Although $US10 more than last deal only extra 80 Aussie cents due to a better exchange rate.
Cheapest price in a while.
Although $US10 more than last deal only extra 80 Aussie cents due to a better exchange rate.
Cheapest price in a while.
Even though its a wonderful system for half the price i use my minix with 4k flawlessly on my 4k Tv :)
My HTPC built in 2012 with a AMD A10-4600M APU runs 4k Bluray rips flawlessly.
Software H.265 decoding is never going to be as good as hardware decoding though.
Well make sure you send me a message when 8k is the standard.
Software H.265 decoding is never going to be as good as hardware decoding though.
Er … wut?
More efficient at doing the same thing as something else means it is better than the less efficient thing lel @@
@spaceflight: not from the user/watcher's perspective. The only possible difference here would be power consumption, which would be minimal. The cost of upgrading hardware before it's necessary would be more than the power savings you'd otherwise see.
Its because your i7 laptop's video card cant handle it, its gpu not cpu. The Mi Box can do 4k
use mine for playing 4k HDR bluray rips straight from a NAS. Does it without any hesitation. That's something my i7 laptop can't do!
I do the same thing with my Android TV box that cost $70
Which one? If you don't mind me asking.
I wasted so much money on those junky cheaper android players. S905x and S912 boxes. They all drove me up the wall with their slow response, crashing and they won’t play Netflix 4K as they aren’t Netflix certified.
Trust me, the Sheild is a totally different beast to those cheaper ones and well worth the extra $$
Have you tried MiBox?
Mibox is just another 905x box so it's way underpowered compared to Tegra X1 in Sheild
Mi Box is Netflix certified as well for 4K playback. And is about similar performance as most bulti in android tv systems
My one struggles with even some 1080p content, it stutters and drops frames in Kodi. I would rather have a shield.
@CYMA: I have 2 mi box and doesnt struggle at all with 4K DTS-HD MA 5.1 HEVC content (around 8GB over Wireless AC). Tho I usually only play 1080p DTS HDMA or TrueHD 5.1 X264 content (around 15-24GB each over Wireless AC) without any issues either, all in Kodi mainly. Might be a warranty return for yours?
@jasswolf: Ha ha, yep, factory reset.. ;) Thats exactly what i got sick of having to do on an almost weekly basis with those cheap android boxes. One of the main reasons i changed to a Sheild. Have never had to do that in 2 yrs now!
@pauliau: it's more of a problem created by substantial system updates.
The Shield had the exact same problems at the exact same point in its lifespan, and it reflects a learning curve for Xiaomi and AMLogic.
I wasted so much money on those junky cheaper android players. S905x and S912 boxes. They all drove me up the wall with their slow response, crashing and they won’t play Netflix 4K as they aren’t Netflix certified.
I have a Shield TV and a few months back got a S905X which I run LibreELEC on.
For the money, I'd take the S905X any day of the week. The Shield is good, and is handy if you need something to run Netflix and Kodi, but my F8500 does Netflix just fine so just needed a Kodi box for my main TV. But for everything else the S905X box plays everything the Shield does, although the GUI is a little bit more laggy (but not worth the 6x the price type of laggy).
I have the original series of the Shield as well with the rechargeable battery in the remote as well as the controller, both those batteries stopped holding charge after a year, so now they're both worthless.
Cool story bro… I actually have an original shield and have no issues with controller or remote.
X905 you said was laggy… Nuff said. All these Yumcha boxes will never get updates and will always be laggy and stutter and continue to get worse over time. Credit to NVIDIA they keep updating the O/S and software. Yes you will pay 4x the price of a super low end Yumcha X905 but you won't have worry about upgrading or replacing 4x as fast.
Bought my Shield on 29th Nov 2015 for $150 USD from B&H and it's a been perfect ever since.
I actually have an original shield and have no issues with controller or remote.
Good for you, I'm so happy for you.
X905 you said was laggy… Nuff said.
"Little bit more laggy".. not worth 6x the price of the Shield when the S905X plays everything that the Shield does with Kodi. Only part of the GUI is slightly more laggy.
Credit to NVIDIA they keep updating the O/S and software
As do the developer's of LibreELEC.
Yes you will pay 4x the price of a super low end Yumcha X905 but you won't have worry about upgrading or replacing 4x as fast.
It's 6x the price of this deal, as I got my MECOOL M8S PRO PLUS for $31.99 US delivered. There's no need for it to be upgraded as it plays all x264/x265 with hardware decoding. If and when I do need to replace it, it'll still be a hell of a lot less than one Shield TV.
