Uber Driver Stopped for Petrol. Are You for Real?

Hello everyone, I just wanted to get your opinion on this incident involving uber. I ordered an uber to get to work the other night which is only an 8km ~20 minute trip. After I got into the uber the driver informed me that "he'd been driving all over Sydney" and that he was running low on fuel. I said to him "are you serious?" and he told me that he was. I felt like at this point I had to just go with it as I was already running late. I ended up directing him to a servo that was a bit of a detour. I had to wait about 5-10 mins whilst he refuelled.

Anyway, long story short I ended up arriving at my destination on time. I subsequently emailed uber about the incident as I feel that it should be the driver's responsibility to make sure they have adequate fuel prior to accepting a journey, especially when it is such a short distance. I requested at least a partial refund for the time spent refuelling. They "thanked me for my feedback" but could offer no partial/full reimbursement of the fair as I arrived in less time than their estimated journey duration at the outset of the trip. I then had a few back and forth emails which ended with me saying that I won't use their service again, to which they replied with an "account deletion" email.

I am not really sure what the point of this post is but I just wanted to get this off my chest. I initially tried to get a taxify on the night but the wait was > 10 mins. I have only had good experiences with their service recently.

I always knew uber were bastards, especially after listening to The Dollop (http://thedollop.libsyn.com/271-uber) but this just cemented it. Anyone have a similar experience?


Summary as requested by some as maybe I haven't been as clear I could be:

*Ordered uber as I was running late for work (surge pricing) and didn't have enough time to walk/cycle/catch a camel
*Got into the uber and driver informed me that he was running low on fuel and needed to get fuel
*Driver didn't know where the nearest servo was so I directed him to one which was a bit of a detour
*We pulled up to the servo and had to wait for a free spot for him to refuel. Realistically probably took 5 mins.
*Arrived at my destination on time so net loss to the universe was nothing
*I emailed uber to let them now that I thought it was lame that my driver took a detour to refuel
*They replied by saying that they will look into it but would offer no refund as the the actual trip time/distance was less than the estimated time/distance
*I replied by saying this was unacceptable and that I would not be using uber anymore
*Uber replied with an account deletion email - this is what pissed me off the most as I think this was terrible customer service and what spurred me to create this thread
*Yes, entirely a first world problem but this whole website is essentially about the first world and its problems.

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  • +24

    Take a Cab next time.

    I feel that there is no support from Uber if any issues arrive.

    Sometimes with Uber's price surge/spikes, it's better taking a Cab.


    • +37

      happened to me with a cab too

        • +13


      • +14

        you should wear some pants

      • +13

        hey, do you want taxi/uber to run out of fuel ? These drivers get paid nothing. Be nice to them.

        • +2

          Whilst I don't disagree, they know what they get up-front.

        • +2

          @psy: the smarter ones only work when there's surge pricing.

        • +1

          @Kiwibigspender: and how would they know this unless they are out on the road?

        • @Keef: presume it wouldn't be hard to find out, eg. if they had a Uber app on any phone + peak hour + Fri & Sat nights are always surge pricing & anytime there's a big sporting event on + Xmas Day, New Years Eve etc.

        • @Kiwibigspender: + they have to be in that area at the time surge pricing is occurring. I can't see if your location is surge pricing right now as I'm not there. I think?

        • @Keef: the area ? Like in that city ?

          If the driver is in say Brisbane, he can soon see if surge pricing is on. Just look it up on any phone with uber app. It's n ot rocket science.

          Anyway, almost every Mon-Fri from say 7-9am & from 4-7pm is at surge pricing + Fri/Sat nights etc.

        • @Kiwibigspender: What about if they aren't in Brisbane and their home is like 30-40 mins away. I assume not all drivers live in the location that they wanna see if the price is surging in.

        • @Keef: 30 or 40 mins from centre of Bris is still Bris.

        • @Kiwibigspender: Push it further until it is not Brisbane

        • @Keef: doubt if any difference between 30, 40 or 60 mins from Brisbane GPO.

