• expired
  • targeted

3000pts ($15) for Using Woolworths Rewards Card Once at Woolworths, BWS & Caltex Woolworths Each (ie. 3 Shops, No Min Spend)


Simply shop and scan your Rewards card once at any Woolworths supermarket, once at any BWS store, and once at any Caltex Woolworths over the next 2 weeks.

No minimum spend amount - just 3000 big bonus points* for doing your normal grocery, liquor and fuel shop!

Activate now - starts today!
Hit the 'activate now' button then shop and scan in all 3 locations by Sunday, 20th May. Points will be added to your balance no later than Friday 25th May.

Woolworths Rewards not available in Tasmania

Referral Links

Everyday Extra: random (954)

Referee and referrer get 1500 points after referee's first paid month of subscription.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards
BWS - Beer Wine Spirits
BWS - Beer Wine Spirits
Woolworths Petrol
Woolworths Petrol

closed Comments

  • +3

    Cheapest thing u can buy from bws? Water? Ice?

    • +1

      I think the BWS part is the bottleneck that will eat all the value in thi, unless you wanted something there anyway

    • +18

      spend $5 in supermarket to get receipt rewards deal on beer and go to bws, currently yak ales (Fat yak and Pacific Ales) for $14 or $16 (cant remember exactly) and buy woolworths milk 2L/3L for $2/$3 at servo(same price as supermarket) if you don't buy the fuel from them and VOILA!!!

      • outside the box af. respect!~

    • Matches or cigarette papers.

      • +1

        Probably won't work, someone shared the conditions below

        This offer does not apply to purchases involving internet cafes, purchases of smoking/tobacco products and accessories, Gift Cards (including iTunes), mobile recharge, Woolworths Mobile, travel cards and tickets, woolworthsflowers.com.au , Carpet Care, Donations, lottery products, Pre-order Kiosks and Auto-order products.

    • Pretty sure they sell chips and Bhuja. May be a 15 cents plastic bag :)

    • An enviro bag or gift bag.

      Both are $1.50

    • +3

      I bought a bottle of WW Select 600ml Spring Water $1

      • and you can return the bottle for an extra 10c

    • +1

      I bought Cascade soda water 850ml for $1.50.

    • Just camp the register spot and ask if you can scan your card.

  • Is there a direct URL for this? It doesn't come up for me.

    • the offer was received via email.

  • -1

    Got a similar deal but 2000pts last week. The minimum spend is $0.05 and limited to my recently visited store. Anyway, good discover OP

  • -3

    It says "week 2 offer". What did you get for week 1 OP?

    • +4

      It says "week 2 offer"

      No it says "2 week offer"

    • +6

      Should've gone to Specsavers!

  • +1

    I've been doing my shopping no where else and been scanning my Woolies card after every shop for the past 5-6 years now. My details in Rewards account are all accurate but I've never once been targeted for good deals like this?

    What gives?

    • +5

      They don't need to offer you anything because you are already shopping with them every week. Either make a new card and use it every 2nd week or don't shop at woolworths for awhile and they will start to send you some good offers.

    • +5

      Because you're a loyal customer.

      This is essentially a retention offer, they know they don't need to offer incentive for you to shop with them.

      My advice, get a second card, two flybuys, and cuddles then to get best offers

      Edit: ninja'd by 5 secs

      • +6

        I like the cuddles part

    • +4

      Modern day customer "loyalty"

    • Woolies only target customers that aren't weekly shoppers for these promos.

      My suggestion would be to request a new rewards card under a new name and email address and not use it. Just wait for targeted promos.

      • Disagree, I share card with my parents, easily scan my card 2-3 times a week, got this offer.

        • As a member of the Woolworths Rewards loyalty program, did you get the 6500 point offer for shopping at woolies over 4 weeks from this week? (With minimum spend)?

          I’m guessing you got this 3000 point targeted deal because you rarely shop at BWS and or Caltex branded Woolworths stores.

      • Shop regularly at Woolworths, weekly or more, bws rarely, petrol now and then..

    • +1

      Probably random,

      I do most of my shopping at wooliesl, probably go and scan twice a week. Doing it for years,and scan at Caltex too for the 4c off. And I got the offer. So probably just random.

      • even if it's random having 2 cards gives you twice the chance :D

      • Probably not that random:

        "Both major supermarket chains run loyalty schemes that collect massive amounts of data about their customers. But there's no point collecting the terabytes unless intelligence is applied to its meaning.

        Coles appears to tell me about stuff it's desperate to get rid of. The emails I receive from Woolworths tell me about stuff that I want to buy.

        …Four years ago, Woolworths paid $20 million for a 50 per cent stake in data analytics company Quantium.

        The AFR last year reported Quantium was worth $400 million or so – but the value to Woolworths is considerably more than that. Quantium is a local leader in making sense of Big Data, in getting Woolworths to engage me. It's working.

        There's no secret about what Quantium is doing for Woolworths. A video on the Quantium website explains how the "personalisation engine" works and claims that the result is customers are five times more likely to purchase product than would be the case with standard marketing.

