• expired

[WA] 5.4 KW Family Solar ($300-$400 Bills) - $3,500 Fully Installed after STC Rebate @ E-Solar


5.4 KW Family Solar ($300-$400 Bills) - $3,500 fully Installed

The Package includes:
20 x 270w CSun Panels
5KW Goodwe Inverter
Fully installed

$3,500 - (Single phase meter, single storey in Perth Metro area).

Other brands of panels and inverters available on request

Anybody can sell… will they keep your solar system running and your electricity bills down?

e-Solar supplies only tier 1 solar panels and inverters from reputable manufacturers with proven record.

A Solar System is like a roof on your house… Once installed you're kind of stuck with it.

It takes 8 hours to install it properly by experienced professionals and much less for a shoddy hurried job with roof leaks when the rains come.

Might not always be the cheapest initially, but decisively in the long run. According to ASIC statistics, more than 500 solar companies have closed down since 2011 leaving many clients stranded and the industry reputation in tatters.

e-Solar has been involved exclusively in Solar and Renewable Energy for over 30 years.

Read about us online: Solar Quotes, Google and Facebook

For a limited time only. Country Installations Perth prices plus mileage

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closed Comments

  • +3

    What do you base $300-400 bills, on, based on the title you are guaranteeing I will get this much?

    Seems very misleading as many people who work 9-5 will have no usage during the daylight period.

    • It's based on past clients actual experiences. It means running dish washer and washing machines during day time on delay start. Same for other loads such Air Con etc etc. Basically run the heavy load appliances when you have free electricity and minimize usage at night

      • -8

        But what if I don't want my wet clothes sitting in the washing machine all day?

        Why would I run the air conditioner from 9am to 5pm while nobody is home? Should I bottle up the air and store it in the fridge for later?

        And you shouldn't put in estimate pricings without a guarantee or at least a guide on how to guarantee that.

        You are misleading customers by making them think they will get more return they they actually are.

        Its easy to get the wrong estimates when you are using old retired people who are home all day as an example.

        • +2

          About the washing machine…you can have it running just after lunch time or at the latest time in the day you produce enough power to run it.

          If you run the air con during the day you will probably no need to run it at night during those hot days. Alternatively the house heats up the whole day while you export at 7 cents (peanuts) and then when you come home and start the air con after 5 pm, this has to work at full power to cool a house which is still radiating the heat accumulated during the day.

          Clients who follow our guidelines seem to be happy…please read their reviews to answer your doubts about the savings…The guarantee is in our experience and our reputation

        • +3

          Jeez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

          Buy a combo washer dryer and that will save you from wet clothes.

        • @jackwoz: I understand some people doubts…unfortunately we have plenty out there promising anything to get a sale and disappear

        • -7


          That still means I have to be at home at specific time or my washing sits in the washing machine. And this is a simple cold wash where water is the bigger issue then electricity use.

          You are being misleading again, even a highly energy efficient house, which most houses are not, they do not possess magic powers to hold coolness from 3pm through the night until the next morning.

          You can achieve a better temperature by running your aircon for 20 minutes when you get home from work instead of hoping your insulation holds the temperature for hours and hours.

          Everyone has happy customers, you can't use happy customers to justify misleading claims from your business.

        • -2


          So I need to spend $1000-1500 to maybe get closer to the savings OP is claiming?

          $1500 would take a long time to get back in solar savings.

          I'm not sure why you are defending a business who is claiming everyone will get a certain income from solar when they won't.

        • +2

          The advice i give to everyone is do your own reserach. Lets not forget a salesman is always a salesman, and will spin the truth to a degree

        • +2

          @samfisher5986: Mate, everyone knows that unless you have large batteries to store the energy, you have to use the energy when the sun is up

        • @samfisher5986: I can only go by past experiences and the savings our clients post online. However we are not all the same and some people are more willing to adjust their lifestyle than others. Regardless solar systems are being installed more than ever before from all other solar companies. These clients must see the value in it.

        • -1

          @samfisher5986: Is this a forum or a trial? Guilty until proven innocent?

        • -4


          So then you need large batteries to store the energy to get the $300-400? The batteries should be included in the price then.

        • -3


          Once again you are trying to justify your misleading claims by saying you have happy customers.

          Happy customers have nothing to do with misleading/tricking customers.

          What I would have expected from you is something like:

          1. Removing the $300-400 misleading claim.


          1. Providing a detailed guide on how to guarantee each customer receives $300-400

          number 2 allows the customer to decide if running the air conditioning while nobody is home is something that makes sense or not…

          Any trustworthy solar company will not specifically say what customers will receive back on their bill, especially not in any advertisements as they are not tailored to each individual customer.

