This was posted 6 years 11 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE AVG Internet Security 2018 - 12 Months Licence @ SharewareOnSale


AVG Internet Security provides you with protection against viruses, malware, spam, scams, phishing, and more. Plus, it has additional features such as a firewall, internet accelerator, privacy protector, and more. AVG Internet Security is the best antivirus protection for you & your privacy.

Terms and Conditions
This is a 1-computer 1-year license, for noncommercial use
You get free updates for same major version for one year
You get free tech support for one year
You must redeem the license key before this offer has ended
May not be resold

Related Stores

Shareware On Sale
Shareware On Sale

closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks OP

  • +1

    Thanks for posting OP, great find.

    • +2

      It’s going viral!

  • +9

    Better protection than Windows Defender. Just turn off/uninstall the built-in firewall or at least not let it sit in auto mode. Has a tendency to block the internet, local network, various apps and worst of all make printers go offline at random times.

    • But is it better protection than McAfee?

      • +1

        Hmmmm I'm conflicted! All I'll say is something is better than nothing.

    • I wouldn't say it's particularly better but it is more sensitive, the heuristic engine tends to flag a lot of false positives.

  • Thanks OP great

    • dude what does OP mean

      • +1

        original poster

  • +44

    Looks like its one license Key


    Download Link…


    • +1

      Haha thanks eastern, you're the man!

    • +1

      You the real MVP!

    • +3

      Its the exact same key as last time it was posted here, in December

    • expiry shows 5/2/2018 (only up to May 2018)

    • how exactly do these third party .exe files work versus purchasing through AVG themselves? I mean what is the implicatiosn in terms of software compromisation/safety for those of us less nifty with our computers ? is it safe to just install this third parties version of the file and then use only the one license key? Sorry not too sure how it all works versus going direct through the antivirus co.

      • +1

        It's fine. When the installer runs, just say 'no' to installing the shareware site's notification of giveaway feature.

        After that it should be a vanilla install of AVG that works with the license key.

    • +1

      the manual download option allows you to directly get the full file via…

  • +2

    I keep getting a pop up saying "This giveaway is only for devices". Whatever the heck that means.

    • +1

      So the antivirus only works on devices and not for humans. Good to know ;)

  • +4

    Thanks Adr8, I got it last time it was on offer, good program,

    But Click on Menu, then settings, then pop-ups and untick 'Show popup offers on other AVG products'

    Then click OK

    • +1

      Looks like turning off pop-ups only available for if you’re premium

      • That must be new, I got the free download in December and I it doesn't show that second line.

      • I was able to turn off pop-ups

        • +1

          That’s strange, for me to be able to turn off pop-ups, I need to upgrade to premium which costs $44.99

    • +1

      I also got it last time but it was due to expire soon so installed it via the link and entered the new licence key and it now expires 28/03/19 :)

      • I'm good til 10/1/2019, otherwise I would have downloaded the hell out of this :P

        • +1

          I was able to untick 'Show popup offers on other AVG products' so thanks for the tip, so I must have the full premium version?

        • +1

          Don't think so. if you had the premium/ultimate version you wouldn't get the pop-ups as you already have all the products.

  • the license key I got only gave me a month of subscription, how come?

    • If I remember correctly, you do get the basic AVG for 12 months,

      The one month is for other 'premium products'

  • +3

    Sophos home is free forever and better

    • +1,They provide free home firewall too (separate from AV)

      • Sophos was difficult to uninstall.

    • -1

      Sophos is currently so bad it's not even in the list of AV-test.

      • +1

        Check under its business category mate. Sophos provides enterprise level protection.

  • Yep, I got the same key: IBY9X-ESYXT-W4BZQ-QI4WX-A9LI7-INRS3
    I pasted it into my AVG Free Antivirus and it did some update (I assume upgraded Antivirus to Internet Security), says it expires "07/19/2018" (Must be American 19/Jul/2018)

    I haven't restarted yet, but that doesn't look like one year.

    • Mine is showing expiry 28/03/19 after the restart.

  • +2

    AVG used to be my go to virus checker. I've stopped using it and stopped recommending it because I got sick of it annoying me about how I should pay to upgrade it.

    • What do you use now?

      • +15

        Windows Defender is built into Windows 10 and does a good enough job for me.

    • +1

      Same for me. I found it killed my computer speed. I have a basic $300 laptop that is now several years old so have to keep it stripped down to support my needs, which is really only internet surfing and odd jobs like CV updates.

      And uninstalling the thing is impossible. It leaves residual which no amount of effort can get rid of.

      Windows defender is fine if you are smart about your internet activities. If you aren't downloading or going to dodgy gambling,torrent and porn sites then you will be ok. I know that doesn't leave much, but there you go.

