Citibank Based Credit Cards (Qantas, Virgin, Signature etc) Auto Declines Applications within 6 Months

Just an FYI, I was just speaking to a customer service rep who said any applications for likewise cards within a 6 month window will automatically decline. So if you have had applied for a Citibank card within 6 months, don't apply for another.

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Citibank Australia


  • +1

    Cool story bro 😎

  • Does that include cards like the Qantas premier one where Citibank issues the card?

  • Do you mean if you started but haven't completed the application?

    • +1

      No, I'm talking about successfully holding a car, then applying for another down the track. A heap of people's applications were rejected even though they had a good credit score. This is why. Ie they held a Virgin money card, then applied for a Qantas money card within 6 months (both underwritten by Citi).

  • I opened a Virgin Flyer cc two months after opening a Qantas Premier cc. BUT, I was declined initially for the Virgin card, and only after I sent an email asking why, they all of a sudden approved, with a higher credit limit (go figure).

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