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Free Kindle eBook: Social Anxiety Solution: Shyness, Social Anxiety, Self-Esteem & Negative Emotion (Was $1.34) @ Amazon

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About Book

Are you sick and tired of living in fear? I certainly was. My name is Beau, the author of this book, and 4 years ago I decided to make some major changes in my life. At the time, I suffered with severe social anxiety and depression. I couldn't take it any longer, and so I committed myself to self-improvement. I am proud to say that I am a completely different person today. This book is a compilation of many of the exact strategies I have personally used to go from shy and insecure to someone who is extremely confident, happy, and successful. I'm here to tell you that everything you desire is certainly within reach. If I can do it, so can you. Here are a few of the things you will learn in this book:

How to overcome your shyness and social anxiety by reprogramming your mind

How to use visualization to change your personality and behavior

How to use bioenergetic exercises to eliminate stress, anxiety, and negative emotions

How to avoid the traps that keep you stuck in your old ways of thinking and behaving

And MUCH more.

This is not only a book for helping you cure your social anxiety. It is a book for helping you to improve nearly every single aspect of your life!

These strategies work and they work well! They have allowed me to completely transform my life and get on the path to living my dreams. You are capable of doing the same! Just put these strategies and techniques to work for you and you will be well on your way to greatness!

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closed Comments

  • +17

    My name is Beau, the author of this book, and 4 years ago I decided to make some major changes in my life. At the time, I suffered with severe social anxiety and depression. I couldn't take it any longer, and so I committed myself to self-improvement.

    Now, instead of social anxiety and depression, 51 Titles later, Beau has OCD…

    • +1

      Obviously he wasn't that depressed when he was able to commit himself to self-improvement.

    • -1

      Have a look at some vids of Jordan Peterson ? He does offer good advice for people in these situation. Recently, I found out about him because of his controversy stance ….

  • Will this book make me an Askhole?

    • +3

      wrong end…

      by reprogramming your mind

  • +1

    As a student of psychology, I have to LMAO at this kind of stuff :) , but at the same time, its sad to think people are manipulated into buying into this, amd purchasing this kind of self-help materials.
    If you are in need, I suggest seeking help from a professional. A registered 'Clinical' psychologist, is usually a bit better trained then a regular registered psychologist . You can see any registered pathologist free 10 times per calendar year with just a visit to your GP who writes a referal for free psychologist visits.
    Finding a good psychologist, and seeing them a few times, or as long as required, will most likely do much more good than reading into self help books. Or 'Naive psychology' as we call it.

    • Agreed. See a proper Psychologist if you have anxiety/depression issues.

    • +15

      Have you actually read the book?

        • +12

          boo… at least read it before forming an opinion….

        • @shadako: lol. I read the 'about book' and listened to my lecturers when they told us to forget about naive psychology.
          Modern Psychology is a science. Old psychology and naive self help psychology from untrained people guessing, is very against everything modern psychology stands for tbh.
          But like I said, it might be an interesting read, just anyone who is in real need of help probably shouldn't read it.

        • +6

          @ozzpete: "I wouldn't allow myself to read the book, as it would be like promoting ignorance and stupidity."

          Ha, it's hard to believe a student of psychology could write something so patently absurd. If this is representative of the profession then self help books are going to be the far superior solution for those seeking educated assistance :P

        • -8

          @soothslayer: Ummmkay . I believe you.
          Read the book :)
          Increase your ignorance:)

        • +6

          @ozzpete: By definition you can't increase ignorance…

        • How do you know he isn't a psychologist now??? You might be a student, he might be a professional.

        • +1

          @ozzpete: you remind me of the "Head office" guy who has no real idea about my job but his book tells him im doing it wrong.