      • +1

        If you aren't downloading or going to dodgy gambling,torrent and porn sites then you will be ok.

        Damn, I'd better jump on this deal then…

  • +1

    Does anyone remember when everyone hated AVG because they sell your data to 3rd parties? Is this still an issue?

    • +16

      It's not a big deal anymore since we all have Facebook. ^^

      • +1

        And Google. :-)

      • +5

        we all have Facebook

        A lot of people are deleting it. It causes depression and loss of wealth.

  • Thanks - just redeemed

  • +1

    Does this work on Mac to? Do we even need antivirus on Mac?

  • +3

    A true ozbargainer would never buy anti-virus software. Windows Defender and Common Sense™ 2018 is all you need.

    • It's a real shame Common Sense™ 2018 won't protect you when your favourite website gets hijacked or a zero day is released. Windows Defender performs badly in that department unfortunately. Still better than using nothing.

      • -3

        Just don't download and open files you didn't request even on your favorite website? A website can do very little unless you let it.
        Additionally, if it's a zero day then it's a zero day - doesn't matter what protection you use, the entire point of a zero day exploit is they are not detected by any antivirus.

        • You don't have to download/open a file for a virus to execute. Thanks to exploit kits it's possible for it to be executed without your interaction. Thankfully the chance of that is much lower.

          The email scams going around lately get you to log into fake Office 365 pages or follow Dropbox urls from PDFs. That's where Common Sense kicks in.

        • +2

          @Clear: Downvote me all you like but I'm right. Script based malware is a real thing and if you're unpatched from carelessness or it's a 0-day then you have no hope of stopping exploits without proper protection. For the stuff that does prompt you, a little bit of Javascript can make the drive by still occur even if you cancel.


          Instead of showing up as executable files, they take the form of scripts hidden on websites, mining for cryptocurrency in the browser. Visitors to these sites see no evidence of the mining. The only clues that something may be amiss are their computer slowing down and their fans revving up.

          While this doesn't steal your data, it's still malicious and using your system resources. Similar ways can be used to infect your system or steal data.

        • @Clear: I've been using javascript for 10+ years so i know perfectly well what it is and is not capable of doing. Javascript can not access anything outside of the web browsers security sandbox unless it utilities a much lower level complex type of attack such as RowHammer or AnC. If a script is smart enough to bypass the security on your web-browser (provided you use a reliable browser like chrome), i guarantee it's going to be smart enough to deceive any fancy anti-virus you have. The only true protection is to use no-script if you want to be safe from javascript based attacks. Servers are a different story, as they hold data valuable enough to justify the extra protection, but for home computers:

          • Don't download or open anything you didn't specifically request.
          • Use a web email client like Gmail with inbuilt virus scanning instead of software like outlook.
          • Don't follow links in emails until you verify the sender.
          • Don't use the same password for everything.
          • Keep a backup of your data.

          If you want to slow down your computer with AVG be my guest, but follow those 5 steps and you will be safe from 95% of attacks.
          The only time AVG is going to come in useful is when a trusted application is infected on a host website, but the only websites i download from are those who know how to protect themselves from infection.

        • @stealthpaw: In this example I was referring to in browser attacks which is why I referenced the Coinminers. Before we go any further let's just look at my associations on OzBargain and go from there :)

          For obvious reasons I wouldn't normally go waving the AVG flag, but in this instance my recommendation is that it's better than nothing and these fancy ones often out perform Windows Defender in some areas like 0 day exploitation. The few times I have had to use AVG I've literally blown away a lot of the fancy features because of the issues they cause. I covered the firewall much higher in this post.

          What I was talking about is certainly the 5%, but having first hand experience on a daily basis nothing is safe.

        • @Clear: I certainly agree that AVG is better then nothing if you actually need that extra protection, however after having fixed hundreds of computers as a technician in the past, i can say without a doubt the vast majority of infected computers also had 3rd party anti-virus installed and it had not helped at all. AVG also has a tendency to slow down the computer significantly on older computers, so the flaws outweighs the perks in my personal opinion granted one has an understanding of security risks.

        • @stealthpaw: The past is very different to now. The tactics used by the community has drastically changed in the last 5 years. The ransomware attacks common from 2 years ago coming in the form email attachments are on a rapid decline. I went from having my clients globally being infected every week to every 1-2 months now.

    • +1

      But it’s free, as are several other options better than windows defender or common sense.

  • Was a happy AVG user for years up until caught up with the " user profile cannot load issue" - Seems lot of people has the same issue.. It was a pain as my system did not had a workable backup point.. tried lots of online solutions without luck..finally created another user profile through safe mode/command prompt to access my PC -…

    • I love this comment

      That's lame..

      They should use Avast instead.

      2 years later Avast purchases AVG.

