Pretty cheap for LG Oled TV $1436.80 delivered to your door
Don't know about refurbished unit from Graysonline..
Anyone has experience on warranty with Grays online?
LG 55" OLED TV B7 - OLED55B7T $1436.80 Delivered
Pretty cheap for LG Oled TV $1436.80 delivered to your door
Don't know about refurbished unit from Graysonline..
Anyone has experience on warranty with Grays online?
LG 55" OLED TV B7 - OLED55B7T $1436.80 Delivered
Great price. GraysOnline and Refurbished scares me.
Edit: chances are it’s all good, but I’m a worry wart. :’D
I really wish they'd tell you what was refurbished in these units. There's a world of difference between a software upgrade and replacement part and repaired part.
they also have the C7 refurbished 55'' for 1500. would you guys spend a little more to get the C7 instead of B7?
Internally, the same, from what I've read. Save your $.
What is the link to this on their store? I can't seem to find it.
For the price difference I would
Thanks OP, I've been waiting months for a decent price on this one.
where can you get the c7 as this is now sold out
OP is this FHD UHD 4k 1080p or what?
Can you please add some proper tags at the bottom for proper tag search archiving.
I know it is expired now but good tagging means we get a better system for collecting same products using tagging for searching.
What current gen OLED would not be any of these?
No idea but clarification goes a long way.. It has happened before where I assumed something was something and it turned out it wasn't.
Information is power and a necessity in this day and age.
This is literally like posting a deal for a 2018 model car and telling the OP they need to include tags for power steering and air-conditioning.
Yeah nearly pulled the trigger on this when I saw this earlier on, but decided against it. Refurbished and with the LG burn in issues, i decided it wasn't worth the risk and I'll wait.
Ive purchased refurbished from Graysonline a samsung tv last year. Broke down within days.
Luckily they refunded me
I bought the same tv a month or so ago for around $50 more and no regrets. Everything was packaged and looked new. Refurbished by LG with one year warranty.
Did you buy yours from GraysOnline?
I also bought a refurbished OLED from them a few weeks back. It had screen issues after a few days and had to be returned for a refund. Also mine only had 3 months Gray's warranty so watch for that, not 12 months like normal tvs.
Surely thats illegal only providing 3 months warranty. JB's refurbs even have 12 months standard
They had scratched off the serial number so it had no manufacturer warranty, only Grays 3mths return to base. Not worth the risk on a $3000+ TV IMO. Especially since mine developed issues after only a couple days.. was glad to get rid of it.
I don't know anything about Tvs but I'd recommend using your credit card extended warranty if you can.
Bought a Tv with 3 yrs warranty years ago and it broke down year 4. And was repaired.
And has been going strong since. Thankfully.
However be very careful about t and Cs.
Not sure if refurbished can be extended.
I've had a few rejection over the years.
My air-condition broke. But they said home appliances like these aren't included
Everything i have bought from Grays refurbished has broken down within days. Then they try to fix it first before refunding. Always scratches on display screens etc. Never again
I bought one of these brand new from JB. It's an awesome telly!!!!
Just thought I'd give my feedback on quality of the TV itself, whether it's refurbished or not. :)
LG are the ones who refurbished the unit.