2000 Bonus Woolworths Rewards Points with $50+ Spend on Meat @ Woolworths Online

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I was more posting it for the Mayver's being included :)
Combined code with activated targeted 3000pt for $50 spend to get 5000 bonus points😀
nice - mine was 3500pts after spending $50 in-store for 2wks :(
Realised you were combining the smooth benefit for the Ozbargainers😀
Received 7 offers of 1000,2000,3000pt on $30,40,50 in last month. I get so many on my cards & just buy with the 3000pt offers😁 So meat code was a bonus.
But don't think Mayvers & others count as meat for code use😞
Even deli chicken & kransky did not count as meat in my order using the code (I tried & failed) - only prepacked meats from meat section count!
So should remove those tempting specials. Easily checked by adding $50 of those items, on account with this offer & trying to add code at checkout (then cancelling order.)
all four were/are individually valid for me - tested prior to posting and verified again just now :)
Great - good on you for testing.
Tried similar deli items (chicken & kransky) on Sunday & did not qualify for $50 meat code. Swapped for packs of meat & code worked.
Worked with some Rewards cards - not just ones with targetted emailed offer! So worth a try😁
It is wrong to promote meat sales, they shouldn't do it.
Really!!!, are you the food police?
A bit slow tonester…Mentioned that along with other targeted codes in 2000 Rewards Points on Fresh Fruit & Veg ($50 Min Spend), Online Only @ Woolworths ;-)
Combined above meat code with activated targeted 3000pt for $50 spend to get 5000 bonus points. $25 of points on $50 of meat - on 2 orders😀