Hi if anyone can help, or has experience in this I'd love to hear.
So basically I own a studio apartment and early 2017 leased it using an agency.
I signed a contract so the agent would take the rent and pay all necessary bills (The Levies and Rates).
So all was going well until end of 2017 I started getting debt collection letters in my mailbox at my current residence.
Turns out Levies for my Studio were not paid and the property was in arrears of 2.4k Plus 1k free since the owners corp used AMPAC debt collection.
I contacted my agent and they said they had contacted strata (at the time I signed with them) to give them the updated billing address and do have email proof, which I've seen. But they never followed up.
For some reason the Strata/Accounts manager did not end up updating the address so Levies over almost a year have been just sitting in the mailbox of the apartment with the tenant probably throwing them away.
Anyway I immediately sent $2.4k to the agent to pay off the arrears amount. But did not send 1k for the debt collection fee which I thought was absurd. Owners corp paid for it, but they want me to pay them back for it, which I declined because I thought it was a screw up by the Strata manager for not updating the address.
Fast forward to now I have not been getting rent for about 2 months and noticed the excessive monies my Agent has been paying to Strata along with paying the regular strata levy/rates. The extra amount has totaled to about 1k was billed as arrears for the debt collection fee.
TLDR - Agents gone and paid strata 1k debt collection fee which was accrued due to negligence. Basically pissed off they paid the debt collection fee, but what would others do In a similar situation, can I get the 1k back? Should I have babied the Agents early on and made sure they were doing their job?
Honestly never dealt with this before so this is more of an opinion then anything else, but renting a place with strata now, and this place here feels a bit dodgy, so far so I get this feeling that they'd do whatever they can get away with. Luckily I haven't had any issues, but all they seem to do here is try to find people they can fine.
End of the day I'd definitely agree strata fault but likely agent won't push it because they know strata will make their life hell whenever they try to show it off to prospective tenants or buyers (including getting building access, going in for inspections or getting handymen in). Agent obviously would prefer not to have to deal, especially since they're essentially using your money to pay it anyway.
Definitely a shame but if your place is like mine, most likely you'd have to push it pretty hard (or get a lawyer involved?) which then they may start changing their tune, but from there on out you have to hope you have no issues with your room.