Cheapest price for a great phone.
No notch, almost bezel less and supports many LTE bands.
Only downside is the positioning of the selfie camera.
Delivery times are also respectable.
Cheapest price for a great phone.
No notch, almost bezel less and supports many LTE bands.
Only downside is the positioning of the selfie camera.
Delivery times are also respectable.
Android 8.0.0
Any way to get stock android on these?
I don't quite understand the preference for stock android. Xiaomi phones in general dont have bloatware and the interface is decent?
After you unlock the bootloader (3 days), you can flash an AOSP custom rom and that'll make it stock. Despite owning mostly stock android devices in the past (i.e. Nexus 5, OnePlus One and Nexus 6P), I personally love MIUI. It's a light ROM and adds some cool functionality compared to stock (e.g. iPhone X-like gesture controls) and its as smooth as stock. So definitely try it out before you change to stock.
It grows on you overtime. Some parts look a bit like an iPhone, but even if you were to install nova launcher, it would be more like stock. The lockscreen however is something I dislike! You don't see all notifications on it, only new notifications which is annoying. Other than that, I don't mind it!
This was my biggest gripe with MIUI, as well. Lockscreen sucked but everything else was really not as bad as I expected it to be!
@nahi11: with android one which is stock android, the updates come from google , and if the A1 updates are anything to go by, google is on a winner for support. manufactuers loosing interest in updates or updates taking a long time is less of a issue now.
also because xiaomi aren’t targeted at global market the android globalisation for australia is missing so need to pick another country with same globalisation settings and time zone , with android one it’s there, one tap all done for australia.
@nahi11: MIUI was the first custom rom I ever used on my old Galaxy S that I actually kept on there. Smooth and pretty. I'm using a Redmi Note 3 now. I just swap the interface for the Google Now launcher, but that's it. I don't bother flashing a new rom. MIUI with the Google Now launcher works great.
One downside is the security updates, but that's the same with all phone makers. MIUI has cosmetic and bug fix updates now and again, but not much in the way of security patches.
Buy it from eBay tomorrow with AU warranty for the same price. PADAWAN is the codename.
i bought it from ebay store on Monday and it said item location is Sydney but it actually shipped from HK. For the warranty part, I dont think it going to make any difference. So to me this one is a good deal
Well that sounds better, but in practise the difference is pretty minimal. The most sold Mi Mix 2 with lowest price looks to be this:…
… for AU $520.50, take away 10% for the eBay sale, makes it ~ AU $468.
That's a few bucks more than this, but I would be EXTREMELY happy to pay that for a real AU warranty. But if you read the listing, an "AU Warranty" just means the return address is in Australia. The seller is still in Hong Kong / China, so you've got no ACL protection, no mandatory 2 year warranty, no extra protection/extended warranty/price protection from your credit card on purchases from Australian retailers (which this is not), no bricks and mortar store, no local manufacturer to honor the warranty if the seller vanishes, plus you've still got to through eBay for warranty claims, and if you're beyond the PayPal 6 month dispute period but before the 12 months warranty ends and it fails, then it may be a case of "too bad, so sad". So it's NOT really an "AU warranty", it's an "AU return address", and nothing more.
Nah, need that 6.99" on the Mi Max 3…
Wow just saw the reported specs for that phone. Wow takes the phablet into new territory! 5500mah battery! Will last 4 days!
I'm still waiting for a deal for the 2S.
This is one beautiful phone, if I could have any phone in the world for free I would choose the Xiaomi Mi Mix :).
Shame about the camera.
The selfie or the rear?
It's not the best, some of the ported gcam apps improve it a bit.
Bought, thanks OP.
So this is single sim and non expandable storage right?
it's Dual SIM, and non expandable storage.
This or Nokia 8? I kinda hate mi launcher.
You haven't figured out that you can change launchers?
I have… I also harbour a dislike for China phones (Lenovo gave me the shits, can't put my finger on why)
It's probably irrational.
nokia you can get as local stock with warranty and AU charger.
I've been putting the Google Now launcher on all my phones ever since it was released. I used the Mi launcher for a while, but I like having a drawer for my apps.
I wish this was the 128gb global version.
What’s different about the global version?
