This was posted 6 years 9 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] PlayStation Store Sale: Games under $30 ~ God of War 3 $15.55 (PS Plus Req), Mafia III $22.95, Fallout 4 $17.95


Found this on my email thought I should share, I would be getting God of War 3.

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closed Comments

  • Is there a way to play God of War II on PS4? I've done one but never 2 or 3 - going to buy this 3 but what to do about 2?

    • +1


      God of war 2 is on PS2 and PS3

      Pity as I reckon it had the best story that one

      • Plus fighting the Colossus… wow that was amazing at the time. Would still be fun today. Great moment.

      • It's also on the vita.

    • Still playing GoW 2 on my ps3. Halfway I think.

      Bought the GoW 3 special even though I have the PS3 version. $15 is not bad and Digital Foundry had a really good analysis of it.

      • I just played through it. Finally after 10 years! Yep, it's certainly good and still holds up very well. Still not a fan of all the QTEs but I feel like there was less than GOW1

        Also, took me a lot longer than most folks apparently. I sunk in an easy 22 hours to finish it

  • +2

    Knack baybeeeeeee!

    • I've heard good things and it was the main title to stand out from the rest.

      • You need to tag that with a /s

        • But I don't because I've never played it and have heard great things

    • +2

      you know what's better than knack? knack 2 it's a masterpiece, with the gameplay of knack but with the story line of transformers

      • Knack 2 was surprisingly fun!
        I feel that it was highly influenced by God of War (not newest) gameplay

      • Especially playing with someone else.

    • mastapeece

  • Any huge difference between NFS And NFS Rivals ?

    • NFS you play as a member of a gang of racers, the FMV cut scenes are terrible. Rivals you play as either cop or racer, it's more gadgety imo. Handling feels better in Rivals imo.

  • +1

    Currently playing through GoW 3 while waiting for my GoW 2018 to arrive from Harvey Norman. It's been two and a half weeks…

    • Time to chase that up I think.. ridiculous it’s taken so long. I’ve already got my Plat for it!! Such a good game. You’ll love it when you eventually receive it.

  • +1

    If you haven't played inFamous: First Light, now would seem to be the best time to pick it up. $7.55 for the convenience of a digital copy seems quite good considering a used physical copy sells for about $10.

    • Would you say it's better or worse than second son? I'm like a third way into second son and I'm struggling to care enough to finish it.

      • +3

        Same same, but different.

        Second Son felt like Infamous Lite.
        Still fun though

  • What about Alien Isolation for $13

    • It's an excellent game if you're a fan of the movies. Just got a few bad reviews.

      Some of the best AI/Atmosphere this gen.

    • +1

      It will freak the hsit out of you.

    • +1

      A brilliantly underrated game. Well worth it for that price.

  • $10 Bound, awesome

    • Play the demo… if you can..

  • +3

    PS4 sales kill my wallet.

    • +1

      how its digital :P

      • digital wallets probably hold more money today than all physical wallets have since the invention of the wallet.

        • I don't think cryptocurrencies are money …

  • Tekken 7 still pricey…

    • +1

      Yeah base isn't bad, but I want the complete edition.

      • Like wise - been holding off with the hope a more definitive disc edition is released too - or a switch version for the on the go.(if)

        No hurry (yet) - well at least until i return back home where most my mates play this local couch anyway.

  • +1

    $24 for the Jak and Daxter games is worth it, despite the terrible job Sony did with the emulation (the PS4 emulations are objectively worse than the PS3 remasters due to a lower resolution)

  • +2

    thanks mate, loved the new God of War so much, so just got the 3 remastered too. I haven't played any of the previous 3 games

  • I still think some games are a little pricey. Either they've been cheaper in the past or can buy them a little cheaper elsewhere.

  • Nice, war of the monsters for $5

  • Will I be able to access these purchased games if I no longer have the plus membership?
    I currently dont have membership but am considering to re-register to buy some of these games

    • +1

      Of course. Games are yours too keep forever.

  • Thinking of buying gang beast. Is it a fun couch co-op game?

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