Bought my Shield on 29th Nov 2015 for $150 USD from B&H and it's a been perfect ever since.
Yep, cool story bro.
Agreed. My S905X setup has been pretty damn great for the price with LibreELEC. Plays everything I throw at it.
Having said that, without LibreELEC, the S905X would be pretty average. I hate using Kodi on the stock android ROM.
@Advv: I completely agree, if you were running these boxes with the stock OS they're pretty crap. LibreELEC is what makes these cheap boxes work amazingly well.
Yeah and the NVIDIA shield still doesn't do auto frame rate switching and has issues with colourspace switching.
If you want to run just Kodi, libreElec or osmc is the way to go. Android has too many limitations at the moment.
They should be fixed with Oreo but NVIDIA still hasn't updated to Oreo.
I've got a 2015 Sheild as well and my batteries are still fine. They're used everyday and charged about once every 2 weeks. I use the remote with the built in bluetooth headphone jack all the time. Loved it so much i bought a 2017 Sheild for the other TV too..
In the end i couldn't even resell those garbage chinese 905x boxes (though some poor sucker actually bought the 912 box for more than i paid new, ha ha). Tried to give away to the parents but they were also frustrated by it too, so they just went in the bin!
Well guess you're lucky then with regards to the batteries. Mine show fully charged and works when plugged into power, but take the charger out and it stops responding. So the battery on mine is stuffed, with no easy way to replace it. Luckily I can use my TV remote to control the box.
Were you running the stock OS on those 'garbage' Chinese boxes or running LibreELEC?
@Porthos: Li-ion batteries become damaged if you let the voltage drop too low, so if you don't use and charge them regularly there's a good chance they'll go bad prematurely just from lack of use. That could be a factor if you use a tv remote a lot?
Nah, couldn't be bothered frigging around with different OS's on them. Most people just want something that works reliably every time without wasting hours on reconfiguration.
Li-ion batteries become damaged if you let the voltage drop too low, so if you don't use and charge them regularly there's a good chance they'll go bad prematurely just from lack of use. That could be a factor if you use a tv remote a lot?
Nah, I used it enough and kept it charged, only started using the TV remote more when that started to stuff up. Just luck of the draw I guess!
Nah, couldn't be bothered frigging around with different OS's on them
Ah, would explain why you though the cheap android boxes weren't that good! They're not good at all as an 'all in one' media player. But when just used as a cheap LibreELEC box, that's where they shine. I actually didn't mind setting mine up, first time took about an hour or so to know exactly what I was doing with LibreELEC, but then set up another one for the girlfriend a few weeks ago and had it done in about 20 minutes.
NVIDIA shield has great potential but android os holds it back.
No auto framerate switching on Android and the NVIDIA shield doesn't auto change colour space correctly. It's a bit of a pain having to manually set it every time you go from SDR to HDR content.
S905 and s912 android boxes are worse though. Same limitations but with slower hardware.
However that's why a lot of people run libreElec instead. Streamlined OS designed to only run Kodi. The Minix U9H is an s912 that can run libreElec. Fixes all the issues with the android os boxes. Otherwise vero4k running osmc if you want a plug and play solution.
Don't need one until about June. Should I pull the trigger now or wait…?
I'm sure that there will be another if not better sale.. However the US dollar to the AUD isn't horrible right now.
I say that if you are after one with the controller buy now. You don't know if the AUD will rise or fall in the next few months.
They don't come on sale all that often, maybe twice since I purchased mine in June, 2017 @ US$179.00. So, if you were considering a purchase, now would be a good time. It is not likely to be upgraded before qtr 1 2019. Best money can buy imho as it works with everything I throw at it and the updates come through in a timely manner compared to my previous Asus Android TV. You can buy a cheaper Yum Cha special for a bugger all price, but I am confident I made the right choice.
Thanks @Matt86, @et tu brute and OP. Got one.
This is pretty regular sale price, and it also goes on sale for about $200 sans gamepad.
Note that the gamepad has the farfield mic in it if you wish to have hands-free Google Assistant.
Don't need one until june? hmmm bet you're waiting for NBN
Ha. Actually will be moving into a new house around that that that is presently being built. Currently running a very old receiver (Pioneer VSX-521) and HTPC (Athlon 64 something), meaning to upgrade when I move.
