This was posted 6 years 11 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

RAMS Saver Interest Rate Increased from 2.8% to 3%


Received an email about RAMS Saver rate change.

The rate details of your RAMS Saver account will change from Thursday 8 March 2018 - you'll earn a total variable rate of 3.00% p.a. (that's the variable base rate of 1.35% p.a. plus variable 1.65% p.a. bonus) where the bonus eligibility criteria are met.

Bonus interest is payable on account balances up to $500,000 if:
• you deposit a minimum total of $200 a month;
• you make no withdrawals in the month; and
• have an account balance that does not fall below $200 or exceed $500,000 at any time during the month.

This Savings account ranks 3rd on our Best Aussie Savings Account Poll for 2018. Check out the poll for alternatives and to vote for your preferred account.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Always used to be 3%. Only recently went down to 2.8% maybe a couple months ago.

  • +2


  • +2

    good that someone talked sense into them. They went to 2.8 from 3 just a month after I moved my saving to them. Glad I didn't move it out, well to be fair there were no better option available (Ubank/ME weren't worth the hassle for me)

    • +7

      AMP B3tt3r is also at 3%. why didnt you consider moving?

      • +5

        huh really??!! Damn, both sites I use to check on interest rates, canstar and infochoice are not showing AMP Better at all. WTF

      • +1

        not seen it might do now :-)

        • Now's not a good time. AMP's rate is dropping at the end of May

      • AMP is MUCH more hassle than UBank/ME.

        • You only get 3% if you have an "Active" pension or superannuation product with them
        • You have 3 accounts (vs 2 for Ubank)
        • There is automated handling which is not explained simply or easily in the product description (eg why did my money get shunted from Pay to Spend?)
        • You must deposit $2,000 a month (Ubank is $200)
        • The deposit must go into the PAY account (UBank doesn't mind which)

        So … AMP might not offer you 3% at all (if you don't have a super or pension with them)

        Btw, here is the Whirpool spreadsheet of bank accounts and percentages, for comparison…

    • Ubank not worth the hassle? It's the same as rams where you just need to deposit each month to get the good rate

      • Looking at putting my sons savings into a different account as he no longer does school banking now that he is in high school .
        Looking for an account that doesn't need to be deposited into every month in order to earn interest . He doesn't need a card or anything like that he's 11 .

        • Look into Greater Bank Life Saver. You only need $1.00 to open the account and ensure the balance grows each month,even by $1, to earn 3% pa.

        • @Yola: must be under 25. How the hell is that not discrimination. Maybe I should sue them like the woman who was denied a hair cut in a Darwin barber

        • @Yola:

          Yes, he is eleven.

        • I have an account with Ubank, I deposit $200 each month and then take it back out.
          My 3 teenage children also have accounts there (in my name - but labeled with theirs).

          I believe that they earn the bonus interest also.

          The money in the account is theirs and they earn the interest, so I don't pay any additional tax on it.


        • From what you said, Rams would be best for his purposes (assuming he has more than $200 in savings).

          In Rams, make 2 accounts and put the money in account #1.

          The start of next month:
          - move all or most of the money from account #1 to account #2.
          - make no withdrawals from Account #2.
          Account #2 gets the interest that month.

          Next month:
          - move all or most of the money from account #2 to account #1.
          - make no withdrawals from Account #1.
          Account #1 gets the interest that month.

          and so on …

          This also means, at the start of the month, you can leave behind a sum of money, in the account that doesn't earn interest that month, and withdraw/spend that

      • +10

        Ubank is actually better in that you're allowed to withdraw.

        • +2

          Totally agree! UBank far better than this! You can withdraw with no penalty…

        • Well that's debatable isn't it? This is actually better for those people who cannot control themselves and take money out when they want to buy stuff. This acts as a deterrent.

        • @CrocDundee:

          This is not the same product as UBank.

          This works best in tandem with a UBank account.

