• expired

Youfoodz - $30 off ($69 Minimum Order)

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Get $30 off your Youfoodz order min total order is $69.

Can use each coupon once per account new and existing customers.

Youfoodz as always are doing some classic A/B testing:
3 FREE MEALS(Min order $69) - MISSYOU3FREE
7 MEALS for just $40 - MISSYOU740

Youfoodz standard policies apply:
- Min order total is $69 (Before discount)
- Only 1 coupon can be used per order
- Each coupon can only be used once per account

They also have $1 off snacks

Referral Links

$200 off split between 1st 5 boxes: random (171)

Referee gets up to $200 off split between the first 5 boxes. Referrer get $40 credit.

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closed Comments

  • Can the offer be stacked? ie: Are you able to enter, say 14 meals for $80?

    • +1

      not in the same order, it only allows 1 coupon per order.
      you could just do 2 orders i guess.

  • +2

    They taste pretty good but cause havoc for my digestive system.

    • how so? I'm genuinely interested as I have troubles and looking for a healthy option. High sodium?

      edit - $5.70 each for the following meals (hope they're better than weight watchers)
      Pesto + Pumpkin Chicken Salad
      Loaded Enchiladas
      Roast Lamb & 3 Veg
      Clean Chicken & Broccoli
      Healthy Hot Pot
      Clean Balsamic Beef
      Clean Lean Chicken & Beans

      *fingers crossed

    • Probably not enough fibre in the food. Add 1 or 2 baked potatoes to the meals.

  • codes seem to work on an existing account

  • How long do they freeze for?

    • Couple of months no worries

  • +2

    Thanks fam

  • +1

    Just did my first order - and great surprise to see free delivery :)

    • +3

      You won't be disappointed. I've always found the veggies to have a nice fresh crunch to them and not taste like they're overcooked/defrosted.

      • +4

        They are a good company that do spoil you from time to time however their serving sizes really aren't great. They have a great range of food and a good rotation however the small serving sizes made me switch to other companies.

        • Who did you switch to? Am body building and am concerned about portion size.

        • +4


          I switch between freshfoods2u and Zestmeals. Zestmeals has the most densely packed meals out of all three but their rotation isn't that frequent. I'm not sure if either of them would be better suited for your personal needs.

          Musclemealsdirect might be good for you, I haven't personally used them but they do seem to get good reviews.

    • How did you get free delivery? A $20 delivery fee was added to my order so I decided not to go through with it. Maybe delivery fee is only for Western Australia.

      • We unfortunately always have to pay the delivery fee in WA.

  • +1

    Just got an order done to arrive Monday coming. Will post feedback soon :D

  • How can you order just three meals when minimum order is $69

    • +1

      You can't, Youfoodz always have a min order amount of $69

      • If you order 7 meals @ $69 will come to $39, not bad value at around $5.60/meal.

  • Thanks, ordered..I will do it with the neighbor..

    • +11

      Lucky neighbour ;)

  • +1

    Dumb question: Are these microwave dinners, or stovetop? (Asks the one person on ozb who has not ozb'd herself a microwave. I've seriously not had a microwave since moving to Australia 9 years ago. The theory is, "You'll cook more from scratch." The reality is, "I eat out a lot.")

    • You will need a microwave..

    • +3

      you can actually heat them up using a number of different methods. some can be eaten cold. they area actually all pre-cooked/so you are just warming them up. they are refrigerated and not frozen. sandwich toaster is a method they list on the pack as well, although I've never tried it

      • -1

        Err, wow, sandwich toaster? That's hard core! I'm guessing you'd have to take everything off the plate first, as the plate is probably not conventional heat safe…

      • Yep, it depends what they are. Everything can be microwaved but there are alternatives

        The Spaghetti Bol you could heady in a saucepan on the stove.

        Many of the meat and vege options, the pizzas or enchiladas you can place on a baking tray in the oven (not in plastic container of course).

        The wraps can be heated in the sandwich press.

    • Have been eating them straight out of the fridge, no problem.

  • -2

    It’s a different product I know, but Hello Fresh tastes way better and feels much healthier. These are ok if you really can’t/don’t want to cook.