          It's so easy to find out when surge pricing is on. There's this new thing called a smart(dumb) phone.

    • In my experience it's far easier to get support from Uber (who take feedback through the app if you give a 1 star rating) than it is to write up a formal complaint to the taxi company or to the state/territory regulator, and Uber generally responds quite quickly whereas taxi companies and regulators take their time and don't necessarily refund either.

      • +16

        Uber customer service is now just as bad as taxi companies. They mark every email as “complInt resolved” before you’ve even read their copy-paste reply which does is usually irrelevant to what you asked. Probably a chatbot.

        • +7

          At least the cab co’s don’t try to lure you in by pretending they give a shit about you haha

        • -1

          but emails aren't involved?? Uber hates personal correspondence. Only the elite get a phone number.
          They expect everything to be resolved through the apps, and in my experience it works very effectively.

          If you have a matter not related to a trip, that complicates things. I logged an issue with a different trip just to get some action, and it caused a mess for that trip so ended up with 2 trips to fix. Sounds like it's a more effective way of addressing an issue than an email, though I can't say I recommend "breaking" another rider's trip.

      • +5

        I agree I've had a number of disputes with Uber and they've always been resolved in my favour - albeit with some pushing. It's also much easier as it's all facilitated through an app.

    • Yes I have written off Uber due to poor customer service. If anything goes wrong, I don’t expect Uber customer service to care.

    • +2

      Uber support is related to how valuable your account is to them. They will do much more for you if you're a valuable customer.

      • Yep I use it pretty regularly and have always had great customer service from them. I assume OP has only ever taken a few trips.

        • +1

          sounds like the rating system is a double edged sword. they are looking for premium customers as much as premium drivers. good business model. same sort of idea as health insurers giving away free fitbits or genetic testing or perhaps free GPS from car insurance company.

        • I use it weekly and had pretty terrible service the one time I had an issue.

      • I've done over 500 trips on uber and ordered over 100 ubereats deliveries and i had an issue arise where they double charged me for an order.
        They outright said that i am lying and to call my bank, which i did and i had to go through and get them to research the charge.. etc, then once my bank refunded me my money, i went to uber and they didnt reply to any of my follow up messages or anything.

        Tldr: take heaps trips, crap service

    • +22

      I drove with Uber, and we were always able to make a satisfactory solution. I reckon their support for resolving issues is excellent.
      I'm not familiar with the rider app, but the driver can select a trip, and indicate that there was an issue.
      Uber will recalculate the trip based on their estimates, and everyone is happy.

      In my case, the rider said don't use my navigator, as he would direct. Then he fell asleep, and I drove straight past his destination. It was out in the sticks and we'd lost GPS signal - the app doesn't tell you - it looks like you're still on track!
      Personally, I reckon it was his problem and I should have let him wear the cost, but being in a service industry, I was happy to wear a bit of a loss to keep a customer happy.

      In this case, the driver got OP to destination in under estimated time, so I don't see any compensation warranted. I suspect the time indicated is what it felt like to a frustrated rider rather than the time it actually took to fill up.
      Yes, he should have turned off his app and not taken rides until he got petrol. But if your request came up before he could (it happens all the time), he probably thought you'd rather that than have to wait for another uber. He probably thought he was doing you a favour.

    • +4

      No need to take taxis. Taxis are overpriced. Try Taxify or Ola Cabs which have launched / are launching in major cities.

      Traditional taxis ripped off people for years. Not any more.

    • -7

      Couldn't disagree with you more (and with OP's comment "I always knew Uber were bastards").

      I Uber 5 times every week (at least), and have received nothing but fantastic support whenever I have had a problem (however small it may be).

      To OP's experience, I'm confused as to how the journey still ended up within the 'estimated time to complete' after quite a long delay, especially when the entire trip itself was only 20 minutes.