        Woolworths' comparable food sales grew by a very sharp 4.9 per cent in the latest quarter, while Coles' sales were effectively flat, up just 0.3 per cent."


        Anyway, I just bought a 1.5L Coke from BWS for $4 and was credited with 4 points (https://i.imgur.com/SG2pvAF.jpg) - not completely atrocious value (normal Woolworths price for 1.25L is $2.90 and the sale price is $1.80) and it's cold too. The chips & nuts though; they were expensive.

        Going to hop on my bike next and get to a Caltex Woolworths for the next adventure. I guess I'll buy another sugar drink as my reward for <$5, combined with my usual sugar purchases I'd make anyway from Woolies, I should be up about $10 overall from this adventure (and no more likely to continue a BWS/Caltex habit).

        This is not an ad. But this is: Eat and drink healthy, drive less, and ride your bike!

    • What gives?

      They have you exactly where they want you, losing money to them every week and selling your accurate information to third parties to make you lose even more money via marketing.

    • +1

      This is why you open 2 cards. Never listen to those ads that say the more you scan the more you save. You only get the best offers if you occasionally scan your scan and spend very little on it. You would then get better offers to entice you to spend more.

      However if you keep spending so much every week, there is little incentive for them to give you good offers because you are already spending big dollars.

      Also login to your account and see if retails offer/communication, whatever its called is checked.

      Also my card has fake information so they can sell the fake information if they want :).

      • Watch out though. I read the t & c in one of their updates and they tokenize your payment method and track it, so any accounts paid with the same card will be associated.

        • I have four accounts and use them intermediately. I always use the same credit card to pay and have not have any issues

        • how about if I used the same egiftcard ti pay, at Woolworths I never used any payment other then egiftcard or prefect giftcard eftpos card.

        • @LoveBargain15:
          Should be fine as each egift card has a unique number and won't be around long enough to get enough hits to be flagged.
          Wouldn't use my personal eftpos or credit card however

        • Hi KT. Have been using multiple Rewards cards for years with no issue about using same payment method (same discounted eGift cards - which are replaced often).

          Advantage is so many offers to take advantage of. Used 3 of these offers yesterday for $45 of credit for buying
          what I was going to by anyway 😀

        • @Infidel:
          Hi Infidel!
          Oh sure, me too
          I noticed they gave themselves rights to record this tracking of your payment source in a recent-ish update. Not exactly sure what they will do with it but, if it were me, I would definitely use it to track unusual activity such as multiple rewards cards that use the same payment source.
          They may not do that, it is just speculation on my part but they definitely added that permission.
          Totally agree that having more than one in the family gives you better offers. My budgie Max likes to leave his for long periods and than get the $10 off $30 that comes up from time to time.

  • So if I go to these 3 stores today I will qualify for 3000 points or this must be done over two weeks? So you must visit 6 times in total of two weeks? Or can be done every single day over two weeks?

    Wish they could clarify this more clearly and be more specific -.-

    • +1

      You need to visit and buy something at each store once over the next 2 weeks to qualify for 3000pts

    • today

      starts tomorrow

      EDIT: Ignore Please!

      • Starts today.

  • +2

    Last time they had this offer on I didn't get any points as the Caltex I went to apparently wasn't eligible (despite the large Woolworths logo at the front of it!).
    Anyone know which ones are eligible in Sydney?

    • +1

      The ones that don't have a star mart. You can check by downloading the Woolworths fuel app.

    • Caltex didn’t used to be part of their points offer. I think it’s a recent thing.

    • +2

      The stations show "Save up to 8c/l" are eligible for this offer while the ones shows "Save 4c/l" are not.

  • “No minimum spend amount - just 3000 big bonus points for doing your normal grocery, liquor and fuel shop!” In the email - does it require a fuel purchase at Caltex Woolworths? If so that has a minimum amount you must purchase listed on the pump!!! (From memory minimum delivery of 2L or 5L for high flow).

    • You don't need to buy fuel

      Simply shop and scan your Rewards card once at any Woolworths supermarket, once at any BWS store, and once at any Caltex Woolworths over the next 2 weeks.

  • Some important T&C:
    This offer is not available in Tasmania.
    This offer does not apply to purchases involving internet cafes, purchases of smoking/tobacco products and accessories, Gift Cards (including iTunes), mobile recharge, Woolworths Mobile, travel cards and tickets, woolworthsflowers.com.au , Carpet Care, Donations, lottery products, Pre-order Kiosks and Auto-order products.

  • +1

    I got 6000 for $50 spend… I'll take it lol

    • +1

      Is that over 4 weeks?

    • Same, 6000pt for $50 over 4 weeks.

      Most recent Flybuys offer was better, 10000pt for same spend & duration.

      • I got 10000 points for 4 week spend over $80 (not one shop)

  • I'm targeted woohoo :)
    Going to get a milk from Caltex, a bread from Woolies and at BWS peanuts?? Not sure at BWS.

    • Bit hard if you're a non drinker. I wonder if they'll look at you funny if you just get a bottle of soda water haha (could always get ice too).

