Swiss Maasdam Cheese Wedge selling for half price at woolies again ..Get it if you missed before.
Enjoy.. :)
Swiss Maasdam Cheese Wedge Min. 300g $2.85 (Was $5.70) | $9.49/Kg @ Woolworths

Last edited 16/03/2018 - 09:46 by 1 other user
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@jv: A new limit is imposed on upvoting comments. My new deal this morning for 75 expensive Swiss Made watches received some encouraging comments. A Member ordered one for $1,244 and I couldn't upvote his comment because I had exceeded a limit I knew nothing about! Understandably I can't remember when I posted the first of my 28 limit but when I try upvoting a comment my daily limit decreases, currently to 26! Your comment is appreciated but not upvoted due to restrictions.
Your comment is appreciated but not upvoted due to restrictions.
Is this a new anti-TA rule the mods were discussing late last year, to limit his influence?
@PJC: thanks for replying below, no idea why your comment was deleted when you were helping me out. Strange we all seem to have different limits, I have to be even more frugal with my votes, I have a limit of 22 :(
@jv: Probably not. My legible alternative to upvoting is now unpublished below as trolling! It never occurred to me I was trolling when I could upvote freely. How was I supposed to know?
Is this a new anti-TA rule the mods were discussing late last year, to limit his influence?
How would that work? I thought the restrictions were on upvoting comments.
restrictions were on up voting comments.
I've lobbied hard to get these changes passed through.
We need to have a balance of -ve and +ve votes.
Times have changed. We need Voting equality !!!Where is that quote from? Your link goes to TA's posts.
Yes, it's half price again ($9.49/kg) in store. I suggest you drop the 300g and $2.85 in the title and put $9.49/kg instead. The numbers in the title come from the online store. In store you can get various sizes.
thanks..done.. i think its fine now :)
Maasdam is Dutch…not Swiss but it's a Dutch version of a Swiss style cheese.
Maasdam is Dutch…not Swiss
Switzerland just purchased Holland. Don't you follow the news?
imcjb is spot on, Maasdam is not Swiss cheese
If Swiss is a brand just like the Vitamin pills… likely Maasdam Chess made by Swiss "from local and imported material" <— really crap, if not where else ? from outer space ?!?!?
Chess hey…who would have thought!
A true Ozbargainer would not pay for the holes in cheese. Why pay for air?
Haha great deal though I like cheese even better when it's half price :)
Maybe they religiously seek holey cheese?
I see what you did there.
hehe. you just not get Normal Air out of those holes… it will be Swiss Maasdam Cheese Air ;-)
Oh I love my Swiss air, just has a certain freshness and crispness to it that Sydney air just can't compete with :D
It's all about the beautiful sound you get when you cut the cheese :p
Is it meant to yodel?
But the holes weigh nothing and so are free. Your comment is appreciated but not upvoted due to restrictions.
I've seen a couple of comments that mention restrictions to up voting today. Have I missed something or is there a change to voting guidelines? Thanks.
A true Ozbargainer would not pay for the holes
I've paid far more than that for holes.
You're talking about cheese holes… right ?
There was cheese, yes.
Its by the Kg so you dont pay for the air:).
Thanks OP. This cheese is nicer than I expected.
:) Enjoy ..
Your comment is appreciated but not upvoted due to restrictions.
no worries mate :) All good .. I appreciate your appreciation.
I believe restrictions will be fixed soon.. :)
This cheese is nicer than I expected
Make sure you think of Askhole while you're eating it.
I think this cheese tastes horrible at Woolies. Do they have any nice Swiss cheese?
Maybe it'll taste better if you eat it at home instead of at Woolies.
I like the feeling of going out and eating cheese.
This stuff is brilliant in toasties
uncooked: not so goodI tried cooked and it made me feel woozy.
It's from Dutchania not Swissville.
Cheese George Cheeeeeese
Poor men's Swiss cheese.
It is heavier than the high end Swiss cheese due to the higher moisture content.
So the 1/2 price is the correct price for this one.Nutritional info on Woolies online shows ~27g of protein per 100g and also ~27g of fat per 100g for both Maasdam and Jarlsberg. Can't speak for taste, but surely water content can't be that different?
Jarlsberg is a Norwegian cheese.
Swiss cheese has same nutritional info as well.…
@KayDat: I don't think there is actually that much difference in water content between similar semi-firm cheeses. In any case my criteria is taste bang for buck. If one were only to select based on nutritional value one might as well eat the cheapest common cheese. But cheese is meant to be enjoyed and I will buy the occasional speciality cheese like manchego.
@greenpossum: I don't deny that, I did say I wasn't speaking with regards to taste. Just that @nov said that Maasdam is poor value compared to Swiss due to water content, and I just don't think the actual difference in water would be great enough to justify the price difference. Of course enjoyment of cheese is subjective and I can certainly get behind spending for that.
Jarlsberg and Maasdam are both equally swiss, that's to say not at all. They're just norwegian and dutch versions of emmental.
Maasdam is a very tasty product by those great engineers and marketers the Dutch. This is a very quickly made factory cheese.
That said it's great for cooking and has a pleasant taste about it.
Don't anyone compare it to Emmental which you don't normally see for less than about $30/kg.
@philart: Maasdam was developed to undercut Emmental, providing a similar cheese but for a cheaper price.
Saying that no one should compare it to Emmental is silly, I understand what you're trying to say, but at the end of the day it's a swiss-style semi-hard cheese. So comparisons are normal. Likewise with Jarlsberg.
Bought this during the deal a week or two ago. So good melted.
Slice it up thin, lay it out on nonstick frypan (discounted Tefal of course) and fry a couple of eggs on top. Cheesy crispy base and runny yolk, oh yes.
This cheese is extremely flavoursome and is fantastic! Thanks for the heads up!
I really love this cheese.
Be careful, they're selling the full priced one along side the half priced. The full priced ones are wrapped in the thinner plastic.
Picked this up last time around. Great deal at half price.
It was that price all last week too…