I Want to Deliver 1000 Red Roses to My Wife - Help

Hi all

I want to deliver ALOT of red roses for my wifes birthday in 2 weeks

Anyone know where or how I can organise this in Melbourne? (Melton 3338 to be exact)

And of course does anyone know how I can do this in a cost effective way?


closed Comments

        • -1

          @pyro love bird: lol. Most comments are sexist and indicate so. I shouldn't assume though.

        • @pyro love bird: haha gotcha! What's with chicks and origami? My gf used to make them all the time for me… I tried to make an origami kangaroo, bought like 20 diff types of paper etc. but failed miserably each attempt.

        • +1

          @Beefking: I actually am not into origami and learnt how to make them specifically for our first anniversary. I'm just a sentimental person.. he was not. Luckily I also got him xbox live gold for 12 months, a game and a "I love you" bear as a backup. He was unimpressed with my sentimental half of the gift and was sort of like "uh… ok, this is a box of paper" and gave me a look saying "what do I do with this now" haha. Thank goodness he liked the rest of the stuff.

        • @pyro love bird: I would guess that would be most men.

        • @John Kimble: In my experience that's very accurate

  • +2

    If I were you I'd have a recurring order for one / week or something like that. That would be perfect if she's turning 52.

    I think your wife would be gritting her teeth with that many, even 20 is quite a lot.

  • +11

    The impact will be big, but will she REALLY have a different reaction to 1000 roses than 50 roses? This site is ozBARGAIN.

    • +2

      Marginal utility for more roses is exponentially decreasing at best.

    • 999th rose = Mrs chingy213: you're sleeping on the couch tonight you piece of filth
      1000th rose = Mrs chingy213: eyes turn into love hearts I love you Mr Chingy213!

  • +4

    Username checks out

  • +8

    Ok how badly did you screw up? The bigger the bouquet the bigger the apology.
    Just get her a dozen, it'll all look the same when she brags about it on Instagram

    • +2

      Where's the poop?

    • Just get her a dozen, it'll all look the same when she brags about it on Instagram

      Even a legit copy of Photoshop is cheaper than 1,000 roses.

  • +17

    1000 red roses to Melton 3388

    That will double the GDP of Melton.

    Over capitalising at its finest.

    • I suspect he has chosen to live there because of the "lucky" postcode - is that right, OP?

  • +2

    Instead of 1000, just do 100… Impressive enough

  • Umm…. why? To be honest this is just wasteful - buy her a dozen and use the rest of the money for a nice meal. Unless you have screwed up the marriage and are desperate to fix things?

    • +4

      Is there a formula in the bro code I am unaware of?

      Forgiveness = Magnitude of Mistake x # of Roses

      • In the Revised Edition it's:

        if (1=0)

        • So we get married?

          assigning variable with a value within an if statement is true

        • @zeomega:

          In what language is '1' a variable?

  • +17

    I think OP recently bought a pool and got it confused for a vase.

  • +10

    You could get her a diamond for that price. Maybe not a good one but good enough for Melton

    • The diamond is a much better idea!

  • +2

    a luxurious and mystery weekend away would be much better - include a dozen roses <3

  • +1

    How many vases do you own?

    How big is your green waste bin?

    • +2

      Save time and combine the two!

      • Hahaha. Thanks for that lol.

  • +1


  • +2

    we need to know why 1000? You didn't sleep with her best friend - did ya?

    • +1

      That's 100.

      1000 is for sleeping with her worst enemy.

      • her mom?

        • +1

          In Tasmania that'd warrant 0.

          100 in mainland Australia.

          And between 100 and 1000 in the rest of Asia.

  • +4

    This is what 1000 red roses looks like


    Not impressive at all

    • Sure doesn't look impressive, stacked on a table with people walking by, presumably ignoring them. Individually boxed is a good idea for O.P

  • +26

    because his wife is the PA at his job, and he got angry that she ripped him off $2.06 over birthday cake, and now she is angry that he told the boss.

  • +3

    Seems like a big apology the OP is going for and he will need apologise again when the wife finds out he spent a couple of grand on flowers.

    The shock on her face won't be from the sheer amount and surprise from the roses.

  • +7

    Sorry, posed this question to my wife …she thinks you are lunatic and irresponsible with money!, and not a true OzBargainer!. 50 would be more than enough, but her suggestion would be to buy a number of rose bushes for the garden so she can have a regular supply!!. Thats what I did, and she just loves to go and pick a nice selection from the dozen rose bushes that I gave her.

    • That's how you think with your big head.

  • +13

    why not give 50 to your wife, and 50 the woman you had an affair with. keep your options open

    • +2

      Or 19, because 1000.

    • And spend the rest on hookers

    • Is that you Barnaby?

  • +7

    tell us who she caught you sleeping with

      • +5

        she will never get over it, hopefully she has learnt how to manage that pent up anger towards you

      • +6

        Troll status: Confirmed!

      • how many roses are you going to get for the mistress?

  • +16

    If my husband bought me 1000 roses I would kill him, smarter to put the money in the mortgage or at least buy me something useful. Not something that will take up a lot of space and be a massive amount of rubbish to deal with in a week or two.
    In fact why not just get her two bags of recycling rubbish (not smelling too bad) and save the time. Donate the money to a charity if you want to get rid of it so badly.