Got an AVR-X2400 from this deal, and now the shield. Have NBN at current place but only 25/10 so not even going to try and set everything up here. New place has Opticomm so hoping to get 100/40 and get everything set up at the new place o_O
For some reason I cant play Netflix in 4K though youtube plays in 4k on my Shield!!!!
Any suggestions what could be wrong??
Do you have a premium Netflix subscription? You need premium to play in 4k. Stnd plan you get 1080, basic you get 720. Also, not all content is 4k obviously.
Yes premium.
I can play 4k directly on Tv but not shield???
You're subscribed to the premium plan, right?
Yes premium.
I can play 4k directly on Tv but not shield???
And you've enabled the appropriate resolution in display settings, yes?
@Bippz01: you need 56…
But really,…
The only thing other not mentioned here that they emphasise is HDCP 2.2 is required for Netflix 4K.
@Bippz01: And make sure you check the HDMI port on the TV, usually only 1 or 2 ports support HDCP 2.2
@bargainhunter: You guys talking about 35 to 56 while im still on 0.300 …. f-cking Labor and there shit NBN plan that made it FTTN and taking forever to install it
[July 2013] Labor will continue rolling out a Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) network – whereby optic fibre extends all the way to homes and businesses – while the Coalition policy calls for a shift to Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - whereby fibre is delivered to local “cabinets”, called nodes, and copper wire runs from these nodes to houses and businesses - in brownfield sites (i.e. established urban areas); and FTTP in greenfield sites (i.e. new housing estates).…
[June 2016] As hinted in earlier announcements by Shadow Communications Minister, Jason Clare, Labor’s much-anticipated policy for the National Broadband Network released Monday commits the party – if elected – to move away from the Coalition’s fibre to the node (FTTN) network and transition back to a roll-out of fibre to the premises (FTTP). This was the central pillar of Labor’s original NBN.…
@Most Wanted:
ALP original NBN rollout was FTTP (for Fibre).
Liberal policy was for a MTM (Mixed Technology Mix) with the FTTP being dropped in favour of FTTN (Fibre to the Node, and copper in the remaining last km to the premises.
The Nationals, as a Coalition partner party were potentially the greatest beneficeries is regional Austalia for a full FTTP, were remarkably silent upon entering government
In the seats of New England (Tony Windsor, Ind. (ex Nats)) and Lyon (Rob Oakeshott, Ind. (ex Nats)) who both signed up to help ALP (Julia Gillard) form government in 2010, and help ensure the NBN FTTP were rolled out in their electorates). If they hadn't help Gillard form government, both of these electorates, now back with the Nats would never have seen FTTP and would have still been on Tony Abbott's 'Two Jam tins and a long piece of string' broadband network).
As mentioned by those above, you must have the premium plan as well as adjust the quality in your account settings
I just upgraded last week and wondered why the hell I was still locked to 480p - day later I found Playback Settings in my account set to medium instead of high O_o
sometimes not all hdmi ports are 4K compliant, but since you said youtube 4K works fine, that may not be the case. Still, I thought it’s worth mentioning just in case you want to double check.
Might be a HDCP 2.2 issue. Netflix requires that for 4k.
There is only a handful of 4K netflix shows, most of them are TV shows
If I just wanted a kodi box, some netflix too. Would this be suitable?
It'd be massively overkill, but if you ever wanted like PS1 games or even Android games like like GTA SAN Andreas, etc you are set.
Alternatively if you're keen on waiting, get one without the controller and you'd be set.
Yes, although there are cheaper boxes if all you want is Kodi and Netflix.
But the Shield does so much more.
If you can spare the cash, yeah go for it, its well worth the price. It is also constantly updated.
When was the last update?
Mi Box would be cheaper, but this would do the job without any issues
Kodi run flawlessly on the shield. I wouldn't go with other Android box.
My Sony X9000E has been playing up with LAN connections recently and the wifi isn't good enough for 4k Blu Ray rips..
Looks like an excuse to buy a Shield TV? I thought so!
Saw the last deal and decided not to.. But it's been driving me insane, plus who doesn't like a good PS1 game?
I have a suggestion. PM me for details.
I've already purchased the Shield, but keen to see what your suggestion is.
You have messaging turned off on your account.
Can I have you suggestion! I have same model and LAN is horrible! 802.11ac is brilliant thank christ.
@giBzoR: Sorry to disappoint but my suggestion isn't related to the defective NIC in your TV. It pertains to the Shield.
