This was posted 14 years 1 month 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

SOCKPUPPETING $24.95 - Awesome 8 Point Surge Protection Brand Name Power Board with Individual Switches


AWESOME Brand Name Power Board with Surge Suppression.
Protect your Appliances, Telephone, Broadband, Satellite and TV Connections with this High Quality 8 Point Power Board with 8 Independently Switched ON/OFF sockets.
• Power Board & Surge Suppressor
• 8 Individually Switched (on/off) AC Sockets
• AC Filter and Overload Protection
• Telephone Line Protection
• Satellite and TV Surge Suppression
• 1.2 meter power cord with insulated pins
• Power Rating: 230-240V AC 50Hz
• Current: 10AMP (Max)
• Surge Current: 52,000 Amps
• Energy Absorption: 1,550 Joules
• Protection Mode: Active-Neutral-Earth
• $150,000 of Guaranteed Insurance Cover*
*for all connected Appliances
$6.95 Shipping Australia Wide

Hot New Bargains every day from 10am. aims to provide the best deals available on any of the products we list.. some items are up to 90% off RRP. Sorry Guys, We had some teething problems yesterday on our launch day but back online with 1 new offer and yesterday's offer available again for those who missed out! We have some amazing deals coming up, like a 6KG Brand Name washing machine with Dryer for $299, 1 Terabyte external Hard Disk Drive for $49, etc etc in a few days time.. Stay Tuned and Thanks for your support.

MOD: Sockpuppeting has occured on this page, the esold rep has been sent to the penalty box and can't respond for a month.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    What's the brand name? If it's awesome, why not mention it?

  • +2

    Brand is Arista per their website.

    Price is pretty good I guess, Dealsdirect have it for $40 plus shipping.

    Rep: Suggest you put some shipping estimates in for each state as your site won't let us check until we've created an account.

    • The ad above says $6.95 shipping Australia wide

  • +1

    The brand name is Arista.

    Arista Electronics

    218 Princes Hwy,
    Dandenong, Victoria 3175
    Postal Address - PO Box 7026 Dandenong, Vic 3175
    Ph - +613 9792 4645, 1300 852 174
    Fax - +613 9792 4745, 1800 061 856
    Email - [email protected]

    Not sure how easy is it to get the "$150,000 of Guaranteed Insurance Cover". If your how caught fire from this though.

  • interesting, but there's like 2 minutes left til end of the sale

  • 23 Hours left until end of sale, not 2 minutes and $6.95 delivery Australia Wide..

  • -6

    If you can buy 3000 at one time from Supplier as a bulk buy then you may have a chance of getting close to our price.. Why you would want to post a negative comment like that?? Would be great to get some support on the great deals we are offering, Is'nt that what this site is about?.. Please vote for us and help us!

    • +5

      I assume this is a response to RandomNinja.

      His comment is, at worst, neutral and informative to the bargain hunters. For you it should come off as a positive thing to say - the closest price he can find is $40. People will read that and see your price is $25 and with after some complicated mathematics come to understand yours is $15 cheaper.

      He also gave you a helpful tip on making the deal more accessible to ozbargainers by adding shipping details.

      The point of the comments section is to discuss whether the deal is a bargain, not supporting or helping out a rep for a company. That's not to say there's anything wrong with supporting a rep who's putting out good deals, but it's not done every time just to be super positive.

      • I assumed it was a comment to maxixix's trolling below….

        • +4

          So your working hypothesis is that esold can see the future?

        • Oh dear.

        • +2

          perhaps not… :)

      • Good Point.. Taken.. Thanks for the feedback

  • -2

    Not a bargain.

  • +1

    good price, purchased a few of them on COTD last year for $29.95 + $7.95 shipping (Victoria), they work very well, did actually protected my PC/2x32" LCDs from a power surge late last year.

    • Did other stuff in your house die, or did the switch on the board just flick?

      Not criticizing, just wondering how you determined that it protected your pc/screens.

  • +4

    I havent seen a power board without a brand name, also have never heard of Arista least they are Australian apparently.

    also i would not be connecting 8 devices at once unless they were low power devices, end in tears with cheaper power boards

    "Would be great to get some support on the great deals we are offering, Is’nt that what this site is about?.. "

    Yes when the deals are good, when they are on the edge they get burnt like you wouldnt beleive, thick skin is a must!

    • 8 devices is fine depending on what they are. If its computer gear like hubs, routers etc they draw very little no power, just a bit of inrush current if they all turn on at the same time like after a power outage. I have something like 16 powered devices in my study at home coming out of 4 points on the wall and tested everything, all well below the specifications of the power boards I'm using.