      My usual trip is 15-16 minutes, with the estimate always being bang on. Whenever my driver misses a turn or gets lost, I hit the "my driver took a poor route" button, and usually receive a refund of $2-$5 (unless the overall delay was very very minor).

      My point is, I have received refunds for much shorter delays than 5-10 minutes. So while I cannot attest to what happened in OP's situation, I can say that Uber are usually pretty great in this respect. Props to them.

      Example: I received a $3.72 refund on a $12.84 fare just this morning, as my driver turned missed the Elizabeth Street turnoff and had to go down Mary Street (Brisbane CBD, cost me 2 minutes tops).

      Not sure for the point of my post, other than it really bugs me when someone publicly blasts a product or service purely based off one negative experience.

      • +17

        WTF. If it cost you 2 minutes, why are you complaining and taking the Uber drivers' (very low) income away from them?

        • Hi there.

          I would encourage you to check your facts. Most (but not all), refunds made by Uber are not passed on to the driver. They are often paid by Uber to retain customer satisfaction. Uber will however investigate serious complaints/issues and contact the driver if required (source: I just asked my uncle who drives for Uber in Sydney).

          In any case, if a driver's error is going to increase my fare I see no issue in requesting a refund of that increase (especially when I'm paying 1.4x surge in peak hour CBD traffic). If you were overcharged by $3 (on $15 worth of groceries) at the supermarket checkout, I believe you'd do the same.

          Glad to see that was your takeaway from my original comment, when the crux of my comment was that Uber (in my opinion) will go to great lengths to satisfy their customers.

          I will add that most of my dealings with Uber support have been non-monetary. I only ever request a refund when my fare has actually be effected. I've never requested nor received compensation when I've had an issue with a driver that effected the ride but not fare, however in these instances Uber support have always been great in getting back to me, providing an explanation, and/or issuing an apology where necessary.

          So it very much surprises me when people say they find it impossible to deal with Uber support. Because that has not been my experience, not even close.

        • +7

          @Taddy: Sorry but you sound like a serial whinger. You write well and are obviously otherwise a reasonable person but it sounds like you spend far too much time complaining to Uber.

        • -6

          @antt: Based off your two comments I would say if anything it sounds like you are the one who likes to whinge.

          Might I suggest that if you have no interest or insight regarding the subject matter of a thread, that you refrain from commenting for the sake of a few pointless up votes.

        • +1


          I only ever request a refund when my fare has actually be effected.


        • @Gershom: Sorry mate, hope my comment still made sense… -_-

  • +26

    Should have declined to let him refuel. If he runs out of fuel, cancel the trip and call another uber. Probably could have completed the 8 km trip even if the fuel light was blinking.

    Or take a cab

    • +89

      Exactly. I cant imagine the Uber driver offering no alternative.

      I got a feeling that it went something like;

      "Sorry, I'm a bit pressed and just finished the last job. I will need to get fuel, it's on the way, would you mind if I stopped quickly to top up?? Or I can call for another Uber?"
      "So long as I get there on time, no problem"
      "Ok, thanks, I'll be quick as I can."
      #seething rage intensifies…
      Update Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, Insta, Snap, post on OzB, get in time machine and update MySpace, send Uber CEO an email, call Tracy Grimshaw… #Uber(fropanity)

    • +108

      piggy backing this comment for visibility

      I'm a full time Uber driver and one of the highest rated drivers in Sydney (4.97 with >2000 trips :D). I am completely on OP side here that the driver messed up and OP has every right to be annoyed

      I've read through the comments and think the community is missing a few important points. The trip should have cost ~$23.75 = base fare ($2.5) + booking fee ($0.55) + NSW 'taxi compensation' levy ($1.10) + distance ($11.6=8km×$1.45) + time ($8=20min×$0.4)
      So estimate was probably $19-$29
      However this was during a surge time so estimate was $35-$45 applejack
      Therefore the surge was around x1.6-x1.7
      With this surge 5-10min will have cost OP 64cents/min (0.4×1.6=$0.64) or between $3.2-$6.4 not including the extra km for the detour (surge 1.6 means $2.32 per km, (x1.6×$1.45))
      So this refuel would have cost OP at least an extra $5-$10!! (depending on the detour) I dont know about other ozbargainers but if I got ripped off $5-10 for something avoidable, I'd be pi$$ed