          If you have an amount that you can lock away, like you would put in a term deposit, and it's more than $200, that money you put into Rams. Then bounce it back and forth between 2 Rams accounts, at the start of each month.

          The money that you want to keep at the ready, goes into UBank.

          You could even be meeting your monthly requirements this way ($200 into UBank … comes from Rams, $200 from UBank can then go back to Rams), if you do the bouncing money back and forth between 2 Rams accounts trick. (When moving money from one RAMS account to the other, leave behind $200 so it can be sent to your UBank account)

      • Plus ubank let's you withdraw without a penalty

        • +2

          ubank was extremely difficult when I went to withdraw money at end of term. Said I needed to provide further ID. When I did that they processed a term deposit roll over and then penalized me for ending it early. I would not recommend them if you need your money back quickly. Some banks treat your savings as theirs to quickly. I have had no such problems with Rams or ING.

        • +1


          Sounds like someone messed up when they did yours.

          My partner needed to withdraw a large amount from ubank late last year. All that was required was adding a linked account and calling them to request the transfer.

          The money was in the recipient account the same day.

      • @ Agret: I didn't mean Ubank is a hassle, it is just that I was too lazy to go through another account opening formality in a gap of 2 months. I would have at least considered Ubank if RAMS had kept at it for another 3 or more months.

        TL;DR I was just too lazy :P

    • +7

      just some notes of things i have experienced.

      AMP B3tter - is the best account but i find i need to manually move money daily to the high accounter out of the 3

      Rams - if u ever need to make a withdrawel from rams do it on the first of the month and then move the remaining amount to another rams account (ie have 2 open).

      Ubank - has a catch as you never get interest for the first month as you need to have made a deposit in the prior month, so just deposit money on the last day of the month. This is better than rams though as you can move money in and out as required.

      • +2

        RE RAMS - well well well you can count on an Ozbe'r to find that loophole. Great little trick! how didn't I think of that

      • Yes I really like AMP Bett3r also but do not have to move funds daily. You may have goals set up. I only use it on a laptop and do not use these features.

        • Why do you have to move daily?

          I had a look and or slings like a mess of accounts.
          For the slightly lower interest rate ubank and their sweep feature seems like a much better deal as you can automatically keep all of your money in the high interest account.

          If you have $100,000 (max AMP offers the bonus on) the interest rate difference is $10 a month and you don't need to move money daily.

          The difference would be less than that of you are keeping money in the non saving account with AMP for transactions

        • @spaceflight: not daily but when wage goes it goes to one account and I just manually move to other one.

          I’m sure I could set up correctly, but no big deal. Gives me something to do when on the bog

      • Amp the same.

    • +14

      How is it not? Interest raised from 2.8% to 3%! These small numbers mean a lot in the world of interest and banking.

      • +5

        Its worth $2k/yr to the average ozbargain member who has $1million sitting in the bank because they don't know what to do with it.

        • +2

          Free money is free money. I can never understand people who complain about this and cashback offers.

        • +1

          More than that, it's compounded monthly.

    • +8
      • an extra 0.2% in my pocket is better than in the banks anyday of the week…..
      • Yep that extra 0.2% on your $50k will be $100/yr. You'll be rolling in it!

        • Unlike CBA and other big banks!

    • +6

      Some people can’t see a bargain if it smacked them in the face.

    • It's higher interest rate than term deposits!

  • +26

    hopefully ME bank and ING see this…and put theirs backup accordingly or I may move to here :-)

    • +3

      Exactly how I feel. MEB has sneekily decreased the interest rates twice in the past few months. The only thing I hate about this is the no withdraws condition.

      • +1

        I use MeBank aswell and I was wondering why my bonus interest has decreased over the last few months when my savings increased.

