took 6 and a half odd years to hit that price, always play the waiting game. Pays off every time.

  • Nice one! Thank you for sharing; much appreciated … will forward to others. ☺

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Just got myself a pre-owned copy :)

  • +1

    Cheers OP, just called and had a pre-owned copy sent to my local store, along with a WoW - Faerie Dragon Plushie on special for $24 (normally $48.94). The Missus has been asking for one for ages, but never see them in store. Brownie points secured!…

  • AC Origins, GTA V, FH3 also part of the sale.

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