      As a driver we can decline trips without penalty (there is a no thanks button next to the accept trip). What we can't do is accept a trip and cancel on the rider, that is a big no no, penalties apply including repeat offenders being kicked off the platform. This is to ensure reliability of rides. Drivers use to do this to increase the surge, as riders requesting again will get a different/increase in surge :P
      If we decline/don't accept 4 trips in a row, The app will take us offline. But I'm guessing this is to ensure there is no problems with the app/mobile (like freeze/crash) after that we can go back online immediately. They recently allowed us to decline because we can choose to reject low rated riders, if riders are too far away to pick up or whatever reason (rest/refuel :P). So declining for fuel would not have been an issue

      The driver knew full well that there is a good surge and wanted to make a quick buck by refueling at this expensive time. Could have easily refueled after the surge, 8km is nothing.
      Driver gave the option of cancelling but knew people usually only accept surges when they are in a rush and there are not many drivers around (hence the surge) and it would take a while for OP to get another ride, plus the possibility the next ride being a higher surge.
      Last missing point is the only reason OP made it within uber's time frame was because it was at night where there is no traffic, therefore driver will get there fast and not get pinged for it :/
      This trip should have been cheaper or around the lower price estimate range with no traffic, but instead became more expensive but within ubers estimate/time
      This is dodgy and I really don't want uber to be like the old taxis with dodgy practices ripping people off. OP sorry for drivers like this and hope you feel better about your experience, majority of us are good drivers trying to make a living

      PS Larry Davd is awesome :) applejack and not sure why uber responded to you like that? Might have gotten a bad representative or maybe they also missed the same points I pointed out :P Please give drivers like this a one star, if enough people vote one star we can get rid of dodgy drivers/passengers and make uber better :D #accountability

      • -4


        $5 to $10 is assuming that it took five to ten minutes to refuel, which is doubtful.

        • +7

          Not impossible at some busy city servo's..

        • +1

          To clarify I should have written $5-10 (depending on the detour distance added to the trip at $2.32 per km)

          From OPs description "to a servo that was a bit of a detour" this could have easily added 1-2km to the trip as it wasn't directly on the way. It all adds up

          If I could make $5-10 in 5-10min I would but too. But this is dodgy

        • +1


          Yes, not impossible. But a more reasonable explanation would be that op experienced a distorted time perception. Which is normal then one is in rush.

        • @constantly L8:

          I had to wait about 5-10 mins whilst he refuelled.

          This reads like op was stationary and waiting for what felt like five to then minutes while the driver refueled.

      • On the other hand, if it was a surge time it means there aren't enough drivers around.
        The OP got to his destination faster this way than waiting for an available driver.

        How did they get to destination in Uber's expected time? Either the driver did a fantastic job of making up time, or I suspect it just seemed like 5-10 minutes but actually, the driver probably quickly splashed $20 in and got back on road as quick as he could.

      • +1

        (4.97 with >2000 trips :D)

        Daym, I thought mine was good lol. Nice

        As a driver we can decline trips without penalty (there is a no thanks button next to the accept trip).

        This article has some interesting content.

        However, I'd argue that the wording still suggests you will still get affected by declining trips, just that it'll be to a lesser extent

        Moreover, declining rides won't negatively impact drivers as much as it did before.

        i.e. still affects, just not as much as before

        In addition, the Uber Driver app still has text to suggest that not accepting trips does have a negative impact. Screenshot


        In addition, Uber is increasing the number of "driver destinations," which allows drivers to be matched with riders going in the same direction as them, from two to six per day.

