Not much to say, 200GB for about $81.
This is an A1-rated card so should work great for phones, and 4K video recording for cameras that use lower bitrates (e.g. 50-60Mbps).
Not much to say, 200GB for about $81.
This is an A1-rated card so should work great for phones, and 4K video recording for cameras that use lower bitrates (e.g. 50-60Mbps).
Please be informed that UHS-1 (Ultra high speed) is equivalent to class 10. All UHS-1 memory cards have 10MB/s of minimum data transfer speed same as a class 10 card.
Yes, and do remember that it is a minimum. I have the older 200GB card and get 33MB/s writes and ~70MB/s reads.
I dont think it is suitable for 4k video recording at all.
U1 is not the same as UHS-1.
U1 is a speed rating: there are only 2 in existence AFAIK: U1 and U3. U1 is as you said minimum 10MBps (80mbps) write speed. U1 is in fact the same as class 10.
UHS-1 however does not indicate minimum speed, in fact the opposite as it is the interface and therfore shows the theoretical maximum. Currently there is UHS-1, UHS-2 and UHS-3 very few devices use UHS-2 at the moment.
This card will be fine for none picky devices recording 50-60mbps whether it is 4k or 1080p.
So basically class 10 and U1 have the same minimum, but U1 has a higher maximum thanks to UHS1?
Class 10 is a relic. Same way as 633x is a relic when it comes to memory speed. Ignore them. You probably will need to exert effort finding a class 4 or 6 card nowadays.
U1 is the newer of the two min speed measurements buy even that is being phased out since they only ever assigned 2 ratings to it. I would wager 95% of consumer devices will work well with a U1 and 99% with a U3.
Eventually manufacturers of micro sd will run out of space on their cards to list some of these superfluous advertising.
Think of UHS-1 as like USB 2.0. It is the standard for the type of device (sd card vs flash drive for example) and UHS-2 as similar to USB 3.0.
“I dont think it is suitable for 4k video recording at all.“
These work perfectly recording 4K in my GoPro HERO 5 and 6.
Does the GoPro hero 5 take 200gb sd cards?
Why would I have said "These work perfectly recording 4K in my GoPro HERO 5" if they didn't? I get well over 6hrs of 4K recording time in the Hero 5.
Happily takes my 256GB Samsung microSD too.
This is the internet, people say all sorts of things that they don't necessarily mean.
Of course I'm not saying that's you, but it doesnt hurt to explicitly confirm?
Maybe try chilling a bit
Yup using it on my Samsung note 8, recorded in 4K using the camera app. Worked fine and playback okay.
12tb Ironwolf for US 388 as well, part of the same sale.…
I thought you were listing a 12tb MicroSD card. I clicked it so fast but was dissapointed that it wasn't a microsd card but an SSD.🤣
I thought you said it's a 12TB SSD. I clicked it so fast but was disappointed that it wasn't a SSD but just a HDD.
Didn't looked at it properly. I haven't bought a hard drive in years so I didn't realised they looked so different now.
The Camels show a drop of US$70 to an all time low.
Weirdly it is cheaper then the same model without the Rescue Data Recovery plan. Has anyone ever used this? Here is the blurb -
The rescue plan gives you access to a global team of world-class data recovery experts with a 95% customer satisfaction rating.
Register an IronWolf Pro drive to activate your free Rescue plan and you are covered for 2 years.
If only it was a little cheaper I could order two for under AU$1,000 and avoid GST. Might order a second in a few days.
12TB SSD ?? No it's a hard drive. be nice if it was a SSD !
I'd rather spend a bit more and get 90mb/s for $99…
Looks like the same sd card to me
You want extreme for 4k video recording
Ahh, that is what memory card companies and store assistants would like everyone to believe.
Unless there's some specific hardware controller incompatibility, this card will handle 4k videos at the stated bitrates just fine. It's not the resolution that matters - the card has no idea if you're recording 720p or 8K or just copying music, it just sees data. What matters is the bitrate.
The site says only suitable for 1080p recording
Yes, because they want to upsell you to a more expensive card even though this card will easily handle 4K at consumer-equipment bitrates.
Like you want gaming chairs to sit in to play games?
Guys need some help - tried google searches but not found a decent solution to rely on. My micro SD card has 'corrupted' suddenly while in the phone. Any reliable way to access the data on it? Thanks
I used to have this happen a bit, particularly with cheaper cards. TestDisk and PhotoRec were always able to recover everything for me and they are free. If it was a particularly messy corruption I'd lose the file structure but recover almost every photo and video. If your card is encrypted then you might be out of luck.
+1 usually its a messed up partition table and testdisk will sort it out. Saved my ass many times.
Ok thanks.
Will give that a go.
Fingers crossed. Thank you
Need more details on what happened exactly including details and precise steps you've taken or tried, as this matters alot in determining if the data is recoverable.
Haven't taken any precise steps other than inserting it into to the pc card reader and nothing is popping up. Doesn't show a new drive allocation. When I insert another good sd card, it pops up just fine and works.
Have you taken out the card, then reset the phone, and reinserted the card back into the phone after the phone reset?
Because if you did, then say goodbye to your data.
If you want to try it yourself, a software called RStudio may be able to help. Perhaps there is a trial version of it.