Comes with global ROM already.
you can flash global version MIUI
if only this had a headphone jack :(
no need anymore. the new headphones from all the big players give excellent sound equality via blue tooth.
battery life is the issue for me, not sound quality. If I take a 14 hour flight, I don't want to have to listen to people snoring, babies crying and jet engines whilst i recharge my headphones -_-
I'm not sure about this phone, but my OG pixel can supply power to my headphones via USB C if they need a top up while I'm listening to them.
on flights i take my over ear noise cancelling headphone ….. earbuds especially without noise cancelling don’t do much to block crying babies , jet engines, etc.
and noise cancelling headphones usually have their own power.
@howieyo: Bowers & Wilkins PX. They charge with USB C, but you can also listen via USB or 3.5mm or Bluetooth. Noise cancellation also works without a phone connection so you can sit in silence if that's your thing.
do not sure why you got negged ….. lots of people have moved on from the 3.5mm jack to bluetooth or usb adapter if they need cabled headphones or longer time than bluetooth.
was gonna say, the positioning of the selfie camera?! forget downside, no headphone jack is a dealbreaker
Can anyone recommend a good case to fit this?
It comes with a case FYI.
My Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 has started showing ads in system apps, which I do not use anyway, but they push them through notifications I can't turn off, only group together. I am becoming disappointed with this and will probably not buy another Xiaomi phone.
Call me paranoid, but I'd always flash a custom rom on the phone which would fix these issues, however it takes a bit of effort.
You are right, but I am too lazy to do that, the phone is over 2 years old now, so should rather get myself a new one, this time it will not be a Xiaomi. Ads are simply the last straw, the Xiaomi ecosystem has got so many idiosyncrasies that are OK on their own, but together just wear you down.
Which app?
I don't get any ads, i have disabled most off the miui apps and turned off notifications. Try a hard reset.
most consumers aren’t into flashing own roms …… actually very few ….most just get phone and use.
I previously used a Redmi Note 3 and did not have any ads … stock.
Very new behaviour, probably two weeks or so. This pisses me off the most, it is like a backstab.
I've also recently started getting ads on my Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X. I really dislike it too. Will keep reading here tho for tips to get rid of them.
I found this and will try - this nonsense started like a month ago
try these steps to turn off ads in file manager / download / security / music app :
go to settings > additional settings > privacy > ad services > turn off use advertising identifier
from security & music app's setting > turn off receive recommendation
from download app's settings > content settings > turn off all the options
wipe cache and data from explorer / download / security / music app..then reboot your device
Thanks 😊
I have had a redmi note 4 for roughly 18 months now and yes, only in the last few weeks with miui 9 they've started pushing ads through their file manager app and music app. A bit annoying to have ads in system apps. You can disable the ads, look for "recommendation" settings in the apps and disable it. But yeah this move has made me consider other brands for my next phone.
No notch …
downside is the positioning of the selfie camera.
Uh huh.
@Store Rep…
Any idea when we will get to see the deals on Xiaomi Note 5 Pro?
don't have any news for now, but the note 5 sales is coming…
Any chance knowing when you get stock for mi mix 2s?
seems we will have a sale today
@cjb: price might around 524.99USD, only around 50 pcs in stock. not sure about the difference. you can check some review online
I have one. It's a beautiful phone BUT there 8s a real issue with Bluetooth audio sound. It's terrible. Google it, it seems to be an issue with no work around
For anyone buying this the first thing to do is download xiaomitool and flash the latest global ROM.
Easiest way to do it and makes unlocking the bootloader easier.
From there some decent ROMs available for it.
the camera sucks, MIX 2s is way better
Bought one of these on the last sale (global version ~$465 with cash back) and i love it!
Pros: Amazing screen and bezel, super fast speeds, great battery management, MIUI is awesome and its the nicest looking phone out there
Cons: The front facing camera is annoying, no headphone jack doesn't bother me at all (just keep a $5 converter on all my headphones)
To anyone complaining about how the camera isn't good or how the UI sucks or how it could have more features- Name literally any phone that can do what this does at that price point
how does the rear camera go? Does it compare to the latest samsungs/pixels/apples?
Looks like its back to $399 USD?
Looks like the 100 units available were sold out
By the time my wife made the decision it's gone.
Nice to see who wears the pants in this relationship
B28 and NFC I'm sold!
Can't seem to find what version of Android it's on, surely this price point would warrant 8?