Bottlehead Crack headphone amp reduced from US$299 to US$199, and Speedball module reduced from US$125 to US$100. Priority delivery to Brisbane was US$78.42 for both, bringing the total to US$377.42 (A$500).
This is a tube amplifier for high impedance headphones. It's a DIY kit that you solder together, and everything I have read indicates that it includes excellent instructions and is fine even for beginners to tackle. Lots of info on specs and quote from reviews here.The Speedball is a 'Camille Cascode Constant Current Source upgrade for the Crack headphone amplifier'. In short, it makes the amp sound better, and most people are saying that it's worth it. More info here.
Reviews for the amplifier are extremely positive; here's a 611 page thread on it, and a few links to reviews. Their forum also seems quite active.
I have a speedballed crack and I paid a hell of a lot more than this. I'm listening to it right now, in fact.
If you have open Beyers - esp DT880s, T90s or T1s - go buy this now.