I just bought this card 6 days ago any chance I can get the difference refunded or should I just cancel the order and try it again.
I've heard that within 7 days they'll refund the difference. Just start a chat and ask them.
Just from personal experience
I have been using 64GB SanDisk Ultra few years back with my Go Pro Hero 4
The videos recorded sometimes got lags in between (usually half seconds) using the card
After changing to Samsung Evo Plus, I no longer find this issue
Looking at the spec, 200GB version is slightly faster than 64GB one tho
so It may be ok to record 4K video (probably at 4k 30fps?)
I had similar experiences with my GoPro's (session and hero4) with the sandisk ultra's, including the camera stopping recording after a short period of time (15 seconds up to a couple of minutes). I ditched the ultra's, moved to Lexar and haven't had any problems since.
I like the sandisk ultra's for low cost storage for moving data between laptops, but I think the constant writing for video accelerates their failure times.
I'm getting a higher price $64 usd?
I am getting 55.99
With postage the total is 64 usd
Any idea why mine is coming out to $88 AUD?
Order Summary
Items: AUD 76.74
Shipping & handling: AUD 11.43
Total before tax: AUD 88.17
Estimated tax to be collected: AUD 0.00
Should I order in USD?
Order Summary
Items: USD 55.99
Shipping & handling: USD 8.34
Total before tax: USD 64.33
Estimated tax to be collected: USD 0.00
Order total: USD 64.33
Applicable Exchange Rate
1 USD = 1.3705944221 AUD
How are people getting $81 AUD??
Hmm, I used parcel point pickup and that brings it down to $82 AUD
Would this be overkill for the Switch?
Not a switch owner but I think it's really good value.
I'm currently using a 128gb in my switch and I don't plan to buy any physical copies of games. Most games are quite small. BotW is 17GB and Odessey is almost 4GB the last time I checked. I have a dozen or so indie games, and they all range between a few hundred MB and 2GB.
So I believe that 128GB is plenty even if you download all your games, 200 is overkill, plus you can always delete games and redownload them later.
Thanks guys, yeah but I was reading up on some AAA games that could take 30GB. Hopefully the sizes stays small.
Nintendo have realized they have issues with third party developers who have ports they want on the hardware which or too large alone for the game cards, and are developing high capacity cards to fix this, but are taking their time, so games are gonna get bigger….eventually.
@Diji1: He meant the game carts. Apparently they cost like $10 more to the game publishers compared to discs.
@Diji1: yeah, what i was referring to is the Game carts, the physcal media consumers purchase in-store.
Some of the third-party software (games) from developers like EA and so on have had to put a portion of the game as a download as they do not fit on the card themselves (game cards have a max capacity of 32gb). Nintendo are developing cards x2 the current size which could mean downloads for games might increase eventually.
@Velathial: no guarantees devs will actually use them though. Some (most I believe) of the current games with required downloads would fit on the currently available 32GB carts but the developers chose to save money and use the cheaper capacity ones (8GB or 16GB). No reason to believe that when 64GB carts are out that many devs won’t continue to cheap out and use smaller carts and pass the storage cost to consumers.
Issue right now is less about capacity of the storage (although it’ll matter in some cases), but more to do with how Nintendo is pricing the storage tiers.
I have seen this card specifically being recommended for the Switch by a few sites.
Basically, the faster speeds of other cards (eg Samsung EVO Plus) are not utilised by the Switch. This card is plenty fast for the Switch, and probably the best $/Gb for larger cards, for now.
Personally I'm waiting for 256Gb cards to come down in price, but this would be an excellent choice if you don't care for 256GB.
In terms of capacity, if you're digital only, I think 200GB is a good amount to future proof you for games to come. Depends on how many games you buy, and whether you want to keep them loaded, though.
Should be sweet, homebrew is ramping up so 200gig should be enough. :)
Will this be suitable for the GoPro hero black 5 ?
I have the older 200GB card and it worked fine in my Hero 5 Black.
And no issues recording up to maximum resolution?
Yup, it works on my Hero 6 Black too, at 4K60 with ProTune on for maximum bitrate (80Mbps).
Any comments on how suitable this is for added storage to MacBook Pro?
It depends on what you want to store, how often you intend to copy data to it, and whether or not you mind waiting for the copy to finish.
If you're storing things like movies, it would work fine as added storage IMHO, since you just have to copy your whole library over once. Read speed won't matter as the max transfer speed is higher than a normal movie file's bitrate.
I probably wouldn't install apps on it as full sized desktop-class apps would probably run pretty slowly off it.
Yeh that me for the advice! Yeh was thinking just store movies on it!
Price is now showing $66 USD + more for delivery
Cheaper here $80.72 and 1% off with cash rewards and 20% off ebay code…
A1 rated doesnt mean much.
To display the A1 symbol, a card must meet or exceed these thresholds:
Random Read: 1500 IOPS
Random Write: 500 IOPS
Sustained Sequential Write: 10 megabytes per second
Its U1, which is the same as UHS-1.
Please be informed that UHS-1 (Ultra high speed) is equivalent to class 10. All UHS-1 memory cards have 10MB/s of minimum data transfer speed same as a class 10 card. There is no difference in the data transfer speeds of these memory cards and also they are identical in their technical specifications as well.
I dont think it is suitable for 4k video recording at all.