• expired

$20 off First Ride at Uber AU - Exclusive to OzBargain


The old code has expired at the end of March, and Uber sent me a new code yesterday. Use coupon code DMPOZBARGAUQ2 when you sign up to Uber Australia to get $20 off the first ride. The new expiry is 30 June.

Here's a disclaimer: this is in fact an affiliate code for OzBargain, and by using this code when you sign up to Uber & take the first ride, OzBargain will receive commission from Uber. OzBargain's policy has been not showing affiliate links to logged in users (and guest users can opt-out), but in this case we are unable to not receive commission when the code is used. Alternatively you can also use this code to get $20 off first ride if you are not comfortable of OzBargain getting affiliate commission. Or use the referral to split the $20 with the referrer.

Referral Links

50% off 2 Uber Reserve Rides: random (214)

Referee and referrer get 50% off first/next 2 Uber Reserve Rides.

50% off 5 Rides for Referee, 1 Ride for Referrer: random (212)

For a limited time, 50% off 5 rides for referee, 50% off 1 ride for referrer. $15 discount cap per ride.

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closed Comments

    • +37

      I would rather ozbargain benefit than PayPal from the commission.

        • +12

          From the post:

          Here's a disclaimer: this is in fact an affiliate code for OzBargain, and by using this code when you sign up to Uber & take the first ride, OzBargain will receive commission from Uber.

          Scotty even linked the paypal deal already:

          Alternatively you can also use this code to get $20 off first ride if you are not comfortable of OzBargain getting affiliate commission.

          But who wouldn't support the ozbargain overlords over paypal?

        • +8

          Did you even read the OP? I'd hazard a guess that you didn't.

        • -3


          Just noticed the disclaimer

        • +2

          this is in fact an affiliate code for OzBargain


        • +1

          @doweyy: Second time this week….

      • +3

        Item is available at the same price elsewhere, clearly not a bargain, but hey, Scotty posted it so it is a bargain I guess.

        • +12

          Available at the same discount, but you're supporting a website which doesn't take money off you and isn't as rich as paypal.

        • @doweyy:

          If that was the standard for every other affiliate program or retailer, then sure, but it's not.

        • +6


          There's been many cases of officeworks and others matching another retailers price (which already had a bargain post as well) and it got reposted as a bargain, and they did quite well. I think ozb consumers like having an option of choosing who to support

        • -1

          Unfortunately ozbargain has turned into a phenomena where many users vote for the poster and not the deal itself. I have seen the same deal posted by different posters a few weeks apart where x posters deal went front page and the other barely got 10 votes.

        • @easternculture:

          Yes, and………?

        • @jackspratt:

          If you accept that's the case, you can't possibly view it as a good thing.

    • +6

      Why opt to give the commision to PayPal, when you could give it to Ozbargain?

      • -7

        Well if PayPal didn't exist, you wouldnt get your buyer protection when buying goods from overseas merchants/ebay etc so I don't see anything wrong in supporting PayPal here

        • +8

          And if Ozbargain didn't exist you'd use your PayPal half as much and miss out on a ton of bargains..

          It's nice supporting local businesses. Especially a very beneficial one like Ozbargain.

        • +2

          @easternculture: And you pay for that. Ozbargain is free, yet you get a lot of value out of it, why not give them some financial benefit at no disadvantage to yourself?

        • -4


          And you pay for that.

          The buyer pays for it 😇

        • +2

          @easternculture: you've missed the point there mate

    • Aussies generally don't like supporting the devil if they don't have to.

      • PayPal is the devil? Why? Their buyer protection has saved my ass plenty of times.

        • It's really MasterCard/Visa's buyer protection.

  • +1

    The old code gave me an error about how it had been used too many times. That was like 2 days after it was published. Ended up paying full price when I needed it.

    • +2

      I never take Uber anymore because of this. The promo code will be displayed as valid but as soon as you’ve got on the car, they will send you a text saying that your promo code is no longer valid. And you can’t really cancel because you’re already inside the car!