        This must be (certain) US (cities) only? How I'd love this for Australia, Sydney in particular…

      • +2

        I thought the OP was crying a bit too much but this post really explained it better. Thanks

  • +123

    you got to your destination on time. don't see what the fuss is about.

    • +106

      I've had taxi drivers stop for fuel before, they turn off the meter during the refuel.
      Since your alternative transport had a wait of over 10mins, you still ended up with the fastest journey. Would you have preferred to wait on the curb longer while the driver refueled before collecting you?

      It makes me a bit sad that people get angry about making a few minutes accommodation to make somebody else's life substantially easier.

      • +18

        I've had taxi drivers stop for fuel before, they turn off the meter during the refuel.

        We don't know if that happened here. The driver may very well have been refueling on the customer's paid time and been paid for the detour.

        Since your alternative transport had a wait of over 10mins, you still ended up with the fastest journey. Would you have preferred to wait on the curb longer while the driver refueled before collecting you?

        The customer may have otherwise been collected by a different driver and arrived earlier. Directing the driver, the detour and waiting at the service station could be awkward, a hassle and cause uncertainty. Good service would see the customer arrive early if possible, not the latest within tolerance limits because it suits Uber and the driver.

        It makes me a bit sad that people get angry about making a few minutes accommodation to make somebody else's life substantially easier.

        But in this case that somebody else was a professional delivering a service and the person was a customer. Customers pay for services to make their lives easier, not the other way around. The driver should've taken a few minutes of his own time to prepare for the fare.

        • No chance, that they will turn off the meter/app IMO.

          Not sure if they get an option to turn it off (i.e. trip breaks for the same customer/job). Any Uber drivers here can confirm?
          Opportunistic to get a freebie over the cost of the customer.


        • +8


          Can’t pause trip once started until destination reached. Driver would also be penalised for not accepting trip if he was pinged (you can only ignore so many trips). This is the likely reason he accepted trip if he was in fact aware he was low on petrol prior to picking up OP.

        • +1

          No, driver can't pause the ride using the app. At least when I was using it a year ago that was the case. Having said that I think driver should have been more considerate of his customers. On the other hand, having reached to the destination on time I wouldn't make such a drama over this if I were OP.

        • +1


          Ok i see.

          Well I guess that what happens with Automation and Virtual Companies. Minimal control and variances by the driver, considering that they are monitored by GPS.

          I guess that this is one advantage of taking a Cab; is the that the driver can stop the meter when it's needed and justified.


        • +3


          Well I think the rationale of the OP is not about timing. More so about paying for time so the driver can fill petrol whilst this should be conducted whilst not on a job; considering that the fare is aggregately calculated by time.

          Furthermore, having their account deleted when querying/complaining about this.
          I am not sure about the email language and etiquette OP used however I wouldn't expect Uber to delete my account without any justification.

          If that happened to me, I will tell them to go jump and use another service.

          Uber is using destination time as an excuse to wriggle out of compensation, however the customer should pay for productivity and not maintenance/service.

          There are many posters are that have mixed views but tbh, I wouldn't feel comfortable if I am funding the drivers time to fill petrol, as opposed to a Cab that can stop the meter.

          It is their automated system/framework that allows this to happen, where the driver cannot stop the meter, has to accept a job over a certain period … etc.

          In my view it is done on purpose.

          Each to their own.


      • +31

        I for one actually find something to disagree with you.

        I would rather wait 10 mins on the curb than 10 minutes waiting for someone to fill up.
        When i'm on the curb it's his $$. When I'm waiting in the car it's my $$.

        Who knows maybe another available vehicle would have turned up within those 10 minutes while i was on a the curb.

        I've had taxi drivers who have stopped to refuel as you said they can pause the metre - fine by me.
        Uber drivers cannot so I expect them to be able to make the trip or not charge me for refuelling time.

        EOD i will still arrive same time if he filled up before or during, but I'd be $$ less if during.

        Bring on the negs..

        • +6

          Fair enough.
          I didn't realise there was no option but the customer paying for it.

          How many stars did OP rate this driver?

