Here is the full PS Plus April 2018 line-up:
PS4 : Mad Max
PS4 : Trackmania Turbo
PS3 : In Space We Brawl
PS3 : Toy Home
PS Vita : 99 VIDAS
PS3/PS4/PS Vita : Q*Bert Rebooted
Here is the full PS Plus April 2018 line-up:
PS4 : Mad Max
PS4 : Trackmania Turbo
PS3 : In Space We Brawl
PS3 : Toy Home
PS Vita : 99 VIDAS
PS3/PS4/PS Vita : Q*Bert Rebooted
Thank you for that. This month was absolute shit to be honest, but I'll give the VR mode a spin. Already got it on Gold ages ago but Xbox don't go no VR, yo.
The Wipeout VR update dropped yesterday as well!
I heard, I've got it downloaded now. :)
You're kidding, right? Bloodborne and Ratchet and Clank? 2 extremely well received and highly rated games? how can you consider that "absolute shit"?
Okay, well first of all, I was replying to a comment about Trackmania, and then mentioned it was already on Gold, so it's pretty safe to assume I'm talking about April when I say the month is shit. And it is shit.
But secondly, Bloodborne and Ratchet are the best they've had in months and it was on the month they announced they'd be killing two thirds of the service effectively, and even then, it's a game that's been 10 bucks a tonne of times and a remake of a PS2 game that itself has hit the under 20 mark regularly. Nothing amazing really there either.
Not sure why you got neg. I guess negging is free people so do it. Perhaps new system needs an explanation before pressing the button.
I fully agree with you. In general the PSN Sub on PS4 isnt very good value.
That's all
Only people who can play games constantly might think it s worth it. And they probably haven't experience what is called the greatest lineup given on PSN sub during the PS3 era. Those were days sub was truly worth it.
It's long gone and Sony now have the market so they don't give a stink about giving you any value
Nice, held off on max max for a while.
Same! Always wanted to play it but never got around to playing it. No more excuses now!
i had a flatemate who had it and i enjoyed it. i always intended to play this again (and try to platinum it) but never got around to it. i just renwed my playstation plus as well for far cry 5
Ooo Trackmania 😁
Mad Max is an awesome game, but I purchased and finished it years ago for about $15.
Awesome lineup. Track mania is such an awesome game but haven’t tried out mad max yet.
Hell has frozen over!! Quality games
you missed march then
Mad Max is one of my favourite games this generation. Really hoping for a sequel
If you don't download the PS3 games you dont get them yeah? I've got a ps3 but dont have it hooked up to 'activate' the games?
You can purchase them through your browser and download them later. I usually do it using the PS app.
"Old ass, heavily discounted PS4 games".
This month PS4 gets Mad Max, XBox gets Assassin's Creed Syndicate, which was released the month after Mad Max. But yeah, I guess that month is the difference between fresh and old, right? As for "heavily discounted", I don't know what the pricing on XBox is like, but on the PS Store right now, Mad Max is $99.95, while Assassin's Creed Syndicate is $17.95 (currently on sale, reduced from it's regular price of $49.95). Heavily discounted, indeed.
Oh well, at least XBox gets Dead Space 2 this month. Which was on PS+ in 2012.
Damn. Served.
I agree with him that they're old ass games though, it's just that the Xbox offerings are no better.
Both games are $50 on Gold.
Both services have good and bad games being given away. Free games are awesome.
XBLive Gold freebies generally aren't good either. And, if you purchased SEA PS Plus, it is only about $39 a year. Sony just gave out Bloodborne + R&C this month. Besides, Mad Max was Microsoft Game Pass goal for Feb 2018 (MS would give you a voucher you if you played enough hours of it). So, MS felt it was worth people playing the game in Feb 2018 still.
While I think Game Pass is good, it's a bit upsetting that most XB1 games I own are there. Because of that, Game Pass is not attractive to me. All the key exclusive games I played them already coz I own those games.
PS4, games like Uncharted: Lost Legacy, GT Sport, Shadow of the Colossus were all heavily discounted soon after launch. XB1 games like Forza series, are generally not discounted until much later.
Wow, you got thoroughly wrecked.
Got to love the one green eyed Xbox fan boys, they make this place lively lol
Isn't trolling against the site rules?
Only nerds follow the rules.
Always the reply to follow a nice serving.
'Oh haha, trolled! Got you good'
I never said I was trolling. Everything I said is 100% legit.
I just said y'all take the bait proper easy.
Like, you could say "Sony is only 99% perfect" and get an army of Sony Ponies storming in with their knickers in a knot. Always good for a laugh.
What you said was '100% legit' opinion or assumption, hence the negative feedback.
As for a 'best of', if they've already released the majority of decent titles that limits what the can still offer. They can't double up on games already released as if short changes those that may have already received them.
As for a best of on ps3 and vita, what specifically was there? It's pretty limited to washed down versions of Ps4 games now or shovel ware.
Like others have said Mad Max is a great game, I wish they'd give it a PS4 Pro/Xbox One X upgrade.
I thought it was too repetitive tbh, I went a long way through and then just stopped and felt no need to progress further. I know there's not much they could add to it as it was MM afterall but I wish they added a flying component or something to break up the monotony of it.
Doh! I need to stop buying so many games. That's two months in a row containing PS4 games I already owned.
How they made a desert in Max Max such an interesting, varied and beautiful environment was totally surprising for me. Amazing game.
Happy to see Mad Max, it's a bit grindy but it looked great and the gameplay is fun.
Released just after a 4-day week… Bad timing :(
Glad to see the positive comments for Mad Max. It's one I've been eyeing off for a while.
Pretty meh line up to me have no interest in any of those games sadly.
Ditto. It's been a good few months but this is where we're back to the ones that cost Sony less to secure.
I guess they are trying to please the majority rather than the minority and judging by the majority of comments here, you are in the minority. No offence, maybe next month you will be in the majority :)
Yes, track mania turbo! Have always wanted since the demo was first released.
Cheers OP.
Woah it is PS4 Trackmania, I just saw a thread saying it was PS3 traackmania
I loved Just cause 2 and was not interested in Mad Max as I was waiting for Just Cause 3 (same developer). Turns out Just Cause 3 was boring garbage and Mad Max was an absolute stunner. (also turns out the JC2 team were the ones to work on Mad Max)
I loved JC3! I still fire it up every now and again even now when I'm in the mood for a bit of mindless, over the top destruction.
Such a great month. I've wanted both of these games and haven't bought either because they were never quite dirt-cheap enough. Nothing better than free.
I was looking at picking up Trackmania on sale a few weeks ago. Went with the $4 copy of Carmageddon on the US Store instead.
Hmm i thought Sony was dropping the ps3/vita titles from plus….
Glad its back
Sony is dropping ps3 & vita titles from March next year, so enjoy it until then.
Ahhh lol I thought 2018 not 2019.
Oh well 11 months to go
Mad Max is an excellent game but isn’t the best with guiding players with upgrades & other general tips.
Have a read through the link above and it’ll make yourplay a whole lot more enjoyable with less grinding.
Does anyone know when we can download these games? My godson just subscribed to playstation plus and I don't think he knows about these free games. It says 3/4 in the first post, but I doesn't it start 1/4?
you can download them on 3rd April, as all ps+ free games are only available from 1st Tuesday of every month.
there is currently a different set of free games available so if your godson currently has ps plus, he can still download march's free games for the next couple of days before they disappear and are replaced by the games above for april.
Wicked !
Trackmania is awesome. The multiplayer should be packed now!
Happy with that
Don't forget Trackmania is VR compatible