          By making a blanket statement that all customers will receive a certain amount, you are misleading customers.

        • everybody has different busy lifestyles.

          IF you are going solar,

          What deal has the best panels (chinese, german, US, etc) for $$
          who had the best inverter in the deal (chinese, german, US)?

          What wattages go I target for invertor and panels for the sweet spot.

          Gas ain't getting cheaper, coal has the same social stigma of paedophilia.

          Can I attach batteries to these inverters when the time comes ?

        • I'm currently paying $300+ for electricity per month! AND also I have a 5KW system. Thats about $900+ per Quarter.
          Everyone's lifestyle is different. I know where all my power is getting used. you need to do your own research with how you could save money with Solar power.

          My bills are probably higher than most but I am saving around $2000 per year by having solar.

          What you're most upset about is the fact a $$$ amount was stated. It doesn't really say is that what you expect as a quarterly or monthly bill or is that potential savings?

          When you have solar, you tend to be more efficient with power usage. ie, scheduling power hungry appliances.

          I know my parents use sheeetall electricity and still have solar. and their bill is next to nothing.

        • @garage sale: If I understand your question correctly, the system size depends on your bill. Bigger is always better if you can afford as there is little difference in prices between systems these days. I always recommend good quality Chinese inverters (there are only 3 in the market) as are they are up there with all others. Also no point to spend the extra money for a premium European inverter when technology will change by the time the 5 years warranty runs out. Yes you can attach batteries at a later stage.

        • -1

          @samfisher5986: I think there is a misunderstanding here. What is written above is to explain that the system offered is suitable for people who have bills between $300 - $400. That was all but again you are entitled to your perceptions and opinion.

        • @Ducatista: Thank you! The system offered is suitable for people who have $300-$400 bills. Now every person lifestyle is different. We have clients who from $400 reduced their bills to $80 others even less than that. All documented online reviews. Again we are all different

        • +1


          Oh come on now you are just lying to me. Your company is clearly dodgy if you you are attempting this tactic.

          You specifically answered my question and said

          It means running dish washer and washing machines during day time on delay start. Same for other loads such Air Con etc etc. Basically run the heavy load appliances when you have free electricity and minimize usage at night

        • -2

          @samfisher5986: What lies you are talking about….I am clearly trying to understand and address your very negative comments since morning but whatever I say I am not making it better. It's fairly clear you are from the competition and have no interest whatsoever to have an honest open conversation but just throw mud and cheap shots at any occasion….enjoy yourself

        • @E-Solar:

          I'm from the competition? Really? I've been on Ozbargain for 10 years and there is no evidence of that.

          I've negged you because you made a claim of $300-400 in bills, you responded and confirmed those claims and and then 6 hours later you are claiming that none of that happened and the $300-400 was for something completely different.

          I don't think it would be a good idea to do business with you, I would ask for one thing, and you'll give me another thing and say I asked for that the whole time…

        • -1

          @samfisher5986: Waste of time….I don't know what you are talking about. Just negative affirmations and no questions….since morning

  • +1

    I was thinking about using you guys, I'm quite put-off by the non-response (although it was via an OzB message, surely you've seen it). It wasn't a hard question. All I wanted was your price comparison & discussion of the Jinko panel warranty.

    • Sorry about that. I must have missed it with all the messages and replies on the day. We try to reply to all queries and encourage to send an email which will get replied no matter what. If you could be more precise with your question about warranty comparison I can address it. Otherwise all panels have to meet same Australian Standards warranty requirements

      • So, I had a cold call from Alinta, using Service Stream as their contractor, offering to put up 19 Jinko and Zeversolar on a single story 3 phase including removal of existing black pipe array that was part of an old solar pool heater.

        What is your comparison price?

        They were pushing Jinko on the basis that "their warranty has no exclusions unlike other manufacturers". Ie: 20 year warranty, they said if output drops by 6% then I get them replaced. I have not heard anything spectacular about Jinko. Is the warranty difference real or BS? Because the warranty is tempting.

        Edit: I'm trying to work out what we will do, whether we will come to you or not, when we have the spare funds available. We have other critical things to fix first.

        • +2

          OK we close a deal the other day because the competition was telling the client they will provide free meter replacement. When the client asked me the same question I told him the cost of the meter replacement is charged by Synergy in their bill …so how could the competition foot that cost?

