Hope some may find this a good deal for the Lenovo Watch 9!
Smart looking analog watch with long battery life that can sync to your phone!
Short review here
Hope some may find this a good deal for the Lenovo Watch 9!
Smart looking analog watch with long battery life that can sync to your phone!
Short review here
Yes that is stupid and unnecessary….. it's ozbargains fault.
If it drops further in price later, I might buy a white one as a spare.
Pretty impressed that this $30 smart watch has sapphire glass. Something you can't even find on those $200+ Daniel Wellingtons.
daniel wellingtons are an insult to horology
Horo-ble horology? :D
They are the epitome of poor value.
I recently found out that you can buy watch crystals on ebay. Glass ones are about 10 for $4. Sapphire ones start at about $4 each. It really says something when a watch worth $200+ can't use a $4 (retails price) part.
Absolutely right.
Anybody had any bad experience buying from joybuy? Never heard since now.
They are JD.com, China's biggest online retailer.
Just got a package from Joybuy today. Had JD on the packing tape. I think they're safe to order from.
Quick question: how long did the delivery take?
Was placed on April 12. So 15 days including weekends and processing time.
They're a reputable brand as far as Chinese brands go. I think I would trust them more than Zapals or Banggood who have failed to deliver me some power banks without informing me. I suspect the batteries got returned to them, and they kept quiet just in case I don't complain or I forget about the order, they can keep their goods and my money.
At last the price I was waiting for!
For those wondering the app is in English and the watch uses a CR2032 battery that is replaceable but not rechargeable..
What's the name of the app for Android?
Linked from the official Lenovo page, you have to sideload the apk
Click the box that says 普通下载 in a white box with green outline and green text, directly below the magnifying glass
Image for reference: https://i.imgur.com/tvSSEDE.png
Thanks no wonder I couldn't find it on app store!
@mistermr6: I will be very careful with any app that is not in google store. They will sneak into your phone and use malware practices to use your system data such as photos, where you visit et. al. and transfer for further usage. Will never ever download an app,which is not from google store.
@codebased: "your system data such as photos, where you visit et. al"
You'll be happy to know that with the last update to photos, Google now lets you search your photos by keywords such as time, place or objects in the photo without you having to go to the bother of tagging them.
No thanks needed.
That's a funny looking laptop.
can you replace the silicon band with something leather looking?
Of course. Just get the lug measurement right and you're good to go.
According to this review, the watch design does not make for easy replacing, however you might be able to find a suitable strap and have it fitted if you have the tools or bring it to a watch shop
It is just a normal watch band mate. Use this. They're not reinventing the wheel for $29.
It is deadset a 1 minute job I have watched children do. Rookie Level 1 difficulty. You can do it!
I was just doing a literal translation of the text lol
I could only find the app for iOS in Chinese. 联想手表 by Lenovo https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/%E8%81%94%E6%83%B3%E6%89%8B%…
Can anyone buy it? I'm getting a please try again later message when I go to check out.
Same here
Missed out maybe
just bought 1 tho..
Looks like $5 dollar watch
Bugger, sold out as I was checking it out
quite cheap and elegant, but given its very limited features i can't really justify a reason to buy it…
If anyone has more information on the band size, I'd like to buy a leather strap for this.
Just received mine today. Thought id come back to answer this question, the band is a 20mm band, i just placed an invicta 20mm band on my Lenovo Watch 9, its just like any other watch :)
Wow, I know this deal is out of stock, but +1 for providing an answer to a question I didn't think to ask. This watch will be perfect.
Any reviews of this online from legit tech websites?
Such as "Lenovo" do you mean? They apparently like it.
Back in stock for anyone interested, $29.95 AUD
It shows AU$ 40.86 when I add it to the cart.
Bummer, they put it back to $29.99 usd
Got my watch today… manual is in chinese so trying to find out english manual…
However regardless how to use it, I must say that build quality and finish is pretty good.
Mine also arrived, looks a nice build. However, can't for the life of me work out how to set the time (Android). Let me know if you have any luck!
Did you find/install any app? I'm also on Android
Yes, found a link to English app in the comments section of this youtube video (can't copy the link for some reason)
See comment (reply) by Alejandro Mármol
Just installed. If you scan the QR code on the user manual came with the watch, the link gies to http://3g.lenovomm.com/redsea/com.pmpd.dmap.lenovo?ch=17071
Download the apk and install as per comment of Apocsky above. Once installed, the App itself is in Eng
After installing app, connect to your watch inside App (do not pair with BT). Once connected you can calibrate the time using app.
I've done all that but when I calibrate the time it didn't change on the watch.
It worked for me. When you start calibration, it will ask you for the current time showing on the watch… for me it was 01:00:00
Then it starts calibrating with phone time and takes bit of time… you can see the watch hand moving like you are winding the watch
Thanks, got it calibrated now.
I had been incorrectly putting in the time I wanted it to be into the app, rather than the time on the watch.
@Deebs: Have you installed the app? Once app is installed I just followed the instructions by sigma above. You need to set the time in the app as it appears on the watch, it will then sync to your phones time.
Oh I see now.
I thought I was meant to enter the current time, which I thought was strange. The app should know the current time.
I was also inputting the wrong time. Instead of watch time I was putting my time and it was not working
help, when you say watch face, do you mean the watch face on the app, or my actual watch?
and how many rotations does it do?
Connect watch to phone, then calibrate.. the actual watch will start moving/rotating… let it do it’s full thing until it stops… then enter that time (whatever the hands stopped on) into your watch app
Anyone know what the crown button does? When I press red light flashes, when I long press seems to disconnect? Thanks
Connects to the phone.
I think it does more than just that
Just got mine. It looks quite nice. Size is not too big. Registering an account for the app via phone seems impossible. It fails to send the code. Had to go by email instead which is not good. Now I have another spammer.
The time takes quite a while to set. Pins move too slow.
The band is looking like it will be a dust magnet unfortunately. The small dimples don't help. I should have went for the white model.
Replacing the battery will be difficult. Unless you have a watch repairer's tools, you're going to have to take it to a jeweler or watch repairer. They will charge you decent coin for that. They charged me over $40 to change a battery in a Tissot watch. The type of back cover used in that watch is exactly the same as this Lenovo and will require the same tools. If you can get another Watch 9 for $30 when the battery runs out, you might be better off doing that.
Just for reference, here is the English user manual
Credit to other deal by WatchNerd
i got extra help from https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/378414
Using the "Pointer Calibration Time" function, you enter the time that is reading on the watch face, NOT the time you are trying to set it to.
much kudos and credit to @Sigma, @froodh and @alvian
Sorry, in my excitement I forgot to link to the iOS app for our apple brethren:
well that was good while it lasted.
Flat in under a month…..
Couldn't decide whether to get black or white. I normally always get white things but in the end went black. Seems to be more contrast on the watch face.
Good deal. Actually tempted to buy a second one so I can have both colours. Though that is stupid and unnecessary.
Was going to buy a new genuine watch band for my S2 but that is $35 already.. or 31.50 after 10% off ebay.