  • +3

    Feck Uber.

  • Did Uber ever clarify what "DMP" means?

  • +9

    Is there anyone left on the net that hasn’t already used a “first” time offer from Uber, if not used it a few times hehe

    • I still have plenty of imaginary friends.

      • User name checks out

    • +4

      Yeah "OzBargain exclusive" and "first ride Uber code" is a contradiction.

    • +1

      I've never used uber\lyft in my life, so I guess me..

    • Me

      • +1

        and since you probably missed or ignored the last 5000 uber offers, are you interested in this one?

        • -1

          Nup, that's because I don't trust the drivers

        • @pyro love bird:

          as i thought, about not redeeming this. :) Hence why im surprised Uber keeps these first time users up.

        • @cloudy: to clarify my comment above, it's not that I have an issue with the drivers per se. I just don't get into cars with people idk by myself, even if I'm paying them. More of a personal thing then anything

        • @pyro love bird:

          Yea, understand that.

          And to clarify my “as I thought”, I meant, as I thought that everyone who wants to use a Uber probably already has by now. Getting different people or organisations to spruik the same deal won do anything

        • @cloudy: all good, and fair point, if I was a group and they needed a voucher I'd make an account for them to use. But I'm sure they've made one with my name before already haha

  • +1

    Wow, thanks scotty, and +1 for the transparency =).

    I love you scotty =D.

  • Silly question, but how does "Uber Au" differ from regular (?) Uber? (I just installed the Uber app today intending to get a ride to the airport, but it just said "Uber (Beta)": does this code help me?)

    EDIT: I added the code to my app, it seems to have worked! I guess it applies next ride I use, awesome :)

    • +1

      It's the same app, Uber app is international and should work worldwide given uber operates in that country.

    • +1

      Uber gives different promo code for different countries. So if you sign up to Uber in US, the above coupon code would not work.

      • Thanks! So it'll work tomorrow on my way to the airport, but not at my destination, nice :)

        • +1

          The app and everything will work at the destination tomorrow. Just not the code.

          Top tip: if you are heading overseas, use your 28 degrees card for no FX commission on rides.

  • +1

    I have never used UBER so far. Once I did install it on my phone while creating an account, but later removed it (without ever using the service).
    Now, I have reinstalled it and tried to add the promo codes (both the OZBargain & Paypal). However, for both, it gives the same error message - "Promotion is only available to new users." What is this, UBER ?? Very silly ….

  • +11

    I received the code from Uber yesterday and the moderators actually had quite a bit of discussions this morning. Basically the options are:

    • Not posting. We already have one $20 off coupon, and the new riders will just unknowingly put the commissions to PayPal.
    • Allowing affiliate codes from everyone. Nope, we aren't going back there — it's just way too chaotic.
    • Posting, but not declaring. After all quite a few other Uber deals got posted this year and not many people realised that some publishers were actually linked to those codes and got commissions.
    • Posting + declaration. That's what we ended up deciding to do. It's not ideal because we have stated in posting guidelines that no affiliate links are allowed, and OzBargain won't show its own affiliate links to logged in users. However in this case the $20 off discount is only applied when the code is used.

    When I met with Uber's team last year I actually told them that we prefer to take $0 commission to give maximum discount to those using our code. Then last December they moved from one platform to the other, gave us some new code and a month later I found that we actually received commission from these code! It was surprising as we have never implemented their affiliate links so all the sales are tracked via the code.

    Anyway the situation is not ideal. Those code will be funding future Xiaomi giveaways and OzBargain T-shirts :)

    • +8

      Whoever wouldn't rather choose to support this brilliant site and its community need to gtfo.

    • +4

      I know Ozbargain doesn't 100% share this view (as evident from the rule not allowing everyone to post affiliate links - and I get it - it can get messy), but I've always been of the opinion that as long as users get a benefit and things are generally transparent (as has been the case here), and the user does not lose out, then there's no rational reason why I should object just because you (the poster) gain something out of this. It's not like the commission is taken out of my discount.