    • Time wise, yes. But would the passenger have been charged for the refueling detour as well?

    • -4

      Ozbargain peeps love to have a big sook about lame 1st world problems.

      • +2

        And bash OP to signal their moral superiority.

        • -6

          I am unable to be the support or father figure to OP from behind a monitor, OP wants to make out he is some real victim with real problems like she/he is suffering from big people problems. I would be happy to only have to worry about Uber filling up fuel while he was paying for travel.

          “I was already running late”
          “Anyway, long story short I ended up arriving at my destination on time.”

          WTF, we all now sooking about shit that didn’t go down? sure maybe the Uber diver was a bastard for stopping, but I feel that OP is trying to express the emotional trauma from the experience, from a non-issue.

        • +4


          I think you're reading too much into it.

          The reports from Uber drivers in this thread indicate that OP was ripped off. That's a legitimate grievance and has value for our readership as a cautionary tale.

          Remember that we're a community for sharing bargains — the antithesis of rip-offs. The forums aren't just for discussing major life challenges.

        • -2

          @Scrooge McDuck: OP payed to get to work on time, Uber delivered? Real Taxies cost more, I think OP did over react, we are told there where email between OP and Uber support, OP feels entitled for some refund for arriving on time and under the expected time of arrival.

          They "thanked me for my feedback" but could offer no partial/full reimbursement of the fair as I arrived in less time than their estimated journey duration at the outset of the trip

          Maybe your right I am reading into it way too much, here I am judging because the cautionary tale and you so politely labelled it, didn’t equal or surpass any experience I or other people have endured.

        • +2

          @spriggan43: No one cares about what you have endured.

  • +7

    [grabs.popcorn] in a galaxy far far away….

  • +29

    Try and see things from the driver’s perspective. They receive no training, accidents happen. While not ideal, at the end of the day you got to your location at the estimated time for the estimated cost.

    Uber drivers earn very little, you get what you pay for.

    Forgive and forget would be my advice. If happens regularly, don’t use the service and catch a cab.

    • +8

      Disagreed. Driver was clearly aware of situation but rather than do the right thing by stopping prior (before accepting a job), he CHOSE to make the customer wear the burden.

      • +29

        Oh, the burden! So much burden… How does one cope with all the burden…

        My only concern is that you are ok now? Have your meds kicked in?

        • +1

          Meds? Huh? That's a pretty weak attack mate. Don't resort to getting personal, you're better than that.

          Put it this way - what if the driver stopped for a meal? To do his grocery shopping? To go past Bunnings for a couple items?

    • -1

      This is one of those threads that never should have been posted. OP should have taken a day or two to think about how badly he was wronged. He got exactly the service he paid for, and nothing less, yet still has enough anger in him that the world owes him more. Sad day for humanity.

      • +11

        He had every right to be unhappy. He was charged extra for his trip via a detour through no fault of his own.

        I'd be mad as well.

        • +8

          You realise that he wasn't charged more than the quote right? Uber would have fixed it if the price was wrong, but it wasn't.
          Despite the detour, and despite the wait, he still arrived within the quoted $$.

        • +1


          There was no mention by the OP in his post (I may have missed it in comments if it existed) that the trip was within the quoted monetary value, only the estimated time.

          Even if the trip ended up within the quoted monetary value, this still should not have been right, the driver can't make redundant kilometres even if it's within the quote. Does it go both ways? If a detour was required for a legitimate reason, and the fare ended up higher than the quote, does that mean the OP only has to pay the quote? Uber is not a fixed price service.

        • +2

          Yeah it was mentioned somewhere, because the bottom line of it is Uber would have fixed the fare if OP was overcharged, but he wasn't.

          I hear what you're saying, it isn't right for rider to pay for waiting while refuelling. But that was the situation they found themselves in, driver gave the OP of get in or cancel, and he made his choice.
          To me, the driver acted in the most professional manner possible.

