• expired

$5 off Uber Eats Order (New & Existing Users)


Valid for one day only for new and existing users. I'm an existing user and it worked for me.

EDIT: Expired as of 5:07 AEDST

Referral Links

Referral: random (1443)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

Related Stores

Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • +1

    works cheers

  • +1

    Works. Thanks

  • works! (existing user)

  • Bah why is my local Guzman y Gomez unavailable. Wanted a free burrito!

  • +18

    If you want to try your luck, speedily entering in codes shown on a live stream, for like $65-$100 vouchers, take a look at their facebook live stream https://www.facebook.com/ubereatsaustralia/videos/1927444720…

    Managed to snag a $65 and $75 voucher for tonight and tomorrow night. Just be sure not to enter any low value codes as they have to be used in the order you enter them, including this $5 one. The codes usually have their value in it like '60MYMEXLOVE' and 'UNOLOCO1'

    • +2

      Legend!! Managed to get the $60 off with '60MYMEXLOVE'. Thank you! Also I put this code in and then the $60 off, it applies the $60 so don't think it's in order sometimes..

      • +1

        Yup. Unsure if works with future orders, but they're giving away $30k worth of vouchers with I think an hour or so left, so worth trying for a couple vouchers for tonight, tomorrow, and maybe lunch monday :)

        • +2

          I saw it before but didn't think anything of it lol considering that it was on facebook live, thank you so much fo pointing it out! Legend! Have a great evening and enjoy your uber eats :)

        • +2


          I will do. Got $90, $65, $75 and $65. I'll cut my losses now as they seem to be sneaking in a bunch of low value ones which I don't want to add and have come before my other ones. Will see if pre ordering works :)

          Was going to post this on OzBargain, but not sure if forum, comps or deal. Someone can feel free to post it if they like

        • @RyanTheAllmighty: Preordering works

    • +2

      Thanks dude, scored myself $65

    • Legend, scored a $90.

    • I tip my hat to you sir - managed to snag 3 coupons so far. For those who haven't gotten one yet, I'd recommend watching in HD and regularly clicking the live button to make sure you're actually watching a non-buffered version.

  • Nope, deal already over….


  • any codes for tonight that work?



  • +1


  • Has the traffic crashed ubereats or something? Nothing showing up in the app for me

  • Added the GUAC30 promo code but when I'm going to order, nothing appears on my promo list, anyone?

    • This limited promotion has been maxed out and can no longer be applied.

      • I already applied the promo code long before my post and I have it on my list of codes. But when I go to checkout nothing appears.

  • This limited promotion has been maxed out and can no longer be applied.

  • Me and my sister mangaged to get $90, $75, $75, $65, $30, $5 and $5.

  • Managed to get $500 worth of coupons due to this legendary post. Thank you!

    • You must be insanely fat to eat $500 worth food in 2days.

      • I pre-ordered for the whole week.

  • i have a code applied to my account but it doesn’t deduct the value when I place the order?

    Not sure if i should risk it as others have said they have been charged the full amount after ordering…

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