AncestryDNA kit $90.00
Standard Shipping $29.99
Total $119.99
Ensure you use a foreign currency credit card like ING or 28degrees. Else likely to get foreign currency charges, even though you are paying in $AUD.
Payment processed in the United States.
Cost can be reduced by joining PricePal first and then linking to Ancestry to make the purchase.
Mod: Removed referral link
This DNA testing can be interesting, in that it will give you:
- a list of geographical areas that have an influence in your DNA (e.g. Irish, Eastern Europe, etc, as a % weighting). It will not be definitive of any particular country.
- a list of other people that have had their DNA tested (via Ancestry) that have some level of alignment with yours (i.e. most likely to be 1st cousins, 2nd cousins, etc). You can make contact with them and these are people that are probably also interested in family trees etc., so could give you a head start on your own family tree.
- it can be uploaded for analysis to check if a person is genetically prone to any diseases or has predisposition to risk from certain medications or substances.
Cheaper CSI, hopefully more cases get sorted now.