          I would have ended the ride early to give OP a discount, but then another job could have come up and I would be late for it and have someone else complaining.

          If driver ignored job, OP would be complaining about having to wait because not enough drivers.

        • +3

          @SlickMick: But had the driver not stopped, it would have been less.

        • +2


          Uber not offering a partial refund does not mean that the OP was not unfairly slugged extra. This was the whole point of the post - OP was unairly charged extra and Uber is refusing for a partial refund.

          The Uber driver was actually very unprofessional. Knowing that he had to refuel, the driver had a choice to not accept the request, or set the app to not open for requests. He knew very well to accept the Uber request means the passenger would be faced with a vulnerable lose-lose situation; either the passenger can accept the Uber, and thus will be slugged with extra fee for detour distance + refuel wait time + stationery wait time during detour +/- extra trip time, or the passenger can refuse the Uber driver and have to re-order an Uber, losing valuable time. To accept an Uber request knowing full well you need to refuel is a very unprofessional thing to do.

          There are always many drivers, if he declined the fare there will always be another Uber around.

          We can agree to disagree, the discussion of the OP is not about the professionalism of the driver.

        • +1

          @SlickMick: "Uber would have fixed the fare if OP was overcharged, but he wasn't."…LOL this guy is hilarious!

        • @ensanguined:
          Have you ever had a fare over quote and challenged it? It's a built in process. The driver would have an opportunity to challenge, but otherwise the fare gets changed to the estimate.

          hilarious? meh

    • +3

      Driver should have just stopped the trip when he was 5-10 minutes away from OPs house to kinda make it even.

    • I actually always heard uber drivers are extremely well paid and people used to quit their normal jobs to become uber drivers. How this thread has changed my view.

  • +6

    Real customer service would be send OP to destination, car stops due to empty tank, driver runs 2km to the nearest servo and runs back with a jerrycan full of fuel, drives to the servo again for refueling.

    • +14

      Or driver abandons vehicle and piggy-backs OP to destination.
      To OP, you paid the agreed price, arrived at an agreed time, what else could you possibly want more from a transport service?

      • +2

        piggy-backs OP to destination.

        Why is there not an Uber for piggy-back rides :(

        • +2

          Because of lobbying by the Australian Professional Piggybackers Alliance (APPA).

          They're a powerful lobbying group - head and shoulders above the rest…

  • +7

    I don’t think you have any recourse as you arrived under the estimated time. Had it taken you 5 or 10 minutes extra then maybe then you would have been entitled to a partial refund. Poor form by the driver though

    • +8

      Did he get a refund for the detour aspect at least.. that would've cost extra

  • +35

    Maybe walk next time

    • +6

      first world problems. Ended up looking like a douche ¯_(ツ)_/¯

      • Cmon Jayzorz, you are not a douche. I believe there might be some good you can do in your life. Chin up!

  • +2

    Interesting. Thanks for the thoughts guys. I did think twice about the poor uber driver in my case … but he was driving a pretty suped/modded up car and in my opinion he should make sure he has adequate fuel prior to accepting each journey. I think another main issue is that as far as I'm aware the uber driver can't pause the meter whilst he refuels.

    • +1

      I feel for this poor driver. He probably thinks he's earning enough to pay for that car, but I bet he's wrong.

    • +9

      Or the system would have given me a different driver?

      Hah, it seems like uber drivers are refuelling mid-trip all over Australia. I didn't know this was the norm! I'm happy to be proved wrong. Thanks for the feedback guys.

    • +18

      Uber charges for time. So OP paid the driver extra for the refuelling time.

    • +7

      Except OP had to pay for the time the driver took to fuel, and had the driver fuelled up prior, he likely would have gotten another vehicle (with an appropriate amount of fuel) and hence arrived earlier.

  • +17

    I am not sure if this is a troll post or the OP is for real.

    • +49

      Gotta be for real. The sense of entitlement around here is massive.

      • +47

        I once had to stand in line for 3 minutes to order a coffee, outrageous. 😜

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