Cheap, cheap, yummy honey for your tummy.
Check your local catalogue for availability.
Cheap, cheap, yummy honey for your tummy.
Check your local catalogue for availability.
Similar expensive ones I saw recently we're 30% Aussie. Cop out.
In fact Allowrie is the one at 30%.
I'll pass on this then… thanks…
I'm no expert, but from stuff I've read from various sources, there can be a lot of difference. I think one of the cheap sources of honey is China, and I think they bees there are fed sugar water rather than allowed to hang out with the local flowers… something like that. I can't remember all the details but I decided it's worth paying the premium for all Australian honey.
@Cheemeister: Also, there are some brands (usually coming from Turkey) that are just straight up syrup. This happened two years ago and the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council couldn't believe the low prices so they had all the products tested and they all turned out to be corn syrup.
Europe and America back then had a massive shortage of their bee population. Australia is probably the only continent that didn't lose that many bees. The cause could be from pesticides and the varroa mite (Australia is the only continent the mite hasn't infected).
@Cheemeister: Wow, this is shocking and eye-opening at the same time. I'll NEVER buy non-Australian honey, and I need to get rid of the jar of allowrie at home.
I got imported honey and it tasted disgusting. I thought it was Australian but the taste was so bad that I started reading the lable to find out why it tasted so weird. I would never buy again. 0/10
Is it all Australian honey or imported?
Made from local and imported ingredients, the bees are on 457 visas.
So if I can't upvote my comment is trolling?
It's about 50 local/50 imported last time I checked, but I've heard it can get up to 30/70. The imported (Chinese) honey is pretty bad tbh, but you get what you pay for.
I recently tried some Olive Blossom Honey. Best honey I've ever tasted.
Manukau Honey is the best
Leatherwood sorry
Sounds kinky…
Have you tried New Zealand honey? all the Australian brands i have tried are tainted by the bees getting nectar from gum trees which adds a strange (IMO unpleasant) flavor compared to NZ clover honey etc.
No I haven’t, but technically NZ honey might be imported from China because of their different labeling laws
NZ honey might be imported from China
Ozbargain is a website for bargains.
Honey has no expiry date if stored properly.
Get a room you two.
If honey crystallises, stand pack in a bowl of hot water until honey becomes clear again.
Warm water, not hot water. If the water is too hot, the honey goes bitter.
If it crystallises, you just need to run it under hot water to get it back to being liquid gold.
Edit Damn, beaten by 9 hours. Oops.
Honey contains sugar why aren't you complaining?
Haha, stating the nutritional information / ingredients on a food item isn't complaining.
I remember reading recently that the Allowrie brand was only revived to sell imported honey… Buy Australian Made
While our preference is to use Australian honey, in times of drought and honey shortages we may source quality assured international honey until Australian honey is available again.
For the record, i'm not just trying to start shit - this is the article…
That article is quite old, I think the labelling has even been made stricter again.
The labelling hasn't gotten that much tighter.…
Capilano are apparently trying to sue the living shit out of these guys… Buy local honey. The imported stuff is rubbish. Better yet, get your own hive and have it available direct.
Honey is one thing you definitely want to buy australian, I don't trust cheap imported honey
Allowrie, no thanks.
Worst honey I’ve ever purchaesed
Would not buy this again at any cost.
China pollen?
My favourite.
Australian honey map link in this ABC news article…
Thanks, I just found and emailed a local found from that website, and it honey is $11 per kg, or $16 per 1.5kg.
Slightly more expensive but I’m sure is many times better.
I'm looking at $22 + per kg in the local health food shops nearby me !
I've tried various brands Honey from Woolworths/Coles and Aldi and compared to the taste of the one i bought from Laverton Market (Melbourne) they do not come near.
Initially bought 500gram ($8) bottle to try out and then bought a 3kg bucket ($33). the guy said he has plenty of hives which he has them in victorian bushland and he reckons his honey is pesticide free.
Does he sell it anywhere else? $33 for 3kg is a great price. I'm happy with $10-$12/kg. Do you transfer it to smaller jars? If yes, how?
Do you transfer it to smaller jars? If yes, how?
Yes i did transfer in the glass jar. The 3kg bucket was plastic and i am bit wary about storing any food in plastic containers.
Although the Laverton market is open on Saturday and Sunday I go to market only on Saturday as Sunday there are not many sellers and i have seen this guy every Saturday i have been there. He normally has his Ute parked in second lane on the left when you enter the market.
Do you just scoop it out of the plastic tub?
Do you just scoop it out of the plastic tub?
No i poured it and then scraped remaining bit with my Spatula.
