This was posted 6 years 11 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4, XB1] Batman The Telltale Series $10 @ Big W

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Batman The Telltale Series for PS4 has been reduced in store. Not sure about XB1 or Switch versions.

EDIT: XB1 is listed as $10 online
NOT sure Big W ever received Switch version

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  • +3

    You're supposed to scan the barcode, not the Bat Signal !!!

  • I would (profanity) love the Switch version at this price. Tempted to run into an EB and just say "Big W are clearing the game entirely" and hope they buy it but I doubt my luck.

    Decent enough game, at least for Telltale anyway.

    • I had the same thoughts but all my local EB stores are too strict/savvy when it comes to being very specific on price matching. The game has to be in stock, not on clearance and usually within about $10 of whatever they're selling the game for in order for them to agree I find

    • +1

      My local EB always price match. even the "Limited stock" Shadow of the Colossus from Target. I just matched the Dishonored DE from Big W and they matched with no hesitation. They also accept pictures of scanned prices as long as they have a Big W or Target near them.

      • Care to pick me up a copy of Batman Switch using this method then?

        I'd be down to shoot you 25/30 odd (including the 10 for the game) if you were successful. I don't have the balls to try it at my local.

  • Thanks OP!

  • Hopefully 'The Enemy Within' gets reduced at some point.

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