Good price for the GOTY edition. Worth buying if you never picked it up, or if you want to start another account :P
The Game of the Year Edition includes:
Overwatch - Hero Skins: Pay homage to the original Overwatch strike force by wearing the vintage skins Blackwatch Reyes or Strike-Commander Morrison. Explore other heroes’ origins with Overgrown Bastion, Security Chief Pharah, and even > Block-quote Slipstream Tracer!
Heroes of the Storm™ - Tracer Hero: Jump into the Nexus with Tracer and surprise your enemies in the blink of an eye.
World of Warcraft® - Baby Winston Pet: Adorably cuddly and highly intellectual, the Baby Winston pet will be at your side as you fight your way through Azeroth.
Diablo® III - Mercy's Wings: Slay demonic forces throughout the High Heavens and Burning Hells as you don Mercy’s wings. All of Sanctuary will know of your allegiance to Overwatch!
Block-quote StarCraft® II - In-game Portraits: With brand new portraits of Tracer, Reaper, Pharah, Winston, Bastion, and Soldier: 76, you’re sure to become a champion of the Koprulu Sector.
How is this game going, against pubg and fortnite? Still very active?