      On the flip side remember that a true Ozbargainer has no shame :P

      • I went back after being declined for my free com at exactly 2:30pm when they said to come back so no shame :D
        Haha I'm not exactly a non drinker, I just tend to make home brew as it's a helluva lot cheaper

        I'll see what they have :P
        Actually - saw a gift bag above for only $1.50!

      • No shame in not drinking. Heaps of famous rich people don't bother with it - Bruce Willis, Donald *****, Casey Neistat, etc (look up "famous teetotalers"). :)

        Just walk in, grab a coke/tonic water/soda water/chips and have your orange card out like a boss. (Don't forget to greet the staff normally though - be normal.)

    • You reckon the system will take just milk from Caltex. I would have thought they need you to fill up petrol

      • Well technically you just need to scan it, worth a shot in my opinion because milk is the same price at Woolies anyway.

    • Bought mints for $1.80 last time.

      • Tic Tacs?? That's a great idea two birds one stone!

  • I hardly ever shop at woolies, so I was targeted. Will have to make those 3 small purchases at some point soon!

  • I'm Targetted this time :-)

  • Targeted but no Woolworths Caltex within cooee :(

  • +4

    The email sent to me stated "just for you". Liar Woolworths!

    • +1

      omission of "and many others" isn't exactly a lie.

  • There we go again…………..I have been target

    • +1

      Book a flight to Melbourne and you'll be qualified :P

  • Does anybody know if we’ll get a message on the receipt saying the bonus points will be credited once we complete the 3 purchases at each store? I've just made a purchase at each store but I didn’t get any message on any of the receipts?

    • Points will be added to your balance no later than Friday 25th May.

      • With WW offers, receipts always showed the bonus points earned from that shop. But I haven’t got the message this time. Hopefully I get the point by 25/5.

    • did you check your balance online

      • yes but nothing yet. Hopefully I get the bonus points soon.

  • I don't drink alcohol so no deal for me.

  • For the BWS stores connected to a woolwotrths store, Is it possible to take groceries through the BWS register to get the BWS spend? (Just a bottle of milk, not a full trolly)

    • +2

      Yes it is possible, did it few times

  • +1

    Everyone targeted got an email but JV hasn't complained to the OP that this is a useless deal as everyone who is targeted will definitely already know about it…

  • For the Caltex one, is just paying for fuel ok, or do you need to buy something in-store as well?

    • no minimum so you can do whatever you like, just remember to scan your reward card

  • +3

    go to bws, wait for someone who doesn't have a card and ninja the scanner!

  • Surprised to get this email offer. I dun shop regularly at woolworths

  • I'm scratching my head at one of the T&C's in the email…

    You’ll earn points every^ time you shop at:
    Woolworths Supermarkets
    Caltex Woolworths Outlets

    But then the ^ condition states…

    ^Earn 1 point for every $1 you spend (excluding purchases of smoking/tobacco products and accessories, liquor, Gift Cards (including iTunes), mobile recharge, Woolworths Mobile, travel cards and tickets, woolworthsflowers.com.au , Carpet Care, Donations, lottery products, Pre-order Kiosks and Auto-order products) when you scan your card, in store or online at Woolworths supermarkets, BWS, Caltex Woolworths (excluding Star Mart and Star Shop) and in all cases excluding Tasmania, or in line with special offers made specifically to you.

    So don't buy liquor from BWS and make sure its not smoking/tobacco related? (¬_¬)

    • That's mildly curious, but the ^ offer doesn't apply to the shop at 3 places for 3000 points one (just in case anyone is getting confused). Maybe points only normally accumulate at BWS if you buy other random stuff? The easiest way to tell would be to buy both an alcohol and a non-alcohol at BWS, scan, and then check your Everyday Rewards account after it updates to see what points have been credited.

      The shop at three places offer (*) has separate terms & conditions:

      "This offer does not apply to purchases involving internet cafes, purchases of smoking/tobacco products and accessories, Gift Cards (including iTunes), mobile recharge, Woolworths Mobile, travel cards and tickets, woolworthsflowers.com.au , Carpet Care, Donations, lottery products, Pre-order Kiosks and Auto-order products."

      Note how it doesn't specify liquor there.

  • i have got this on one of the unused rewards card.

    looks like buying a re-usable bag is the way to go.

    • I bet the bags are probably fairly useless. If you buy a coke, and then sell it for below cost price, that might work out better. …Assuming they don't charge something ridiculous like $4 or $5 for the coke.

      I'm pretty sure they sell nuts though - it's good for keeping drinkers thirsty so that's why they pair it in.

      • makes sense.

  • Bought a stubby holder from BWS for $1 (was $2).

  • the transaction from bws (store is attached to woolworths) shown up as woolworths transaction (in both - cc and wwrewards) - is it normal?

    • I don't know about joined stores, but the standalone BWS I just went to shows up with the text BWS (and no Woolworths branding) in both my card and wwrewards account. If normal purchases from your Woolworths-proper show up as the same thing, my guess is that they won't know that you've purchased anything from BWS?

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