        • -5

          @soothslayer: I don't read dictionaries. However, of course you can increase your ignorance. You do this when you fill your mind with ninsense and allow nonsense to become part of your 'knowledge'. You can then write a book, sell it others, and share your ignorance :)

        • +1

          $1 is worth piece of mind thou :)

        • +1

          @kostanza: Yes, myself and everyone trying to help by being honest about self-help books not being ideal for anyone in real need of help, has been negged.

    • +1

      Lexipro - it's a psychologist in a $5 a month pill box

      • +3

        Psychologists never diagnose, never prescribe meds.

      • *Lexapro - more like $31.45/mo

        • Really? $14.95 for me to get actual Lexapro, or $5 for the generic brand

        • @Salmando: oh yeah, I miscalculated, ~$15/mo. But still, not $5/mo.

    • I hope you don't write your thesis with your phone.

    • +1

      Or they could read a book. But that way you don't get paid.

      • -1

        I dont get paid anyway. Im a student. And honestly, what psychologist gets paid if working under medicare without charging gap fee, is not worth the unpaid education effort we have to put in.
        Im only becoming a regiestered psychologist, because I want to help people for free ie. That dont have to pay me personally, medicare pays a vwry minimal amount, considering the level of education required (6 years absolute minimum), for $80 per 1.5 hours work.

        • (6 years absolute minimum), for $80 per 1.5 hours work.

          I used a locksmith recently. Charged $200 for 20 minutes work. Not sure if he spent 6 years at Uni and built up a 6 year HECS debt to be qualified.

        • -1

          @jv: Yes, psychology is not something to do for the money.
          It is however, something where I can help many people, and not take any money from them.
          There is many more lucrative trades/professions.
          There is also, more lucrative areas of psychology. One area is psychology for bussiness .
          Btw, sounds like the locksmith ripped you off, charged you $10 per minute work :/ .

        • You have very unlikely chances of getting a job in psychology in Australia after you finish studying. Even if you get the highest degree you'll most likely get a job as a taxi driver.

        • +1

          Reminds me of a joke. People have been sitting around a fire talking about each others problems since the caveman days. Until one guy thought, "I'm sick of hearing people's shit, I'm gonna start charging money to listen to people's shit" and that's how psychologist came about.

        • @Superninja418: ok buddy, I beleive you . Now drive me to the airport, and dont try to overcharge me. Im watching the meter!

        • +1

          @42: Very insightful. You dont sound ignorant at all . Lol

        • @Superninja418: Are you serious? I thought it was like a doctor and after you finish studying you are an immediate shoe in anywhere you want.

    • +2

      lol I came here just to see who negged.

      It's sad to see that psychologists are going the way of trades preaching "don't do anything for yourself - you must pay me".
      Is it low esteem or greed that causes the need to feel needed?

      I wouldn't worry. If you can help with mental illness you will have plenty of work.

      • +3

        Yes, do everything yourself. Dont go to a doctor or any medical professional at all, you have doctor-google. Just read an ebook from another untrained person guessing how to help.
        And when something goes wrong with car, computer, boat, aircraft you dont need a professional, just read an ebook on aircraft maintainence from some random guy that says "hey this worked for me" lol.

        • Yep. and when I reach the limit of what I can do myself, then I'll seek help

        • @SlickMick: You do not know the limit of what you can do yourself though. Often one does not realise what they can and cannot do until after they totally profanity something up.
          I certainly would not want to be in the aircraft you attempted to fix yourself based on an ebook telling you that you can do this. Lol.

        • @SlickMick: could be too late for some.

        • @OnlinePred:
          Come on guys, how about a little bit of common sense? If I bite my tongue, I'll see if I can stop the bleeding myself. If I can't, then and only then would I call the paramedics. (True life example, not me, of someone seeking professional help when she should have done a little self-help first.) If her tongue was on a floor, it's pretty clear we're already at the limits of self-help and time for the experts.

          If the book doesn't help me, I'll try a few other options before seeking professional help. (Actually I don't even intend reading it. I just got it because it was free.) Sure, some might be ready to escalate straight to professional help. Others might have plenty of alternate options.