        • They may have notified customers of policy changes beforehand? If not then that's so dodgy

        • +3

          @PeeDee: no I didn't receive jack. They drop rates whenever they freakn want

        • the me bank interest rates is 2.85% isnt it? i dont think they decreased it

          you interest for feb wont be that much compared to Jan as February only has 28 days, so you are getting 28/31 of what Jan would have got (excluding the tiny compounding interest)

        • @unclesnake: umm no, Mebank was previously 2.95% and now they are 2.85%

        • @Homr: oh i i didn't notice. still ok as u can do withdrawel. problem i have is when i am overseas i dunno how to do a tap n go

        • @unclesnake: You get friend or relative to tap it for you.

        • @Homr: yeh that was the plan, was hoping some method overseas would work

        • @unclesnake: or just cop the overseas conversion fees?

        • @Homr: you can tap n go overseas?

        • @unclesnake: Apparently you can

          "Yes, you can use your payWave card wherever the contactless symbol is displayed in Australia or overseas. The Visa payWave-enabled card can be used for traditional transactions at millions of locations worldwide wherever the Visa logo is displayed, including over the internet, telephone or via mail order."

        • @unclesnake: Hi unclesnake. It's exactly the same.
          I've been in UK and Ireland for 20 months and it's the same. Just tap and go. The problem came when I went to States to visit my sister in her local shops. Small and none of them had the facility except Starbucks!! Starbucks was my saviour.

        • @Msfrugal: sweet thanks for the info people

          what do u tap n go. every tuesday my wife buys a twiggy stick right now. she hates her life

        • @unclesnake:

          yes, Australia is not the only country that uses it

        • @unclesnake: Haha! I can relate as
          Yep, mine was a minimum purchase of less than a euro each week, as I had Irish money. I think the least I ever did was 30 cents!!

          There's a couple of cents exchange rate but gosh it's worth remembering it for the bonus rate. Double the money really. 1.3% base and 1.55% bonus

          The good thing is that it's split into a tap within the dates 1-7, 8-14,15-21,22-31 as applicable for the number of days in the month. But I never missed one even though I thought that the 4th one had to be before 28…but when 29/30/31 days they count in the 4th tap!!!


        • @Msfrugal:

          This malarchy is exactly why I quit ME Bank. Even they cannot explain it - I received written information from them that contradicted other written explanations.

        • @unclesnake: no that’s the way they go about decreasing rates and hoping no one will notice.

    • +10

      I agree. Considering how ING have also made the 5 transactions policy, if they don't do something in the next months I may consider moving.

      • +2

        About to test their card overseas… And if this hassle continues, will seriously consider moving…

        • Can you PM me or do a post re your experience once your back? I'm going away later this year and want to know if it works ok.

        • I wonder if there's a fee for exchange rate and a withdrawal fee overseas. They weren't being clear about this.

        • +4

          I used the ING orange every day card late last year in Thailand and withdrew for close to 10% better than the cash rate offered at BKK airport. All fees ($9 of em!) were refunded.

          …do wish the 5 uses of the card thing wasn't required though.

        • +2

          @donkey12: I used ING everyday when i was overseas in Japan and the exchange rate is sooo good. Almost exactly the same as online XE and you dont get charged any fees for transaction or conversation or ATM fees even if you use any random ATM. If you get charged they end up refunding you! It's quite easy to use the 5 transactions cause you can connect it to your Apple Pay (if you have any iPhone). Personally, i love it, one of my favourite banks to use and the interest rate is pretty decent. I would 100% recommend and if you sign up with someone's code you also get some moolah ($$$) depending on whichever code you use. Let me know if you have any other questions cause im more than happy to help!

        • Make sure you let them know that you are going to use the card overseas.
          As they are pretty much marking most international transactions as fraudulent now a days.

          Otherwise it would require a phone call back to ING.. (=

        • +1


          You can do that in the app which is nice

        • @ximmabee:

          Thanks for your input. It's reassuring!

      • is the 5 transactions only for the international use?

