Been waiting for this to drop and found it finally. Previous low I could find was 49.99 usd so I think this is a good price.
Updated link, english version available now for the same price.
Been waiting for this to drop and found it finally. Previous low I could find was 49.99 usd so I think this is a good price.
Updated link, english version available now for the same price.
I think youth and lite are the same. The normal one looks same but it's expensive. Someone who has it can verify.
I have one of the youth/lite version. When I turned it ON for the first time, it has Chinese language, but watched some youtube videos and paired with my iPhone. Once it was paired, language was changed to English (Phone's Language) automatically. Battery is insanely great (around ~ 30 days). Heart rate sensor is pretty accurate too, on par with my Apple Watch. Band has very nice feel to it. Overall, well worth the price.
I hope it helps.
Yeah I got one for my wife and she had the same experience. It did an update right away and switched to English. Site said it was a Lite. Box just says Amazfit Bip Model: A1608. Production Date 2018.03 so its hot off the press if that's true.
She really likes it. I might consider one if my Pebble gives up.
Read a review that their Youth version was Chinese language only.
Same thing, from what I can tell just inconsistent translation or marketing between regions.
They all can be configured for English from what I can see from videos and comments, though I can't verify that myself.
Does work with iOS but is better with Android. Third party apps on Android make installing a custom watch face easy. It's possible on iOS if you are jailbroken. There's no music controls, all noticlfications come through, phone calls can be ignored or rejected but not answered.
The hardware is great. It looks good, feels nice and is really light. The touchscreen is usually quite responsive. The HR sensor is rubbish. Otherwise sleep and activity tracking is good.
I've had one for a few months. Any other questions just ask.
How much did you pay back then?
$54.02 US including shipping and shipping insurance.
Do you think it's a good idea to get a screen protector for it ?
I got mine about a fortnight ago.. love it already.. used it to track my cycling to work and as a general "smart" watch for checking notifications etc without having to get my phone out..
Only issue i've encountered is the screen is plastic and i've got a couple micro scratches in it already from rubbing up against something. I've ordered a screen protector and a bumper case for it..
I've found the heart rate sensor to be pretty accurate on my rides so far unlike sween64's comment above.
Have you done any high intensity exercise? I find the HR monitor doesn't exceed 110bpm.
Also the screen is Gorilla Glass, I've got no scratches. Mine gets knocked a bit a work and it holds up.
If yours is truly plastic it sounds like a fake.
My HR has peaked at 142bpm the other day when i was cycling to work.. regularly exceeds 110bpm.. maybe your unit is faulty?? or your heart is?? :P
Do they show am/pm or still 24 hour time format?
How to get /customise the face?
pick one
follow the instructions
Depends on the watch face. They're are no settings for WFs, if you want something small changed the .bin file needs to be edited. It's not easy like Pebble.
Great watch. I export my rides to Strava using this app Notify & Fitness for Amazfit. Cost $2.97 for Strava capability.
I am thinking to get one but if it comes with Chinese version, I don't have iphone to sync & to get English.
Android will do as well.
anyone got a joybuy coupon?
Huawei Xiaomi Amazon Fitbit? :P
I had Surge (since release), now (1 month) with this one. My choice was between this and garmin 35. This won. Main point is battery life and great community in XDA and around, 3d party apps, custom firmware etc, have not used them yet though, happy with original app.
The biggest draw here is lack of proper cloud based dashboard (as you would have with fitbit or garmin). You can sync with google fit, but their dashboard really suck.
Huawei would be google wear, one day of battery life.
Not Xiaomi?
I was referring to the name of this thing…
Hua(wei)(Xiao)mi Amaz(on)fit(bit)
Gone to 75AUD.
Still showing 53.99 USD
Deal has 2 more days.
Got it from JoyBuy using the last deal. I love it.
Plastic body, but the screen holds up to minor accidental rubbing.
Steps seem to be lower than fitbit (not sure why).
Heart rate does not go above 110 usually. It reckons soccer is not intended enough.
Converting to English was easier with iOS than using my pixel. Not sure why.
Notifications are great, better with Notify and Fitness app. But don't mind the official app. Dashboard isn't too bad.
I have installed Mi Fit and Notify and fitness applications and I received same notifications for few times,
have you got similar issue like that, I tried to uninstall Mi Fit and Notify and fintess won't work without Mi Fit,
it's annoying and don't know how to fix up, thanks,
Yup. Turn off notifications in one app or try minimising the repeats. It worked for me. I turned it off in Notify app but it feels like I am not using anymore, except the widget on my desktop.
Currently have Mi Band 2. Does this one have the same notifications as the Band 2.
It's got more than what Mi Band 2 offers.
What's the difference between the youth edition and so called normal, international edition? Is it just me or they are absolutely the same just some stores call it one way or another?