Don't consume the inferior Allowrie or Capilano honey.…
Get yourself some 100% Organic Raw Australian Honey instead, 1KG for $17.95 or sometimes less.
Organic raw Aussie honey, my favorite honey. I once bought that exact honey from my local Foodland when it was on sale. There were only two left on the shelf and just bought one. When I opened the bottle and tasted it the next day I regretted that I didn't buy the other bottle as well. One of the best raw honey I have ever tasted.
"Don't consume the inferior Allowrie or Capilano honey."
or Smith's
For my tummy… how do you suppose that?
Bees eat pollen and vomit honey.
True story, honey is vomit.
A bit like a lot of your comments.
This deal is creating a real buzz
We should all be purchasing local honey.
I don't think this is 'raw' honey. i.e. it's been heat treated.
Mrs bought it once and the consistency is not inline with raw honey, no sign of crystallization or thickening.
Did anyone claim it was raw?
Yes I know, you'd be stupid to buy ANY honey that suggests:
"Local and imported ingredients"
How many ingredients in honey? if it's not pure from the same hive then there is tampering at play, simple.
You have a valid point!
Be careful Michael, Capilano might see your comment and sue you.
Is this sourced from free range bees? Pass if not, kinda into the well fare of bumble bees if I’m going to be eating their delicious nectar.
Battery bees
The cheap Chinese "honey" is honey blended with sugar syrup.
and melamine?
Mate 'round the corner has a flow hive so we get heaps of free honey straight out of the hive. Just sayin'
These hives are fantastic, aren't they?!
I have one as well… honey directly from the hive is just fecking amazing.
I was impressed with how it just flowed like water the first time I saw him pour. I was expecting it to be all 'syruppy' like out of the bottle. :)
Is this halal?
We've had this discussion over and over…
This is imported honey from China…search the threads.
The label states from "Local and Imported Ingredients" there's no law requirement for minimum %…i.e the honey can be 1% AU and 99% from China and use this label
avoid at all costs and let them send them back to to China
Try these local Aussie Brands and support our locals:
R. Stephens
Byron Bay Honey
Edit…I've negged the deal as I don't believe it's "All Natural"
What about Capilano ?
They advertise it as "pure, natural, 100% Australian made" ?
What about Capilano ?
They've been hit in the last few years for false advertisement…
I still wouldn't trust them, particularly when they import 85% of honey to China….
stick with the local brands, helps the locals and stops them from being bought out by hungry foreign investors
Thanks frostman …
I learnt something new today and will look out for the Aussie brands honey from now on …
I reckon it’s from either Argentina or China
The family trough.
Beechworth squeeze bottles are the least messy in my experience.
We always buy local honey from home apiarists around our local area selling from stalls. Delicious!
You're going to find that it's not "all natural" at all.
I get mine from the honey guys at QVM and it's great. Excellent range as well.
"All Natural" - Far from it
Arsenic is natural too.
Maybe it's arsenic honey.
After watching a doco about honey and bee keeepers on Netflix I gotta neg this, so much honey is fake, ie corn or sugar syrup mixed in with a little Aussie honey it’s BS.
Buy local.…
It's amazing when you find Corn Syrup is more expensive than this crappy "honey" ($9/kg) haha
if your not buying corn syrup by the ton your probably doing it wrong
That's rotten! Just added the doco to my watchlist. Thanks.
Yea that’s the name of it. That’s rotten! It certainly was a interesting watch
I bought some local honey when I was down at Batemans Bay and it was bloody delicious. The texture as well as the taste were both a little different to the Capilano ones I usually buy. Tempted to drive down for the honey alone.
Can confirm recent Allowrie honey to be pretty foul, unnatural stuff.
Honestly, I wouldn't eat it even if it was free.
Maybe, maybe you could use it for baking. Actually nah. Just don't do it to yourself.
My wife buys this all the time. I hate it.
Maybe you're allergic to Corn Syrup?
I wouldnt buy this. Spend a bit more and buy local.
Capilano, owner of Allowrie, have not got your best interest at heart.…
This is not a deal, its $8.50 worth of inedible "honey" that will sit in your drawer with the eneloops.
This is not true, I keep my honey in the pantry, not in the drawer.
Yes you keep honey in your pantry.
This Allowrie stuff isn't honey though, its 70% god knows what from Argentina or China.
I don’t know why people eat honey. It’s very high in sugar and not good for you. You may as well have a milkshake.
Because it's delicious? Why do people eat chips or chocolate, drink soda or milkshakes? It's because it's tasty!
You should do some more research. Honey has numerous health benefits.
Is it all Australian honey or imported?