Just want to say thanks for listing the lego on COTD the other day good buy. Please list more lego bargains if it comes along…
Just want to say thanks for listing the lego on COTD the other day good buy. Please list more lego bargains if it comes along…
lol, ive been pretty patient waiting for my lego order, but then today I came home to a final notice from australia post about picking it up before its returned to cotd. Never even got a 1st notice…
I swear they do that sometimes.
hahaha, thats awesome
AHAHAHAHA - good one :-D
It has also happened with me. I have many times got the final notice and I was like, I check my mails daily, where was the first notice.
madturbo123, how is this lego quality? as i bought for present can't open.
To POWERrevolution: LEGO quality should be very good. They are made out of find plastic and that is why it is so expensive.
I didnt realise the "quality" of lego changed. If its the standard bricks… its all good.
i've seen like a collection(a shed filled with lego in cupboards) that was about a half a tonne sell on ebay for (i think) $20000
hmmmm looks like it passed in. tbh 20,000 is a bit much.
I have a large plastic box of it, but nothing like that
So where is the cheapest place to get lego??
I need mooooarrr!
dealextreme sell enlighten "lego". enlighten apparently used to be a chinese company that made lego but stopped (or something like that). anyway -it looks like lego, feels like lego and tastes like plastic. my wife happened to buy some of this enlighten from a shop in Aspley (the new coles shopping centre). $3 for a small box.
I'm an AFOL (Adult Fan Of Lego) so I should try to clear this up. 99% of the Lego you buy in any toy shop is going to be genuine, good quality etc (exactly as you remembered as a kid) and if you're buying in Australia, it all comes from Billund, Denmark.
However there are 2 other cases
1) Knock-offs. Not usually officially licensed, the type you can pick up in $2 stores. Some Lego purists put Mega-Bloks in this category. Quality isn't as good.
2) Licensed Chinese Lego. These are 'legit' in the sense they're licensed by Lego, but made in China, the quality is not quite as good, some of the joints are looser etc. However, these pieces are used almost exclusively for 'accessories' like the Lego pens, Lego watches etc.
Oh what did i miss?