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JB Hi-Fi Boxing Day SALE! 30% off Logitech, 30% off Car Sound System, and Heaps!


Offer Expires Tomorrow unless otherwise specified.
Go get yourself the real bargain of the year folks!

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • better include g27 :P

    • Doesn't look like it…. not bad at $350 if it did.

      • That price on Staticice anyway.

  • looks like in store only.

  • +6

    so.. the same sale we have seen twice within the last month and a half. fantastic.


    • +4

      Exactly what I was thinking. The post-Christmas sales this year are shite. Big W, JB, Kmart, and Target all have rubbish 'sales'.

  • +1

    Any decent prices on the sound systems (for a person who knows very little about it)?

  • +4

    Pretty poor effort. Some of those items have been selling at those prices for a couple of weeks now as well. Sega All Stars racing for one. And I'm pretty sure they have done 40% off logitech a couple of times. This is only 30%. Plus the 20% off CD's and DVDs has been done 3 times in the last couple of weeks ( 2 x Family and Friends and 1 x Xmas Frenzy sale ) 30% is also the standard discount they do on car audio at least 4 times a year.

    The PS3 pack isn't anything special. Same as always. PS3 + $5 HDMI Cable and a couple of old games that their suppliers would be rebating them on.

    No percent off TVs and Computers either. WoW is doing 10% off apple ( again ) and DSE is doing 20% off Desktop Computers and 15% off Notebooks ( again ) And that compaq notebook was cheaper with the 15% off they have been doing recently.

    I'd have to say JBs offer seems to be the weakest of all the retailers boxing day efforts I've seen recently.

  • +6

    Jb is a joke inflated retail prices don't do them any favors , g13 $159 (sells on sale elsewhere for $60, and the biggest joke g19 keyboard $399 sells elsewhere for $129, only cheap things at jb is the yellow price tags .

    • +6

      I have to agreed, JBHifi use to have good deal, but since they're becoming a bigger players in the market, they tend to forget why they're becoming big in the first place(Cheap prices).

    • +1


  • +3

    Pionner 520 AV receiver - yesterday $333 at JB online, today $465. JB Hifi, are you kidding me? You rip us off first then give us some discount and call it SALE?

  • Went down and got myself 2 of those $19 DVD Players not bad plays most formats and has a USB port :)

  • The G27 that was sitting in the Toowoomba store for a long time was gone this morning. I'm hoping someone grabbed it for 30% off, that would be a great bargain.

  • Just bought my G27 from City Jb (behind with BIG W) at $349.3, only got 2 stocked, I took one… one left :)

    Tired to asked them do 40% off as they did it 8 months before ( pretty sure G27 was $599 at that time as RRP),,, But they refused, say this promotion is operating by Logitech not them, they won't sell it under cost as only 2 left otherwise they will be getting trouble… but still good price overall ! Shame they charge 1.9% for AMEX otherwise I could get much more points than Mastercard lol

  • +1

    No discount on logitech gaming, so your lucky to get the G27. I went to two stores & called up a third. Apparently 30% of " ALL " logitech doesn't mean everything, according to JB. Website does not say there are exclusions. Yep, JB you've done it again, with FALSE advertising. As for the other logitech stuff, you can find it cheaper else where even with 30% off. Its a Negative for me.

    • It sadly doesn't say ALL. It's only mice, keyboards, docks & PC speakers. Click thru link for list.

  • i picked up a logitech wheel with the 30% off, initially i thought the same but when i went down it scanned up at the counter without me even having to ask.

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