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$0 eBook: Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory @ Amazon

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By Eric Delson, Ian Tattersall, John Van Couvering and Alison S. Brooks (Editors)
780 pages, 2nd edition, published Nov 23, 2004

Amazon's Description:
Praise for the first edition: "The most up-to-date and wide-ranging encyclopedia work on human evolution available."—American Reference Books Annual "For student, researcher, and teacher…the most complete source of basic information on the subject."—Nature "A comprehensive and authoritative source, filling a unique niche…essential to academic libraries…important for large public libraries." —Booklist/RBB

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  • Also available for free.

    Although I believe it belongs in the fiction section.

    And on the 5th day…

    • But on the 6th day, God created man.

      • +1

        Several years later man created gods and various other sundry monsters, demons and other myths.

        • If you're interested in myths… this is definitely the book for you.

    • +1

      endogenous retroviruses have already proven evolution and debunked the literal bible interpretation.

      • -2

        LOL. Ok. So life was created from non-life? Without looking it up I can confidently say nope.

        Or, an experiment - arranged by 'scientists' - in an ideal environment - using chemicals, and test tubes manufactured by a factory and perfect light and air conditions and using pre-existing living material… proves no intelligent design is necessary. Hahaha!!!

        • Should have done some 'looking up' Greg. Evolution has nothing to do with the origin of life. Even Pope Francis representing the Catholic church accepts evolution along with past popes.

          You should also look at what is known as a logical fallacy aka lies, and try avoid those in future. Religions don't like lairs.

        • It does not rule out a god. It just proves we and other apes share a common ancestor. 1 in 3 billion chance to share a single ERV insertion in the same location, yet we share 99.9% of our ERV insertions in the same location. That is 203,000 of them with chimps.

  • +2

    I just found out there's an Amazon Kindle app for Android.…

    So Android users can view this.

    • +2

      I was able to successfully add it to my Kindle cloud reader account, using Android.

  • +2

    And here's the PDF direct link instead of a crappy propriety e-book format

  • There have been many new discoveries since its publication, especially the Denisovans and our view of interbreeding of the Denisovans, Neanderthal and early humans.

  • -1

    When you compile all the traits they claim neanderthals possess, they're no different to modern humans.

    • What are the traits you have compiled to make this claim?

      If you look in this encyclopedia you will find an entire section dedicated to Neanderthals specific characteristics:

      Many observations made on the relatively small sample of Neanderthals known by the early years of the twentieth century have been confirmed, while others have been shown to be misconceptions based on incomplete knowledge or preconceived ideas about the course of human evolution. Some Neanderthal features regarded as primitive are now known to be present in at least some modern populations; others appear to be rather specialized. Some supposedly aberrant features are, in fact, primitive for hominids and can be recognized in recent discoveries representing more archaic groups. Primitive features found in the Neanderthals include a long, low cranial vault, with a flattened top to the skull, and a short parietal arch. There is a primitive (for humans in general), welldeveloped supraorbital torus that is especially strong centrally, a large face with a broad nasal opening, a fairly large dentition (especially incisors), and a mandible that, in most cases, lacks a bony chin. The cranial base is broad and, in some specimens at least, flattened rather than well flexed. The postcranial skeleton shares a whole suite of characters with those of earlier archaic humans, through an emphasis on strong musculature and thickened shafts to the bones. Advanced (derived) characters that the Neanderthals appear to share with living humans include lateral reduction of the browridge, reduced development of the occipital torus, a relatively rounder occipital profile and longer occipital plane, a large brain, reduced facial prognathism, and unthickened ilium of the pelvis above the hip joint (acetabulum).

      The Neanderthals also show their own special characters, present in most or all specimens but rarely found out-side the group. These specialized features include the spherical shape of the cranial vault in rear view and the posterior position of the (usually very large) maximum breadth of the skull. On the occipital bone is a central depression at the upper limit of the neck musculature (a suprainiac fossa), and a prominent juxtamastoid crest along the lower margins of the bone. In the face are a number of special features associated with the phenomenon of midfacial projection, in which the enormous nose stands out from the swept-back and inflated cheek bones, and the teeth are similarly positioned far forward. This positioning of the teeth leads to the occurrence of a space behind the third molars (retromolar space). On the internal surface of the ascending ramus of the lower jaw, there is often an unusual shape (called horizontal-oval, or H-O) to the mandibular foramen or hole, which may be related to the strong musculature of the jaws in Neanderthals.

      The rest of the skeleton shows other features that may be specialized in Neanderthals, although, because of limited information about these areas in earlier hominids, we cannot be sure. One aspect concerns the body proportions of Nean-derthals, which may have been the result of cold-adaptation. Another concerns the shoulder blade (scapula), which has on its back edge a well-developed groove for a muscle that runs to the upper arm. And at the front of the pelvis is a long and flattened pubic ramus in all Neanderthals (male and female) where this part has been preserved. This latter feature has been linked with the birth of large-headed infants in Nean-derthal women (it has been suggested on this basis that gestation length in Neanderthals was as long as twelve months), although this peculiarity has also—more convincingly—been related to locomotion. Neanderthals were certainly large-bodied by the standards of modern hunter-gatherers; by various means it is possible to estimate their body weight as ca. 65kg (more than 140 Ib) in males and perhaps 50kg (110 Ib) in females. This weight would have been for lean and heavily muscled bodies. Since many Neanderthals lived in relatively cold environments, it is not surprising, considering Bergmann’s biological rule, that they were heavily built. Similarly, following Allen’s rule, it would be expected that body extremities would be shortened if Neanderthals were cold adapted, and this also appears to be the case. As in present-day cold-adapted peoples, such as the Lapps and Eskimos, the forearms (radius and ulna) and shinbones (tibia and fibula) of European Neanderthals were proportionately shortened compared with the upper-arm and leg bones. This effect was less marked in the Neanderthals of Iraq and Israel. As well as being stockily built, the Neanderthals were fairly short in stature. Estimates from the long bones of their skeletons suggest that males averaged ca. 169cm (5 feet, 6 inches), while females averaged ca. 160cm (5 feet, 3 inches). The Neanderthals were large brained, and their known average cranial capacity is larger than the modern average (more than 1,450ml). In common with earlier humans, however, the brains of Neanderthals were low and broadest near the base, with small frontal lobes and large, bulging occipital lobes at the back. The significance for Neanderthal intellectual capabilities of the large size and unusual shape of their brains is still unclear.

      Neanderthal Characters, Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory, pp 970 on wards

      These traits are not being 'claimed'. They are what has been found in many fossils. I don't see how you can possibly say Neanderthals are no different to modern humans - just look at these bones!. Maybe you should try "looking it up".

  • +1

    Nothing better than free E books

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