        • @SlickMick: Some people aren't born experts in every field. Without being a expert how could you possibly know what your own limits are. To me, that is common sense. Mental problems can be more debilitating than physical injuries, and are also very common. If you are affected, how could you possibly know what is normal, and what your limits are, let a lone what you should expect from self help etc.

          Anyway, I'm no expert, so I'm gonna stay out of it.

        • @OnlinePred:
          I totally agree that mental illness is a huge problem in today's society. I would say far bigger than the experts can handle. There are many organisations trying to fill the gap between self-help and expert help.So only the truly serious cases should be tying up expert time.

        • @SlickMick: But this is a pitfall as many are not experts, and are creating more problems than we had before. Having family members as health professionals, it's amazing the amount of people who "try" and help people before they see professionals, more often than not they waste more money and create more issues for themselves instead of just seeing professionals in the first place. If anything, those that are worrying about taking up experts time and trying to fill gaps, should just fill the holes and become accredited professionals so there are more experts for people to see instead of relying on information that has not been reviewed, tested, approved by experts.

          The only problem that exists with seeing professionals, is accessibility due to gov rebates/support/cost. This is what needs to be fixed, not this self help stuff.

  • Just reading this while listening to a Jordan Peterson podcast. I stick with Jordan.

    • +1

      Dunno JP… but my fav is available in the app Jewish.TV (it's Not a URL link to a website):

      Search for "Manis"

      A more recent discovery: Stanford prof Robert Sapolsky's "Behavioral Biology" & his talk on

      "Depression in USA" (& - from the MOOC - the module on "…Religiosity" in which he connects a couple of MI's with folks who create or lead in religions. He also connects type of community (eg, Hunter-Gatherers vs Farmers) with features of the religions they created…. etc. Understanding such connections may be useful to the perplexed. ;-)

      Sapolsky's MOOC (over 20 talks) & his other talks are on YouTube.

      Manis Friedman's more entertaining (as well as useful) talks, eg:

      • Ultimate Recipe for Lasting Love

      • The Truth about Love & Marriage

      • Dating Advice you won't get anywhere else

      (as well as some on Addiction)

      …can be found in app & (possibly excerpts & sliced-up (shorter) videos on similar topics) YouTube

      Some YT videos' YouTube channels are full of other talks by the same speaker(s)

      Enjoy filling your hear/mind with warmly-delivered Wisdom & some of the suggested techniques (even if you skip/ignore the Jewish aspects) CAN CHANGE YOUR BRAIN CHEMISTRY, per recent research.

      (Compare listening to an angry vs a calmly wise speaker, & see how each makes you feel. I find Manis like the latter, mostly.)

    • +3

      Don't you think it's a waste of time reading a book and listening to spoken word at the same time though? Your brain is incapable of doing both at once and the one that you are focused on is compromised compared to just focusing on it alone.

      • Yes, I do think it's a waste of time and intend to do it less in the future.

      • Not always true. Depends on the person. Some people are great at focusing on several things at once like this.

      • +2

        Tell that to my wife, She does bazillion things at the same time :)

      • Wait… I think you're disparaging doing those 2 things, eg, in front of a TV or in a cinema, or… with a real person, in [an animated] conversation. ;-)

        PS: I'm also enjoying [what they call] "Live TV" from app "DW" (DeutscheWelle), eg:

        News, innovative things happening in Africa, DocFile, EuroMaxx, In Good Shape, etc.

        They spend a bit of time promoting Germany & touring EU, but it's good to get some upbeat pitches (without the typical ad hype) between news of less pleasant events, happening in the World.

    • +5

      Just reading this while listening to a Jordan Peterson podcast. I stick with Jordan.

      So what your saying is that we should organize our societies along the lines of lobsters.

