This was posted 6 years 10 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

400ml Morning Fresh Dishwashing Liquid - $1 @ Good Price Pharmacy (RRP $4)


Even cheaper (half the price) than Woolies' 1/2 price deal this week, but ends tomorrow.

I find this is the best dishwashing liquid by a country mile. At $1 for 400ml, it's even cheaper than some of the rubbish home brand products at Colesworth.

As an aside, Woolies have the exact same product at a half price special this week for $1.97, so the $1 price tag at Good Price Pharmacy is a steal!

Also worth noting that Good Price seem to have a few more scents / options than Willies. I picked up the antibacterial option (supposedly "fights bacteria on sponges for 24hrs") in a "orange and tea tree" scent which I found quite pleasant.

Stock up like I did and don't buy again for 12+ months :-)

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Good Price Pharmacy
Good Price Pharmacy

closed Comments

  • +5

    limit 3 per item.
    free delivery with order of $99.
    no store near me (3021).

    • I bought 8 yesterday at the shop, no questions asked. Didn't even realise there was a limit…

      • I get 5 but the counter said only 3 per customer

        • -1

          Was he/she a count?

        • +2

          One Morning Fresh,
          Two Morning Fresh,
          Three Morning Fresh.

  • I can confirm this is the best dishwashing liquid, always buy some when it's half price.
    However I have got too many of these already :)

    • +2

      Not really. Ever since they moved to Indonesia it went to shit

      • Recommend me a better dishwashing liquid at the same price??

        • +3

          Woolworths Homebrand at $1/L

        • Also ones in same sort of bottle are pretty good.

        • @TarquinOliverNimrod: I think the Coles homebrand is slightly better (than the woolie's version)
          but the lid will pull clean off if you try to pick it up that way

        • @Sleepyweasel: ill have to give it a go cheers

        • +2

          @TarquinOliverNimrod: I've tried both Coles and Woolworths brand before - they are just not up to par with Morning Fresh.

          That's a year or two back though so not sure if they have changed their product since then.

        • @pennypincher98: they moved recently and woolies improved since

        • @pennypincher98: 400ml vs a litre.
          Depends what is available when you need it.
          This deal is likely better if people can get it today.

        • +1

          @TarquinOliverNimrod: you have to use at least twice as much of the 1L home brand stuff I find…no where near as good, particularly for oily and greasy dishes

        • +2


          I alternate between Morning Fresh and Tandil Ultra at Aldi. Both are fantastic.

          Home brand versions are all watered down, you end up using way more.

        • @placard: I haven't tried the one at ALDI, how much is it?
          Might give it a go :)

        • +1

          Earth Choice $2 for a litre.

        • @placard: I haven't used more than what I've used with Morning Fresh. Woolworths shine works well too $0.30/100ml and that's a concentrate. Home brands don't have as much bubbling as the others but that didn't affect cleaning

        • +1


          I think it's about $1.50

        • +1

          @spaceflight: that rated worst in the choice review and after using I agree with them. It makes it harder to remove all the food ect with scourer lol.

        • @placard: I find the ALDI stuff is strange , it doesn't suds up like normal washing up liquid , but you can feel it in the water.
          Prefer not to be freaked out by strange green dish soap so don't use.

    • better than Fairy?

      • Yes, better then Fairy imo. Just.

        • great thanks, will give this one a go! much cheaper:)

        • +3

          What?? Better than Fairy. You are insane.

        • +1

          @Mintynovember: Indeed. Fairy won me over from Morning Fresh.
          Morning Fresh is no slouch though so for $1 it's a great deal.

    • +1

      I really like the Palmolive ones. They seem to be more gentle on the skin.

      • I second that. We switched from Morning fresh to Palmolive and never went back

      • +1

        Put on gloves mate. You'll be laughing under scolding hot water.

        • Not a fan of dish washing with gloves. Can't really feel the bowls/dishes to ensure they're clean. Also, warm water (or even just cold) works well. Don't need extremely hot water.

  • -3

    No stores in NSW

    • -2

      No store in VIC too…

      • +1

        1 in Collingwood, 1 in Wodonga.

    • +4

      Sounds like this is worth the interstate road trip!

    • +1

      actually they did, just NO Stores in SYDNEY… the closest one is in Vineyard (2765) not Wynyard (2000)

    • +3

      There's 9 stores in NSW.

      1 in Melbourne, 2 in greater Adelaide, 2 in greater Perth, 3 in Hobart, plenty around QLD.

  • +3

    Ozbargainers can really clean up with this deal.

  • +3

    Get it Free!
    (Don't pay online as system has been dodgie in the past! Can C&C. Just limit purchase to $5 credit.)


    Thanks. Can walk to nearest store.
    Brisbane based smaller chain.

    • +3

      Need to spend 50 bucks

      • Damn fine print I didn't read.
        Used to be no minimum spend. Probably got changed after being Ozbargained too many times😀

    • How do you C&C online ?

  • +1

    This stuff is as popular as tins of baby formula around my way. I reckon Tandil from Aldi is just as good though.

  • Price beat by 10% of the difference at Chemist warehouse :)

  • +1
    • Hahaha, I'm always cynical of any claim written on packaging…

      Tbh, I couldn't care less about the antibacterial properties (hence I used "supposedly" in my description). I just care that it cleans my dishes.

      Added bonus if it smells nice, like the orange and tea tree scent I bought.

      • +3

        It's more the potential for negative effects of using it than the package claims not being true.

        Triclosan can be found in many places today. It has been added to many consumer products—including clothing, kitchenware, furniture, and toys—to prevent bacterial contamination. Because of that, people’s long-term exposure to triclosan is higher than previously thought, raising concerns about the potential risks associated with the use of this ingredient over a lifetime.

        The bigger issue might be

        In addition, laboratory studies have raised the possibility that triclosan contributes to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Some data shows this resistance may have a significant impact on the effectiveness of medical treatments, such as antibiotics.

  • +2

    The Tandil Brand from Aldi is what me mainly use - and it's good

  • I disagree that Morning Fresh is the best washing up liquid by a country mile that's rubbish. As a hubby that washes up regularly, I can only advise that if you can't get Fairy liquid then Palmolive is almost as good. Morning Fresh is piss water by comparison. Probably worth about $1 if you are a poor student with 1 plate to wash.

    • Give Woolies shine concentrate a go.

      • I'm cool Tarquin, quite happy with Palmolive. :)

    • Call me crazy, but Palmolive is definitely one of the brands on my 'don't buy' list…am I doing something wrong?

      • You might be? Even the fragrant Palmolive brands work well. Like to see if Morning Fresh could sort the following out!!

        language warning

    • Been using Morning Fresh, Palmolive and Fairy. And Fairy is the best by far!

      • agreed fairy is the best but for $1… im happy to compromise..

  • +1

    Yeah,the best washing liquid claim is utterly rubbish. Aldi one is the second best and cheapest. The best is a dishwasher, a half decent one will blow away Morning Fresh by lightyear. Ive used Morning fresh once and reckon what can be sparklingly cleaned by Morning Fresh can be beaten by dishwasher with water alone. And also if you wanna improve your sex life, investing in one might actually a very worthy investment

  • I was waiting for this, the dishes have been piling up for weeks!

  • Good Price Pharmacy? Never heard of it until this post. Perhaps there are more stores in the eastern states

  • +7

    6 bottle - $4.80 chemist warehouse price match

    • how did you get 20% off? I thought their policy is to beat by 10%

      • +2

        10% off the price difference - current price chemist warehouse @ $3.

  • +4

    You can get free shipping if you spend $20

    Code is FREEMARCH18

  • No stock left at my local store.

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