Hi Folks,
Good time to grab some 4TB Ironwolf HDD's for your NAS!
Happy OzB'ing
Hi Folks,
Good time to grab some 4TB Ironwolf HDD's for your NAS!
Happy OzB'ing
Ironwolf are Seagate's NAS drives - there's also a higher-specced Ironwolf Pro, but the Ironwolfs are "NAS grade"
for entry level NAS, this is good enough.
Ironwolf Pro is for the business / commercial grade, Ironwolf targeted for home use NAS user and it has 3 years of warranty as opposed to 5 years.
WD has the same thing, WD Red and WD Red Pro, both with 3 and 5 yr wrty
ah good to know at least this one better than my WD green
Note these are 7200rpm, so faster but noiser than the WD Reds.
WD green not suitable for RAS at all
@MissKitty: WD Red are 5400, you dont want 7200 in a small NAS unit as the heat will kill the drives
@asa79 and @MissKitty - the drive in this deal appears to be 5900rpm (according to that spec page, only IronWolf drives whose capacity is 6TB or greater are 7200rpm)
@dragonindespair: I had 4 7200 4TB seagate XT in a HP Microserver and they died from the constant heat between them. Warranty covered them, but was all the hassle of data loss and waiting for drive replacements
Not had any issues with 5400 WD Reds.
I dont run A/C or anything like that over the server rack tho
NO!!!!! wd green not for NAS use, it parks heads too often to save power.
you used to be able to reflash as a wd red ….. wd blocked that .
4 tb is stil 5900,next model up is 7200 i believe, so this one is lower power and quieter than higher capacity.
@garage sale: You can change the park head time easily. https://wdullaer.com/blog/2015/04/05/hack-your-wd-greens/ I am on Reds now, but I did this with my greens when they were in my NAS, no issues.
In addition to having a 5YR warranty as opposed to a 3YR warranty the Pro Ironwolf drives also include 2YR data recovery service included.
Can I use this for storage on my desktop?
if there is space then yes can.
yes ofcoz
i thought I'd give seagate another go after swearing off them years ago. Swearing is the key word here. 3 months later 2 drives out of 4 dead. Plus they try to send you refurbed drives which in my experience are utter junk. Hitachi sent me a brand new drive that died after 5 years of use. you gets whats you pays for…
same here for the portable hdd warranty claim, seagate gave me refub (not retail original box but just plain cardboxes).
well i rip it off and put in the nas. still ok until now, 2 years later
WD also sends refurbished drives. So good on ya Hitachi
I had two seagates fail within 1 1/2 years
That's good value.
I only got proper internet a few months back and since then my storage needs, (for all the research I've been doing) has grown.
Personally 4TB isn't enough any more for internal drives, though I did get one of those $135 Seagate 4TB portables.
I see they've also got 8TB Ironwolf drives (which are 7200RPM) for $310 less 5%…
Is there any difference between the Ironwolf and HGST?
Thanks, just grabbed one, gonna use it as my extra storage
Great deal. Got two. Selling out though.
Awesome price thanks OP!
I'll be damned if i buy another Seagate product. Avoid like the plague
Looks like a good drive if you just need to dump files on and don't care if you lose them.
Missed it! Any chance of finding a few more? :D
Wow someone just got 21 drives!
s***t ( 126Feedback score is 100 to 499) AU $129.00 21 09-Mar-18 13:05:05 AEDST
Damn I missed out due to this selfish pr***k lol
That's a lot of porn
!@#$% missed out
im late..
I ordered two of these HDDs from this deal and they arrived with some of the worst packaging I've ever seen. They were both placed together in a thin non-padded plastic mailer and had very flimsy bubble-wrap taped around the middle of each HDD which didn't even cover the edges, and they were bumping against each other. Not too happy about that.
Not sure if it's due to the poor packaging but one of them is full of bad blocks and fails the SeaTools Long Generic test. I'll be pissed if they try to refer me to Seagate for a replacement, as Seagate will probably just send a refurbshed drive. Hard to place much faith in the working drive knowing it was bumped around too.
this is not NAS grade, right?