  • Found this
    Where you could have online exercises etc
    Pay as little as you want.
    Wondering if it is any good or just a scam
    Haven't managed to find any reviews

    • Uni's seem to be putting MOOC's online that address improving Happiness & Welfare levels, eg Harvatd's & some on Coursera &/or EdX, etc.

      Harvard's is a spin-off from a very popular How To course on Happiness, that fills to overflowing, each term.

  • I’ve read about a case where someone lived with what they thought was social anxiety. Turned out the state had diagnosed him with PTSD as a teen but forgot to tell him and his family. That’s just the way the public health system rolls.

    • Diagnosis and labels aren't important. Every person is different. It is good that every person is different. Diagnosis is only required for prescribing meds ie. A GP cant prescribe ADHD meds, without diagnosing. A good psychologist should be completely open to looking at any patient on so many different levels that dont need diagnosis at all. The DSM-V is what diagnosis are based on, and that is just decided like a scale ie. A person may have 51% or 6 of 11 symptoms for diagnosis of an abnormal psychology disorder etc, and they have exactly the same daignosis as someone who has all 11 symptoms. Clearly these 2 people would not be the same, even though technically they both can be said to have 'ADHD' (or whatever disgnosis) .

      • +1

        +1 on labels.

        SA's IDSC didn't use such labels (eg, "Autistic") when training folks to work with their "Clients").

        Focus was on specific Behaviours, not the general labels.

        PS Oddly, there was a time - decades ago - when IDSC got their Clients to SMOKE(!)! …in the interest on "normalizing" them.

        Ah, the undue influence of the Tobacco Industry in AU (or at least in SA)…

        Contrast w/ Sweden, where an Quit-Smoking campaign promoted the concept of:

        • "A smoke-free generation"


        Did I hear that Psychologists can get $500 / hour in AU?

        • Psychiatrists gets about $500 or more an hour, often spends 5 minutes with patient, prescribes meds, sends them away.
          Psychologist last time I checked couple of years ago, get via medicare (if they dont charge a gap) about $80/hour registered psychologist (after 3 year degree, 1 year honour, 2 years under supervision) .
          $124.50/hour registered clinical psychologist (all above requirements, plus an extra 2 years uni I think, then maybe 1 year under supervisor, instead of 2) .
          Psychologist for above wage, are allowed/expected 1 hour in appointment, then half hour after appointment where they do other work fpr patient, eg planning treatment.
          Also, interesting point about the labels/diagnosis , and very controversial amongst psychologists, is that kids need to be diagnosed with ADHD or else they cannot legally be prescribed meds for ADHD. However once child is officially diagnosed with adhd, this will preclude them from getting many jobs in the future as adults. Ie. Many jobs instantly refuse you based on ADHD diagnosis. I think some of the jobs are military, police.

        • @ozzpete: just because someone gets diagnosed with ADHD other, it doesn't always mean drugs. I lived with a brother who had it and it was bad when he was like 4 years old-not even I was born- but after 8+ he was like any other person.

        • +3

          I'm a psychiatrist. I think you've made some valid points throughout the post in spite of perhaps tactlessly attracting some negative downvotes ;)
          However, I feel that your caricature of a psychiatrist may be a little well, caricatured.
          Medicare rebates aren't as high as $500, please refer to… for examples of how much it roughly costs to see a psychiatrist. Sure, some charge a huge gap fee, but most practitioners like myself change the amount I charge depending on my patient's circumstances (e.g. I bulk bill all who have financial difficulties and charge maybe $100-150 gap for a professional with no children and no mortgage).
          I also spend at least an hour with each new patient and 20-30 mins with repeat patients, but more often approximately 45 mins still with repeat appointments. I never offer medications alone as sole means of treatment, and in many cases don't even bring up medications (for mild depression / anxiety). I do my own psychotherapy and often refer to psychologists for modalities of therapy I don't do. I certainly value these psychologists as esteemed colleagues.

