How to apply for ABN and how much does it cost in Australia?
How to Apply for ABN and How Much Does It Cost?

Last edited 17/04/2018 - 14:41 by 1 other user
I’ll do it for you $1500
the only reason i want to apply for it is because im applying for a home loan for buying first home owner occupied property in NSW and my broker told me if i apply under abn he will refund 30% of the commision back to me. do you think this is a good idea?
How much is the commission? $500
Isn't the bank going to want to see financials for the ABN for a period of time?
Doesn't make sense to meDodgy broker (tautology, I know).
Based on personal experience, you would want to know the "finer details" from the broker now. If broker commissions were fixed (as discussed for years) then we wouldn't be exposed to so many suspicious situations.
Just FYI, you can get a Cert IV in Mortgage Broking in less than a week and a Diploma in a few more, so I wouldn't trust a broker with accounting matters. You'll at least need a cover story for the ATO in case you get audited (going to join Airtasker?).
Not everyone is entitled to an ABN. To be entitled to an ABN you must be carrying on a business in Australia. This means that you must have started trading or have undertaken business-like activities towards the commencement of trading.
You searched here, with the correct wording.
Did you search 'How to Apply for ABN and How Much Does It Cost' in say Google or any other search engine?
You would of had your answer an hour sooner…bargain!
Here you go mate! and it's free!