      I think most here share a somewhat similar view?

      • the user does not lose out

        The user does not lose out… Unless he/she is also using a cashback site. That is one reason why we decided not to serve the affiliate links to logged in users. All logged in users ought to use cashback sites to get more discount, i.e. Cashrewards, PricePal & ShopBack.

        As of guest users who use cashback sites — in this case OzBargain could be at odds with those sites and might become the cause of missing cashbacks.

        • That is one reason why we decided not to serve the affiliate links to logged in users.

          Which affiliate links are you referring to?

          All logged in users ought to use cashback sites to get more discount, i.e. Cashrewards, PricePal & ShopBack.

          Are you referring to this deal or another deal?

          Sorry a bit confused

        • @illumination: If cashback sites give a better return, use it! At the moment it's $10.50 cashback from Cashrewards for Uber's 1st ride so it would be better to use this $20 off coupon code.

          I was however just talking about relationship between OzBargain, cashback sites and affiliate networks in general. We do show our own affiliate links to guest users who are not logged in (see this help document). However if you are a logged in user you should not see affiliate links at all, allowing you to take advantage of cashback sites. There's no business partnership between OzBargain and those cashback sites. We are showing their links because we think it's beneficial to our users.

        • Whilst I see where you're coming from, I would argue if anyone is allowed to do this, it would in fact be Ozbargain themselves.

          They do uhh.. own the website after all?

        • -2


          In any modern community, the rules apply to everyone. This is no different

        • Why don't you want the site to make more revenue?

          Without it, this site would be nothing, and I can't see why helping increase that is an issue (to help keep it alive). As Scotty said, it's to benefit all of us.

        • @easternculture: who writes the rules? Ozbargain.

          What's stopping them from changing rules to say affiliate links are not allowed except our own? Nothing.

          Ok, there could be a backlash, and it wouldn't be a good look, but it's their own website. Why can't they?

        • -2


          I don't think you get the point.

          If you want to implement rules, they must apply to everyone.

          This is a case of double standards

        • @easternculture:

          But we as the users are the only ones who benefit from this.

          If individual users could post affiliate links, then only they would benefit, not us.

          But in this case, we are the one who benefit. Can't see how it's a double standard in this case.

        • -2


          My point is clear. I don't need to clarify further

        • +4

          @easternculture: Thank goodness for that!

        • @easternculture:

          this site is full of double standards, this is one instance where im not peeved about it. i can list many if i could be bothered.

  • I signed u Uber long time ago and never use it. I just wondering where can I put in the promotion code in the app?

    • look for the three lines in the top left corner (this is assuming you've already created an account/signed in)
      tap Payment
      and Promotions

  • Uber have upped their prices that it’s not worth using. My local trip up the road used to cost $7 now it’s $12. Wtf ?!? Can’t justify that bs and defeats the purpose.

    • +2

      They have indeed been getting cocky and understandably so - they haven't really had any competition.

      I'm not sure how worried they are about Taxify and Ola, but it's still early days. I feel Taxify's been quite good so far. I haven't used Ola yet, but it'll be interesting.

      GoCatch on the other hand… I feel they're really struggling.

  • "Unable to apply promotion code"

    I've never used Uber but I have in the past put a promo code in that expired. Does that "lock out" new promotions?

    • +1

      I think that could be the case. If you have applied a promo code previously even when you have not used it — you might not be able to apply another promo code in that account.

  • Says promo has already been used on this phone number but I've never taken any Uber?

  • When I sign up where do I enter the code - I never saw a chance to do this 🙄

  • if I add the code to my account, how quickly do I need to use it? Will it expire in 14 days from when it is loaded or will I have longer?

  • Hi ,dose someone know if the first ride Uber code hasn’t been used but expired.Can I use it again? As theoretically I am still a first rider to Uber

    • I can't seem to apply ANY codes to my Uber account any more. And I've never use my first ride either.

      So unless Uber changes that weird policy I won't be trying them.

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