    • I wasn't blown away with Hello Fresh - and the issue I found with it, was it was kinda hard to split it up to cook for one.
      The variety was fun, but I feel like I didn't gain much convenience out of it.

    • Hello Fresh do something weird to their vegetables. If I buy a carrot in a supermarket and keep it in the fridge it will be perfectly edible for about 2 weeks, then it will start to dry out and shrivel but still be edible (boiled not raw) up to a month, then if I still haven't eaten it or thrown it away it will start to go black 5+ weeks in.
      Hello Fresh carrots, on the other hand, start to shrivel up a week after you get them, and go black at 2 weeks. But quite edible up to that one week mark. This, along with the onion they provided which was liquid rotten and black in the middle (outsidemost 3 or 4 layers and skin were fine), made me stop my subscription. I just feel like there was some dubious preservative method going on that could make the veggies like that and I didn't want to be eating it whatever it is.

      • -1

        What you just described is natural atrophy.

        I think it's more likely the the SUPERMARKETS doing 'something weird' to their vegetables to make them keep longer… rather than hello fresh doing 'something weird' to make them rot faster

        • I don't think so. My family had a veggie patch and the carrots from there would last weeks also. I don't even remember one getting dried out/shrivelled let alone going black

  • Sorry, I see three deals and only two codes. Am I missing something? What code is for the main deal? Thanks

    • +1

      There is 1 deal with 2 seperate coupons both give you $30 off, min order is $69

  • +2

    Tried Thr1ve recently with their 50% off deal, verdict is I prefer Youfoodz. Better taste and variety for sure.

    • Yup! And no more cauliflower and broccoli 'fart rice'!

      That was my biggest issue with Thr1ve. That rice smelt far from appetising.

      • Hah I'm trying thrive too it seems healthy in terms of ingredients but wow the meals are so bland!

    • Seriously hit and miss for Thr1ve. Most of them are passable but some are extremely good. There however isn’t enough of those to let me realistically order Thr1ve instead. Maybe once in a while… the price premium is too much!

  • Thanks OP. Dinner is sorted for the next two weeks

  • Every week they normally have a free meal or maybe an extra 10% off. This weeks promo isn't that good. But you wait and order for next week it might be better combined with this deal.

    • true, but if this expires 14 march…the new deal doesn't kick in until 15th I think??

  • +1

    Still cut that my MISSYOU50 code for doing a survey 2 weeks ago never frigging worked. Gave away my time and effort for nothing! Scam survey by them has put me off.

    • +1

      Did you email them about it not working? Or Facebook message them? They are very responsive.

  • "Fresh from the markets, direct to our kitchens and delivered straight to your door in just 48 hours. Now that's FRESH!"

    Hmmmm, they must think their customers are stupid.

  • Hm, good deal but when I buy ready meals I usually aim for 450+ cal at least and only a few of these meet that. For example the chicken parma which you'd expect to be a high calorie meal is 250!!! That's barely more than a single 250ml carton of up & go, I'd get hungry 2 hours later. Portion sizes are a bit small here if you're not on a diet and don't like snacking.

  • Does anyone know if I can order today for delivery after 29/3/18?, using one of these codes?

    • +2

      Just click on the order button for any meal plan and go through the order process, you will quickly see when you can order it for.

  • Any idea when these codes expire?

    • +3

      As it says on the deal expiry - 14th March

  • Thanks for the code.. giving it a go.. I tried Thr1ve and OMG it wasn't the most pleasurable meals around.. ate for function not for enjoyment.. hope there's some more flavour in some of these.. quite a few high protein meals as well.. I'm not strict dieting.. most meals have more sugar than I'd like.. avoided all the curries lol

  • +2

    Ordered another 7 meals. Pretty decent.

    • Same, my partner and I quite enjoyed the first 7 meals, so submitting another order.
      Great for busy weeks when there is no time to shop and cook.

  • Perfect thanks

  • +1

    Just ordered quarter past midnight, still worked!

    • +1

      definitely expired now, just tried both. Bris company so you prob got thru due to the daylight saving difference :)

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