          It turned out he already had a smart meter and did not need to change it. there is a lot of that in the market of extras and freebies which come standard and people are fooled to believe they are getting something extra for free.

          I am afraid your Jinko story is similar. Just go to the respective brands websites and compare warranties.

          About the funds issue. We offer interest free terms for 6 or 12 months but we charge $20 admin fee for every payment. Still a lot cheaper than borrowing money.

          At the end of the day you need to get a firm quote and discuss your case with the company direct.

        • +2

          @esolar: "We offer interest free terms for 6 or 12 months but we charge $20 admin fee for every payment. Still a lot cheaper than borrowing money." Assuming loan of $3800 with 12 repayments that is a comparison rate of over 6.3%

        • +3

          @coin saver: We borrow at 5% and sell at cash prices. What would you expect? Anybody is free to get their finance arrangements but we have costs we cannot ignore. Especially if you want us to be in business when you need our support or service your warranty in the future.

  • edited

    • We try…

  • Any special offers for solar systems with a storage battery installed? I think this will be more practical for people not at home during the day.

    • +2

      We don't recommend going for batteries yet. The truth is that a good well sized (well used I need to add) solar system will deliver great savings already. However even if you are left with $100 a bill or $600 a year …would you spend $8000 for batteries which you will pay back in more than 10 years when technology is rushing forward and prices are getting cheaper? Also batteries out there can only give you 5-10 units or 2 hours of air con time….

      • Thanks for your reply. Much appreciated.
        One more question: Let's say I install the solar system you advertise here, can I then connect a storage battery to this system 5 years or so down the track when prices have dropped and storage battery technology has matured?

        • +1

          Yes you can. However keep in mind that with all this talk of virtual power and Synergy losing monopoly probably in 5 years time we have forgotten about all this battery hype. Currently people think batteries because of Synergy and the charges being imposed on them to keep it running. I personally believe that electricity market will follow the internet. 2 cable owners Telstra and Optus and hundreds of internet providers trading and selling data bundles. Not to mention the many big batteries planned in the pipeline for utilities like Western Power. Therefore if tomorrow Alinta for example can offer you 20 cents to buy back your electricity when it cost you 24 …why would anyone need batteries?

    • Besides the above offer, for a storage system you need to budget an extra $8000. Really not worth looking into it until you have a good solar system working properly

  • +6

    I don't have this setup nor used this company but i have a cheap 6.5kw panels on 5kw inverter (all Chinese). We are a family of 4 out of the house from 630-3pm.

    We do dishwasher and washing during the day mostly but do do some at night. We save approx $400 per quarter. I think OP is trying to be as honest as he can. I would say his estimate is fair.

    • Thank you!!!

    • yeah everybody is slightly different, if a person has decided to go solar, maybe for environmental reasons, not just $$, what are the best deals ?

      • -1

        Forget the environment. Solar now makes a lot of $$$ sense. Or rather …if your bill does not hurt your budget, no need to bother. The offer above is a good deal…..according to us of course!

  • Do you have any deals in NSW?

    • Unfortunately we are in WA only

      • Bring in the industry could you recommend anyone in the qld space?

        • Sorry …not well versed about the QLD market and operators

        • @esolar: anything to watch out for? And when I decide to jump in can I run the system past you? :)

        • @Slippery Fish: Sure you can run it past me…Most important.. how long has the company been operating. On-line reviews will give you an idea. Solar panels tier 1 only and regarding inverters I would be happy with either Zever Solar, Goodwe and Sungrow besides the European ones.

        • @esolar:thanks

  • -1

    So you will pay customers if the bills aren't reduced?

    • Up to 12 months payments terms …isn't that enough commitment for you? If clients aren't happy they would not pay! At the end of the day if you feel others are offering you a better deal by all means take your pick. It's a free market and once again check companies background and reviews. Like someone said above don't believe anybody until you do your homework

      • +1

        Well you can't claim people will save or only pay that amount on bill unless your willing to pay the difference

  • What’s the smallest system you do and price? Install is for a new house, small 3x2.

    • We have a special offer for a 3.4 KW for $2450

      • Thanks I think that's still too big as I have a north / south facing house almost 0(degrees) . So no roof space facing north.

        • If you can send me your house address I could check how many panels could fit where and send you the panels layout

        • @E-Solar:
          Thanks I tried, didn't seem to work after not getting a reply. Two houses based in Eaton.
          Any new deals?

  • PM Sent

    • Sorry not sure I got you

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