Officeworks have decided to match the current coles deal :)
Makes it easier for people who want to get the cards delivered just as an alternate option.
As always, enjoy :)
Officeworks have decided to match the current coles deal :)
Makes it easier for people who want to get the cards delivered just as an alternate option.
As always, enjoy :)
Can i use apple gift cards on netflix if i dont have an apple account?
No - need to set it up on an Apple device initially.
What if my current Netflix account is set up to deduct money from my Google Play credit, can I change it over to my iTunes account? Do you need Apple TV?
@edfoo: I'll like to know too if we can switch from Google Play to iTunes or need to create new Netflix account on iDevice. Anybody done this?
I was previously paying via Google and transferred payment via Apple. I had to cancel Netflix, wait for it to lapse, then sign up again via an Apple device. It was a pain, but the constant 20% discount makes it worthwhile.
@jainp: Same one. The process is simple, just takes time. Cancel your current account. When that finally ends, you log in and sign up again. Do this via an Apple Device to be able to select payment via iTunes and it's been working for a year without issues.
@FatBoyNotSoSlim: cool…thanks. not too bad then as I want to keep the history in Netflix. Last question - Did U cancel within Google Play or Netflix or both?
@jainp: It's the Netflix account that I cancelled, as that cancelled the reoccurring billing from Google Play. Then I just logged in on an Apple device, and selected a new plan to sign up with, and paid via iTunes.
@FatBoyNotSoSlim: Thanks. But now a day you don't get constant 20% discount on iTunes gift cards anymore. Normally just 15%. This is just a one off 20% discount.
@edfoo: Yes, but that's not an issue. Just buy $100 or $200 in cards, and preload your balance and top up over the next year as needed.
@Roemac: You can use iTunes Credit to pay for any in app purchases/subscriptions and Spotify does offer in app purchases for their monthly subscription plans.
However you do want to check because some in app purchases for subscription based services will have a higher price in the App Store to cover Apple's cut but not all do.
just cancel your sub, wait for the account to lapse, and then sign up via iTunes again…Netflix should retain your account, favourites, seen etc for at least 30days i think. If you have issue, the Netflix chat were really helpful for me a couple years ago
will they hike the price if I suspend the subscription and resume next month?
My current Netflix via iTunes is still $11.99.
@Apue: Most likely it will. I just recently resubscribed after many months away and it shows $9.99, $13.99 or $19.99
@Apue: I got an email a while back saying that they were going to increase the price from $11.99 to $13.99 (HD) for those who had been subscribed via iTunes.
Fast forward until now and it's still charged at $11.99.
I wonder if they require people to resubscribe at the new price?
@Apue: If you are already paying for Netflix via iTunes, you dont have to suspend your account though….unless i misread your comment. If you suspend and re-sub ye you will get new rates..not sure why my rates havent changed to $19/m yet, but im not complaining lol
Restart your membership at any time. Your viewing preferences will be saved for 10 months.
How kind of them! Thanks OP. Need to top up for Netflix.
You can pay your Netflix subscription with iTunes cards?
Yes if you setup ur subscription through ur iDevice. Then you’ll always get it atleast 15% cheaper with all the iTunes card deals.
Huh…oh well.
Sounded like a tax fraud scam on initial reading haha
@cheaponos: Thanks for that - definitely going to go for that.
So, given the 12 month expiry for gift cards, is all I need to do add the credit to my apple account through the app store, cancel and wait for subscription to run out, then just re-sign up through the app on my iPad?
I've never used the app store for anything paid, so I'm just confirming I don't have to do anything weird with the gift cards and only use the code in the Netflix app instead of the app store or something.
The Gent
Edit: bigger question - do I have to use my Apple ID for the Netflix subscription email?
Better to get at coles if you have amex plat edge, for the 3xpoints
Is it possible to use a Coles Myer/Westfield gift card to buy these? I presume so given the giftcards act as a savings account EFTPOS transaction at the till?
and it is worth noting that Officeworks is listed on the retailers accepting Coles Myer Group GCs.
Can i pay Apple music subscription with iTunes cards?
Yep, and iTunes Match too.
Stan too I think
Thanks Downey 😊
Get it delivered. Comes in free large box to store other items in.
Awesome deal for both Coles and Officeworks. Do you get flybuy points for buying iTunes GC's too?
Awesome thanks,
Taking advantage of the same day delivery service!
Do these also work with ATO payments?
Yes, though it would be common courtesy for you to ask the scammer for their Flybuys number so they get the most value.
I tried to offer Myer vouchers but the insisted only iTunes
Unavailable online — looks like it's been OzBargained!
[update] $50 and $100 unavailable. The $30 cards were showing up as $30 before, but it looks like they've changed them to the correct discounted price of $24 now.
Hmm worked for me. I just bought 3x $100 and a $50. (Gonna grab Logic Pro)
EDIT: well looks like the $50's are gone … $100's will probably follow.
It looks like Officeworks goes via your location. I'm in Sydney and it looks like the Sydney region is all sold out now.
Hay St Perth Officeworks are having a problem processing gift cards, not sure about other stores
I just tried purchasing 3 x $100 cards from Officeworks this morning (Brisbane CBD). None went through, so they grabbed another 3…same issue. They then tried another 2, scanning one at a time. No go. So I left the store, went over to the next block and bought them from Coles. Went through and redeemed first go.
Hunter St, Sydney CBD store are having the same problem as well. Then when I went back to my PC to order online, all of the cards are already sold out and unavailable, dangit :(
Officeworks in Sydney City locations have not been activating and hence they aren't selling them…
Ordered some cards online for delivery in Brisbane but none of them were activated properly.
Great now I can finally afford to buy 20x $100 vouchers to pay the Indian computer company who fixed my computer from viruses.
God bless them call centres
out of stock online
Must be OOS for Sydney unfortunately, still showing fully in stock in QLD. Order from HN with price match via live chat if it's easier.
Just tried Harvey Norman online chat, they refused to price match as the Officeworks site says the cards are Unavailable/out of stock for Sydney. Coles doesn't seem to have the offer on their website either, so we're out of luck.
I must say, this "we are having problems activating cards" thing is awfully convenient timing for OW when they would otherwise have to sell the cards at a good discount ;)
Thanks OP, just bought 3 from OW Trinity Gardens and loving free delivery.
Logic Pro sorted, for my upcoming Macbook Pro purchase :D
Bought at Coles, The staff member told me that after watching a training video they had to look for signs people were anxious or worried when buying the cards to ensure the buyer wasn't falling for a ATO scam. It's good customer service and PR at least
No such luck at two OW in Newcastle… Having trouble with scanning them at POS. Apparently the gift card company is having trouble activating
Seems to be working again now.
i purchased a card online with delivery…… received card, hasnt been activated.
Likewise bought some cards online this morning. Delivered later in the day but none of the cards have been properly activated.
iTunes Store app error:
The Gift Certificate or Prepaid Card code you entered has not been properly activated.
Officeworks asked me via live chat to email the serial number of each card to them. They said they will notify me once the cards have been activated. Haven't heard anything back yet.
A barcode scanner app saved me from typing out each serial number.
UPDATE: Officeworks phoned from an 02 number to notify me that the cards have been activated.
Anyone know if iCloud storage can be charged to this?
yes you can
FFS $26 postage to northern NSW for a iTunes Gift Card!
thanks Doweyy. $80 w/ Free Delivery works out way better for me than driving to Coles. Netflix 4-screen UHD for $11.99 sounds very good to me.