@albert0pia: Cheers all the same man :) only really wanted it working for Moonlight but as I typed that last message I realized I have my backup PC running on TV anyways and because SLI ripped the other 1080ti out of my main system it still pumps out some frames @ 4k anyhow.
Sounds like a warranty return if your LAN port isnt working
I have a 7500D and the android TV is 7.0 the Shield is only 6.0, and Netflix works perfectly for 4k and kodi in 4k etc on the sony's android tv os
Just out of curiosity, why is your Shield still running Android 6.0?
There is no 7.0 for shield similar to the Mi Box, unless I stand corrected?
See the thing is that it was working, but I moved and it's stopped.
I can't 100% pinpoint it to the modem/router or the TV, but wifi appears to do it also..
My missus and I are going insane, I mean I didn't mind the Android TV on the TV.. It's a touch laggy at times and I feel that I'll get full usage out of the Shield TV.
Ironically I just got a second R9 290 and water block for my PC, so there won't be any Nvidia streaming going on for some time.
I also honestly can't for the life of me be bothered about the LAN and sending it back. Might do so when it's near the end of warranty..
Android updates for smartphone and tablets devices are rolled our faster than Android TV. Different functionality issues with Andoid TV over stand Android releases.
With the Nvidia Shield TV, when updates are avaialble, a detailed changelog is provided advising all changes which you can check out prior to applying update. With the uopdates, there are usually accompanying, but separate individual updates for the remote control and the gamepad (if you have bought that version). Gamepad has a headpophone jack which is good for plugging in headphones late at night without bothering the household. (Would much prefer to use my Bluetooth headphones… maybe in another firmware update.)
By the way, most of the el-cheapo yum-cha Android boxes are running the tablet versions of Android rather than the dedicated Android TV o/s. I lot of people get very disappointed when they discover this after purchase.
On the site, it says its only WiFi, not sure if that is a typo, but will be same issue if you cant use WiFi with your TV
I've installed Netflix, Foxtel Now, Australian catch up channels, Emby (with HDhomerun for live TV) and Steam Big Picture works for streaming in 4k (4k host monitor required as well as TV).
I've used ATV2, Roku, Tronsmart android box and AFTVs and the shield outperforms them with ALL the apps I want…the con is the price but you know it will be well sorted with updates. I'm buying another.
Do you really need a 4K host monitor?
XDA says no -…
(Mine arrives tomorrow so keen to try 4K streaming)
I haven't tried that guide, seems people have some issues. I'm on holiday so can't test for a while but I'm keen to try it out. Out the box though it doesn't work because it streams the host resolution.
How do you find emby with the hdhomerun? Is it as good as the old windows media center?
Shield TV is the best Android TV experience - so damn quick and responsive.
And the game streaming from PC is a huge win. I was skeptical at first but it works really well.
With the game streaming is it easy?
Ive got my pc hooked up to an AV System. If I want to stream to the shield in addition to the pc being on does the AV System and TV need to be on? Or does it read just off the PC.
Install Geforce Experience on your PC. It will autodiscover your games (might need to tell it which directory to look under). Then it will appear on the Shield and you can stream them. Stupidly easy. In Australia game streaming is only from your PC over the local network. Overseas they also have game streaming from cloud servers for a monthly subscription.
I regularly play Forza Horizon 3, Destiny 2, etc. in the lounge room with the big TV and surround system. The PC is sitting in another room on the other side of the house.
Your AV/TV can be off - only the PC needs to be on. I get 1080p/60Hz without any frame drops. Surround 5.1 and widescreen. Only thing is must wire both PC and Shield with 1Gbps switch because wireless jitters too much. It does have some bugs - sometimes it forgets the login and only fix is to uninstall/reinstall Geforce Experience - but overall I'm really happy with it.
Thanks guys. Just bought one.
They still haven’t fixed the auto resolution/frame rate switching though have they?
That’s a pretty big oversight that keeps getting ignored.
Ah well. I’ve waited long enough. Doesn’t seem to be an updated model on the horizon either.
I thought they have fixed it (in Kodi at least)
Is this a 16GB version? And is this enough since it has no expandable storage ?
I think you can add more storage with a USB drive.
This version also does not have IR so you can't use a learning remote
Awesome price. Anyone with a 4k TV needs one of these things! Just amazed how good these Sheilds are. Whatever you want to play it just plays it, no fuss. I use mine for playing 4k HDR bluray rips straight from a NAS. Does it without any hesitation. That's something my i7 laptop can't do! 4K Netflix and Youtube faultlessly too of course.