      • i rang ing up 6 hours before using my card in USA and they said no worries, then they deactivated it when i used an ATM. It left me with only one other card. They said they detected it as fraud despite the heads up from me. So many woolworths transactions get marked as fraud now, i dunno how many times i have had to ring them up.

        the five transaction thing is just the nail in the coffin for how utter cr*p this bank is now

      • +3

        I asked ING if they would waive it, they said no so i opened a ubank account and changed that day.

        ubank has none of the transaction requirements that ING does and you only need to deposit $200 each month

    • +7

      hopefully ME bank and ING see this…and put theirs backup accordingly or I may move to here :-)

      Just do it now. Your apathy is exactly what they bank on (pun intended).

      Loyalty is dead!

  • +1

    you make no withdrawals in the month

    That’s a problem for me. ING direct and ME allows withdrawals.

  • +1

    Does anyone know if you can open multiple accounts - for those that have $20m they want to earn $3% on?

    • Yes you can have multiple accounts, do a max. of $250k that way your money is protected by the government, only issue is each account needs the $200 deposit each month

      • +2

        Thats $250k per 'bank' not per account. So two accounts with $200k in each, means you're only protected for $250k still……

    • +4

      Sure, but the $250k gov protection applies to the total of all accounts

    • A person with 20m wouldn't be investing it in a 3% interest saver account, but yes, you can have many accounts open at the same time. You can transfer money from one saver account into the second saver account at the start of the month to constitute a "$200 deposit"

      • -1

        You can transfer money from one saver account into the second saver account at the start of the month to constitute a "$200 deposit"

        yeah nah,

        Can see you don't have one of these setups, as it CLEARLY says

        • you make no withdrawals in the month

        Doing the money shuffle like that, will count as a withdrawal.

        • Yes there is a way of doing it, many do it regularly. Look it up on Whirlpool RAMS Wiki.

        • +2

          Account 1 on 01/03/2018= $30,000
          Account 2 on 01/03/2018 = $0

          Account 1 on 01/04/2018= $30,000+ interest

          Transfer money from account 1 to account 2 on 01/04/2018

          Later that afternoon

          Account 1: $0
          Account 2: $30,000+ interest

          This transfer from account 1 to account 2 counts as a deposit from the perspective of account 2.

        • @ra-mistar: ok, yes, well that kind of makes sense, but isn't what you said before :)

        • @ra-mistar:
          What if the 01.04.18 is a Sunday (as it actually is 😀) or worst Saturday? Then your transfer will happen on Monday (assuming it is not a public holiday) and you miss out on 2-3 days of interest.

        • +1

          @maxi: Nope, intra-bank transfer is instantaneous

        • @nokia3660:
          I am pretty sure that with Rabodirect intra-bank transfers are only executed in business days

        • @maxi: huh, why would an intra-bank be business days only? Anyway my comments were based on my experience with CBA, ING & CITI. Though I haven't personally tried it with RAMS found a link in whirlpool forum that says it is.

  • Interesting deal.

  • -1

    Do you need to open a RAMS Action account to open a RAMS Saver account?

    If my current savings account is already over $500,000, will I be able to open two RAMS Saver accounts and split it halfway so they both qualify for bonus interest?

    • No to the first question

  • +5

    How good was it when ING saver was 6.6%

    • yep miss the days of my 8.5 % TD

      • id love that . i wouldnt work

      • +1

        I remember that, and I also remember declining to put money into a TD at that rate, for fear that the rate would rise!

        • I saw an old lady pop her money in a 7 percent td for ten years back around 8 or so years ago

          I reckon she would still be laughing

  • Any transaction account you recommend to couple with this savings account with no fees?

    • +1

      There are many. ING, Ubank, CitiBank, Macquarie and many others. You will find more lists.

      • Instant transfers?

        I'd like to take advantage of the extra interest RAMS has on my savings, but I need instant transfers between savings and transaction.

        • ubank is instant.

          You dont even need money in your transaction account.
          If you spend money on the card and your transaction account doesnt have a balance to cover it the rest is taken from your savings account automatically.

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