    • +1

      If I ever wake up married, I'll be sure to buy my wife 1000 roses!

    • wheres the marry button?

      • +1

        I know you guys are making some kind of joke but I don't understand it.

        Also wanted to add that if you're married your money is her money and her money is your money. Buying 1000 roses would be throwing her money down the drain, she might have other ideas for it. It is different if she is a girlfriend and your money isn't her money, so you aren't costing her anything by spending lots of your own money. Hopefully that makes sense?

        That being said, my partner and I rarely buy each other presents. Only things that are hard to procure so the finding of it is the present rather than the monetary value

        • +4

          The joke explained:

          If my husband bought me 1000 roses I would kill him

          If I ever wake up married, I'll be sure to buy my wife 1000 roses!

        • @Symbiotic:


  • $20 bill roses, $100 bill as leaves. Your wife will take as much as you'd like to give. Any day any time.

    • +1

      Your wife will take as much as you'd like to give. Any day any time.

      Even when she has a "headache"?

  • +10

    Sigh, obvious troll post.

  • +3

    18 red roses here, 142円.

    should be able to get your 1000 for under $150. Will cost more to dispose of them.

    You cant add value by wasting money. changing your attitude, habits and the feelings you give to another person is a much more valuable initiative you can take. read a book, keep a diary. You set a poor standard for a relationship trying to buy your way out of problems.

  • +13

    Buy her an $80k Car, it has proven time and time again to be a high yield investment.

  • someone earlier this week was looking for classic threads.. this one is one of them

  • -1

    how I can do this in a cost effective way?

    Give us your address (and the exact day) and the community will send one rose each to your wife.

      • and the community will send one rose each to your wife.
        one Eneloop each. No roses here, mate
      • +1

        Yes, I will totally spend my own money to do that! Everyone else on board?

  • +4

    If you have the money to waste on 1,000 roses (which means you've clearly violated the code of OzBargain ethic), surely you have some to waste on delivery. Why do you care about the most cost effective way to do it?

  • +3

    What is the most effective way to brag about money on a bargain Website for fun?

    • +1

      Investment Audi, AMG, 1000 dying flowers etc etc, yes ironic a bargain forum seems to be used to brag.

  • I think you should go into a florist and look at how much space 1000 flowers takes up.

  • +2

    That's a lot of pricks

  • +4

    Did you do her sister or something ??

  • +1

    Do a coles/woolies run after you visit whichever local flower market is accessible to you.
    if there are lots of flowers I doubt she'll be counting, You can buy 700, tell her there's 1000 I doubt shell notice.

  • +11

    Salim? Salim Mehajer, is that you? It won't do you any good: she doesn't want you back. Anyway, you shouldn't be wasting your precious jail internet time here. You are rich, remember, so you be shopping for your next helicopter or your new jet and paying top dollar for them.

    • ROFL!

    • Stop fkn giving him a fame. He is just a trash. Why give the prick more attention.

  • +2

    This guy.

  • +1

    Cheaper than splitting the wealth op has.

  • And of course does anyone know how I can do this in a cost effective way?

    Buy some rose bushes from Bunnings, they might produce 1000 flowers eventually.

  • The local memorial park might have that quantity.

  • Men truly have nfi what women want.

    Ban him for life from ozb

    • +2

      Men truly have nfi what women want.

      Neither do most women.

      • Easy niche

    • I do, but honestly 1000 roses is cheaper and less work

  • +1

    Why the fvvk would anyone want to receive 1,000 roses. It's borderline mental.

    If this is what crypto does to people I'm cashing out on my 0.000365 bitcoin.

  • +1

    It really is about time that we get some moderators looking seriously at the subject-matter of many of these useless posts.

    I don't mind wasting my time reading about supposed bargains, or bargains that are of no interest to me - after all, you never know!

    But pathetic posts like this, and, for example AMG Mercs, are an absolute waste of any intelligent person's time.

    • +1

      You don't have to read it Mr. Intelligent.

  • +1

    Says a lot about your values. Why not give a homeless person some food ?

  • Your first name isn't Salim does it?

    And what is she going to do with 1000 roses….
    Kind of reminds me of Waynes World: https://youtu.be/JGyJOX5wFFg

    • Maybe it's a genius Kevin Spacey fancy dress.

  • +2

    Either you did something really bad or you want to get it really bad.

  • You could buy a Nintendo Switch, games and a new wife for that expense.

    Maybe you could use some strategic stage mirrors.

  • +1

    My wife is a freelance florist who also works directly for a wholesaler: message her on www.facebook.com/flowerheadevents she'll be able to do it cheaper than anyone else

    • How does she know everyone else's price for 1000 roses? Or does she price match?

      • She'll be able to get them at a discount from one of Melbourne's biggest wholesalers (they buy containers of roses from Kenya), and she doesn't need to cover overheads of retailers.

  • What did you do wrong?

  • Yes good idea.
    Why don’t you show your metal and buy from a fellow Ozbargainer.

    Just put your money where your mouth is and just do it.
    Ask bn030687 for a quote.

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