  • Even after I input the license key. It still show you are using TRIAL of AVG Internet Security when I go to "My AVG" —> "Subscription"

    It also says the license will expire on 5/2/2018 (may 2018)

    I already reboot and still showing as trial and expiry no 5/2/2018.

    • Have you installed it previously maybe?

      • yes. When I go to subscription, on top it say TRIAL then the license key as shown as above. At bottom it shows the expiry on 5/2/2018

        • I had a similar thing happen last year when it would revert back to the trial version for some reason, happened maybe 2 or 3 times. I resubmitting the licence key and it fixed it, maybe try that. Or you could create an AVG account and submit the licence key there

      • +1

        ok i tried it again this time i installed using the shareware installer (previously, i use the installer from AVG website and input license and still expiry is 5/2/2018).

        Now, after I install AVG using the shareware installer, it now shows expiry as 03/29/2019
        But, still on topription as using "Trial of AVG Internte seurity"

        • Yep mine says 'Trial' also for some reason, but it seems to be the full version from what I can tell. Glad you got the expiry sorted anyway :)

        • @adr8: thanks

          From what I experience: the license work only when i use the installer that comes from shareware.

          If I use the installer directly from AVG wewbsite, the license expiry provided is only for a month (even after reboot).

          It seems ike sharewareonsale did some changes on the installaler/licensing which bothers me a bit.

          I prefer to install is using the official installer directly from AVG website but it seems I could not make the 12 monht license to work.

      • Nope, I have not installed previously. This is a new laptop.

        I also use a newly generated email.

  • Thanks OP. My 12-month Bitdefender Total Security license was to expire overnight, so the timing was perfect and BD 2018 has had a much larger footprint on my PCs memory than I've ever noted previously - must be a memory leak in the the process (at least for my install).

    AVG is now all setup and I'm good until next year.

  • is completely free

  • +1

    I usually think the biggest virus in a computer is the anti-virus software.

  • -5

    Don't use third-party AV products. Windows Defender is 100% all you need.

    AVG will become nagware. It's bloated and it's free because YOU ARE THE PRODUCT.

    • +1

      What if you are not using Windows 10?

      • Then use Microsoft Security Essentials.

    • +1

      It's free and better safe than sorry.

      And no windows defender is not that powerful tbh. I have tested some infected files that AVG can detect while windows defender doesn't.

    • +1

      Disagree look at av-test or av-comparatives plenty of products with better detection rates and also performance. Just because it comes with Windows doesn't mean it runs lighter than other software. Check the performance tests on av-comparatives

    • +1

      Don't waste your keystrokes on the obvious. Everyone here is stuck in 2003 and cheerleaders for useless AV spyware. There's a reason they give it away 'free' and it's not because they're generous.

      • At least I've got some support!

        Other AV providers inflate detection rates by including 'hack tools' like KMS and keygens. These aren't viruses, but by flagging them in a category they can say "look, we get xxxx more than AV provider xyz"… then AV provider xyz also flags the same files so as to not be inferior.

        So now you've got all these non-virus files being detected as viruses, and when AVG gets them and Defender doesn't, you believe that AVG is the superior product.

        • Not to mention 'logging and flogging' your browser history and giving the AV company details of everything you install/uninstall and access to literally every keystroke you make. That's lucrative data. AV software is granted top tier system permissions, it sees and logs everything. It could be argued it was a useful product a decade back but now it's little more than spyware.

        • How do you "inflate" the detection rates? If it's a false positive it's a false positive and they include that in their reports from Av-Comparatives…

        • +1

          @R3XNebular: It's not a false positive because a keygen is ostensibly a "hacking tool".

          So even though they do nothing dangerous, malicious or at all virusey or spyware-y, they still count them as a detection and hence the rates are very much inflated.

        • +1

          @picklewizard: This is true

  • +1

    This disabled my keyboard from working on my laptop. Updated heaps of drivers but only managed to fix by uninstalling AVG hahahahaha.

    • Faced the same problem.

  • +1

    Antivirus software is so PC specific - for one person it will be great, for another the same package will be 10 times worse that any malware 'most' people have experienced - disabling services, slowing the machine to a crawl etc.

    That's why it's always good to trial AV/Mal software before buying (or try free deals like this one).

  • Free is free but AVG suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks

  • Worked well for me. Thanks OP

  • +2

    i never knew people used AV anymore… Windows defender has looked after me for years..

    • +1

      You clearly still use an AV called Windows Defender.

  • VERY helpful thanks guys

  • AVG use to be my go-to but now it's just bloat ware

  • where exactly do you put the licence key? i downloaded from the shareware link but a free version gets installed and it doesnt prompt me to enter the licence key. can someone pls show me where to enter the key? thanks!

    • Top right hand corner click on 'My AVG' then click 'My Subscription' then enter licence key.

      • thank you sir!!

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