      Admittedly my Z-5500s are plugged straight into the a wall socket :P

      • did you miss this part "8 devices at once unless they were low power devices"

  • 23 Hours? Says 4 minutes to me.

    • Weird… shows 22.5hrs for me

  • +3

    I thought this meant that the brand name was called 'Awesome'.
    Sounds like a trustworthy brand name to me.

  • what time is your PC set to? We have our site set to check your own PC time.. I am guessing your time is not Australian time? Sale is still in effect until 10am tommorrow.

    • That doesn't sound very reliable =|

    • +1

      Incorrect; our Domain Controller is CST and is correctly synching NTP.

      You do realise that 10:00am in, say, Melbourne is different to other parts of the country?

      My post was at 9:56am ish CST, which explains the 4 minutes remaining vs what you saw as 23 hours. It counts down to the next 10:00am period, regardless of date. That's a terrible way to do it. Make it so that it internally checks and displays the actual time remaining on the sale (10:00am wherever your place of business is).

  • weird it just went to 23 hours remaining… lol

    must've started a new 24 hours on the same product :P

  • looks like the same one as catch of the day, the bosson one

  • +1

    It's an ugly SOB that's for sure.

  • Thanks for your support Guys and please vote for us.. We want to keep offering you guys awesome deals. I have been personally buying bargains I have seen on here for over 12months and this site inspires us too .. Awesome to offer you all amazing deals..

  • +1

    had one break down on me the other day. build quality of the device is poor. opened it up and half the wires inside where soldered on, and the other half the person on made it "forgot" or where to "lazy" to solder them together. the wires inside where just looped and twisted. had to resolder all the loose connectors to get it working again.

  • Arista or Bostton? They are different products from different manufacturers, even though they may look similar. and we have the newest version which is great quality.. Passes all Australian Standards

  • Rep: Suggest you put some shipping estimates in for each state as your site won’t let us check until we’ve created an account. (to reiterate RN's comment)

  • SAME shipping cost australia wide at the moment $6.95 GUYS.. Great deal and selling fast. Thanks for the support. we are excited to continue offering you amazing deals every day..

  • alternatively, you can get this 10 port surge protector ( $29.95 + $5.95 for shipping at 1-day

  • This is cheap, I bought the same one from COTD a few years back and has my tv and entertainment unit running off it, no probs so far. I might buy another one but has anyone bought from this site before? I'm wary of registering on so many different sites.

  • We are a Registered Australian Company with good Backing and we only use PayPal with full buyer security and protection. We don't take any credit card details on our servers as all transactions are always done on PayPal.

    • -1

      Only accepting payments through Paypal is pretty amateur.

      • +1

        We are doing it for our own security and buyer security. Some of the biggest sites in the worls use PayPal! We do no want to deal with Fraudulent Transactions and PayPal verifies everyone which is Great! Paypal also offers you the option of Paying with your credit card and not registering.. :)

      • Yes it may be aka prices search etc , although if they have experience and some protection it can be fine.

        In retrospect i am thinking you may have called this one out early and may be right :)

  • Is the shipping cost of $6.95 are for each, or any quantity?

    • Just tried for 2. It said shipping was $8.95

  • +2

    Bad news.

    The website is registered to Computercom Pty Ltd ABN 19079795494. That ABN has been cancelled since 2003. In case you're wondering, that means exactly as it sounds. From the ABR website: An ABN with a status of 'cancelled' means that the ABN has been deactivated and is no longer current.

    There is no alternative ABN listed.

    This is a private seller, not a business.

    • We bought the Domain Name and it is being transferred. eSOLD Australi Pty Ltd is a Registerd Australian Company and the domain is ours now..

      • Ah, that's good to hear.

        You may want to put those business details on your "About Us" page, and change your domain registry accordingly.

          147 457 743
          60 147 457 743
          Type Australian Proprietary Company, Limited By Shares

          Domain Registry will be updated soon.

        • Yes, I understood that from your previous post. I was talking about adding it to your About Us page:


  • +1

    The one on 1-Day "looks" better..

    • That actually does look really cool

    • Looks good, just not sure of the quality, and this one does not have individual switch.

  • Just ordered one. Hope the quality as described :)

  • I have one of these Arista boards for more than a year now and even after daily on and off cycles there is no problem with it at all.

  • Response time please? (typically in Nanoseconds)

    • sorry, they have been banned due to another incident. They can't reply for a month.

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