This was posted 6 years 10 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

25% off Your First Order via McDonald's mymacca's App (Minimum Spend $10)


You can make a new account and it will appear in your offers. Not sure when offer expires.


Offer entitles you to 25% off your order with a minimum spend of $10. Redeem the offer by applying it to your mobile order in the mymacca's® app. Offer available for 7 days after joining. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Offer must be used in a single transaction. Parent/carer must be present for child under 14 to redeem. Available at participating restaurants only. Not redeemable via McDelivery®. Offer may be revoked for any reason in McDonald's ultimate discretion.

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closed Comments

  • -8

    People who are excited for this I just feel the need to advise you that my dog eats better than you >:D

    • +3

      Does your dog eat Oporto? Lucky dog.

    • +3

      Your dog eats wagyu burgers?

    • +12

      Your dog also licks its arse…

      • -1


      • +1

        Well that's better than McDonald's any day

    • +5

      Thanks for letting us know.

    • +2

      Question is do you eat better than your dog?

      • Man he eats his dog. Or the dog eats him.

        • Mr Miyagi approves of this

    • +1

      i wanna eat your dog

  • +7

    The app is absolutely terrible. Barely works half the time

    • +2

      really? never had an issue

      • +3

        So many times I've gone to load up a coupon, or just try to order normally. Often things hang or don't load at all. Not a network issue, as tested other apps that depend on network to request a catalogue (eg Netflix) and all working fine.

    • +10

      Must be you. The app works every time 60% of the time for me.

      • +1

        If my calculations fail me, mine works 25% all the time, - unsuccessfully

      • On my s8 I have to frequently clear cache and data and reinstall on occassion, very annoying

    • It was really bad when I started out. Either it keep crashing or I could not order anything from it. But it's fine now. Only problem is I can't order iced latte from the app. Annoying.

  • +3

    2x small Double Beef n Bacon meal for $7.50?

    • +1

      Can confirm, done this a few times.
      Great little lunch for $7.50

      • Great little lunch

        That's quite a large portion for a lunch.

        • -2

          Yes we’ve all heard of the % of sugars, fats, salts and fat gut trans lard added to these foods. We are all aware of it and take full responsibility. At the end of our time, you may or may not lose medical resources deemed to save your life, to save my fat gut life. No matter what, grip the bed arm rest tightly, and gasp your last breath in the knowledge I’ll be joining you soon enough. Within a blink of an eye, everyone one who knew you will be gone, and they too will be forgotten in the mist of time.

          Humans will evolve or become extinct, it doesn’t matter for the earth will move on, and eventually be torn up and destroyed. The whole history of mankind wipe out forever, no trace of our species or existence. I only hope with knowing that, you realize the folly of your comment.

        • You need to study Einstein's Relativity.

        • @summerz: I got ya, you mean to say don't comment on an obese persons meal portion size which they think is normal size. Wise advise unless you can post it on the internet :)

  • +3

    The app fails first time every time I use it. Works on second attempts.

    • Yeah I just close it right away and reload it. Less time wasted.

  • +1

    I might actually be eligible for this….I have never successfully broguth up a full menu on my app let alone make a damn order.

  • made a new account says check back here soon for your rewards!
    been like that for a hour

    worked just as i posted.

  • Brb making a new account

  • when my 10 spare email addresses comes in handy

    • You only have 10? I have at least 1000

    • Buy a domain. Get an email server. Setup a catch-all to forward emails to your main email.

      If I need to sign up for anything, it’s usually of the form:

      [email protected]

      This way you know exactly who sold/shared your email, and it’s easy to filter. Giving out one of these emails over the phone is almost always met with a ‘oh, you work for <Company>?’ - you get used to it

      It’s hard to find a good free email host, though. I’ve tried some and get spam the instant you create a new email. I got mine way back when Google Apps was free (and still is).

      Occasionally, you’ll have to respond to an email sent to one of these addresses. This is usually quite rare, and I usually have a generic [email protected] real account setup to send responses (use an email client that lets you pick the from: account). Final hint: I’m not sure if alias’ work outside of an email host. I know Gmail has a ‘send as’ capability but if you send to a non-Google Apps/G Suite email, it will show up as being from the primary account.

      I’ve always wished I could do the same for my phone number.

  • -7

    An app to order mcdonalds…how pathetic.

    • +1

      I'd like to hear more about how much better your life is compared to everyone else's.

    • You won’t last a minute in the future.

  • Not working for me now. Maybe it was valid just yesterday? Created a new account and its now saying check back for future offers

    • Have you tried force closing the app and opening it? Should appear as it did for me

      • Just tried and now its working. Thanks a lot :-)

        • np, enjoy!

  • Speaking of apps that never work, has anyone found Google Maps crashes a lot recently?

  • No longer valid? Created new account. Forced closed app numerous times and no discount.

    • It's still valid, just made a new acc and it appeared in 10 mins

  • Is it possible to get a dinner box through the app?

    • Used to, but they removed the option

    • +2

      You can get 25% off by scanning it at a kiosk or just show the code to the staff member behind the register.

  • This is a good contender for one of the worst apps I have ever used

  • If you order the free coffee on its on own first does that count as your first order?

  • can anyone confirm if this is still valid i still get ads on facebook about this 25% off on first order on the app

    • +2

      Still works at of today. Discount comes hour or 2 after sign up.

  • Dunno if this still works. Created an account yesterday and no 25% off voucher showed up in the offers tab.

    • Me either. New phone and sim even

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