          So in conclusion, no, psychiatrists don't tend to just spend 5 mins with each patient, prescribe them meds and send them away. Although, there certainly may be a few who practise in this manner, who may not represent the majority of us. =)

        • @Superninja418: Yes, of course. ADHD is overdiagnosed anyway. And as you said, medicine is not the only answer, which is exactly why we have psychologists, which are very different to psychiatrists. A Psychologist can help with many mental health issues without the use of medication, and where medication is present in the circumstances of a partical patient, a psychologist would still assist additionally.

        • @luvv: Thats good to know that some spend more than 5 minutes with patients. I know of 1 around my area, and certainly he only spends 5 minutes with repeat patients.
          He also made an error due to this lack of time spend, whereby he increased a patients dose of anti-depressant medication, without enquiring as to whether there were 'reasonable stressors' , then on next appointment months later, aknowledged his mistake (upon realising there had been reasonable stressors) , and reduced medication again.
          This psychiatrist in our area charges a $40 gap fee (even to patients on disabilty pension) . He charges about I think $120 on top of that to medicare, for 5 minutes with patient. So thats where I got the over $500 figure from.
          It is great to hear that you are doing much better than the psychiatrist in our area, spending more time with patients, charging less to people in need without much money. Good on you.

        • @ozzpete: btw, what happened to your neg? (;

      • +1

        Treatment for PTSD has been widely studied and the patient is usually informed. A self diagnosis of social anxiety can be a huge barrier to getting through your real problems.

        • +1

          That is why people shouldn't read self help books, instead of seeing a good professional about their issues.
          Books such as this encourage self diagnosis and self management of their needs from someone saying "well this worked for me" .
          Obviously everyone is different, even if some look the same, there are so so many variables involved. Variables which a good psychologist would look into.

  • -3

    Some opportunistic (he writes all kind of books like smoothies, juices etc., see his profile) trying to make a quick buck with hastily put together 80 page content, trying to exploit people's insecurities. Even free will do more harm than good. Ozb is not a marketing platform for crap.

    Mod: Accusation removed

    • -1

      You can't really say he hastily put an 80 book together without bothering to read it. I know all the rubbish about not self diagnosing online blah blah but this book is simply 'social anxiety solution' not 'Diagnose yourself with social anxiety'. So if you've been diagnosed with social anxiety (eg. Asperger's Syndrome) I recommend to read this and you might find some ways to overcome it without wasting your money and buying medications.

      • -1

        LMAO . They say ignorance is bliss. You seem very happy :) .
        Good for you.
        BTW, there is no Aspergers anymore, and it is NOT social anxiety . But keep saying such foolish rants. Im entertained ;)

  • +3

    I am shy. I bought this book and hide my face with it when I go outside. It has really helped me.

    • +1

      Shy or Introvert…?

      There's a TED-talk on the -value- of Introverts to society. (Speaker's surname is "Cain")

      • Maybe he's just a stalker . Hiding his face behind the book in the park.

        • HOW WOULD YOU KNOW??

  • "If I can do it, so can you. Here are a few of the things you will learn in this book:

    How to overcome your shyness and social anxiety by reprogramming your mind

    How to use visualization to change your personality and behavior

    How to use bioenergetic exercises to eliminate stress, anxiety, and negative emotions

    How to avoid the traps that keep you stuck in your old ways of thinking and behaving…"

    Or…piracetam. :)

  • +2

    "I'm here to tell you that everything you desire is certainly within reach" . Well this author seems totally legit. I desire a pair of unicorns and a time machine :)


    Excellent free resource and workbook on the issue. Good luck!

  • i feel empowered when i flop it out in public

    • +2

      Write an ebook about what helped for you. Claim as the author does, "I'm here to tell you that everything you desire is certainly within reach" .
      Use the money that you make from self help book to buy a new trench coat. Lol.

  • Lol

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    Why the Law of Attraction Doesn't Work for You and What to Do Instead

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