This was posted 6 years 11 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Instore] Google Pixel 2XL $59/Mth: 15GB, 2 Year Contract + Free Google Home Mini (New Customers, Port-in) @ Telstra / JB Hi-Fi



Telstra - In Store & Online Chat (New, Port-In customers only)
JB Hi-Fi - In Store (Details here, thanks nismo)

Mod: The above information is gathered from reps. Note that some existing/upgrading users were able to obtain the deal via Telstra online chat, however from what we've been told they aren't authorised to offer such a deal so don't expect to receive this.

Mod 2: Users purchasing in store (not online), have reported receiving a bonus pair of earphones. Thanks KLoNe

If you have successfully claimed this offer please share your results as to where / which store you successfully purchased from.

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closed Comments

    • can you please send me the transcript? thanks

  • Ported from Telstra to Vodafone this morning. Went to JB Hi-Fi in the arvo and they said I was still a Telstra customer in the system, so they couldn't do it, they said I have to wait 28 days or a billing cycle. Chatted with Telstra afterwards, they said I could probably wait 24 to 48 hours and try again, or go to a Telstra shop tomorrow and ask them to push it through.

    She said she could process it, but couldn't guarantee stock, so could be up to 2 to 3 weeks delivery…

    So annoying how much conflicting info and how many hoops existing loyal customers have to go through…

    • Just got it at a Telstra store. Yet to try to get $10 off.

    • Do you need to recharge on vodafone to port in your telstra number. I have a $2 starter pack but it doesnt let me proceed without to port in without recharge.

  • +2

    Thanks great deal, $49 per month 15gb. Haven't bothered to ask about extra 5gb or 10gb, but only advice to get the above is make sure you direct questions through billing when you get asked by their virtual assistant what you need help with. They are the most inclined to apply the deal and may say something like 'this is friends and family deal so already a great discount', but will often forward the issue to supervisor without any prompting and then confirm the discount. Anyone know where the discount appears within the telstra app?

    • +2

      Don’t think the discount appears on the app. I have received the bill and it is shown on bill.
      But if it does show somewhere on the app, I too would like to know

      • I too could not find the $10 discount on the app. But I received an email from Telstra stating that my order is in. There is a section in that email which mentions the $10 discount and Bonus 5 GB data

        Add-ons & Bonuses
        - Telstra Live Pass
        - 5GB bonus data per month.
        - $10 monthly credit on your bill.

        • The discount will only appear on your bill.

  • +1

    Great deal and this thread has been super helpful! I ended up signing up for the $59 plan as it's less risky than trying to upgrade the $49 one.

    -Signed up in-store at JB, phone bundled with google mini home and earphones; porting took a few hours. Staff were really helpful, but couldn't give me bonus data.

    -First online chat with telstra: inquired about the $10 port in discount (had transcript ready but didn't need it in the end), gave my details and discount was applied. Reference number provided. Tried asking for 10gb too but no-go as I already had port in discount so no extra data can be added.

    -Second online chat with telstra: inquired about bonus data for porting number over and said that a friend on the same plan was able to get additional 10gb (similar to what @thorpef1 commented), gave my details then operator disappeared for a while coming back to say 10gb was applied to my account. Reference number provided.

    • Did you have existing services with Telstra? How were you able to ask for a bonus 10gb? Most people seem to only be getting 5gb bonuses :O

      • I do have existing services, but I didn't mention it in the chat to Telstra lol. I had nothing to lose by asking, and got lucky with my operator who made the process easy. I would've settled with 5gb if 10gb couldn't be done.

    • +1

      Good to hear that you were able to get it too

    • I'll have to keep trying. Got the $10 discount easily enough on the first chat but have been knocked back 5 times now for the 5/10gb extra as when they check the account they see there is a discount and cannot apply a bonus data.

      • +3

        Well to update this I finally got an extra 5gb. Went down the "my friend on the same plan was offered 10gb" line, as I consider pea my ozbargain friend now haha. He looked at the account and saw the $10 and said he could not do it but if I gave my friends number he could do it if he looks at their account. I said i was unwilling to give out my friends number without their permission and he said ok, he will go check with his manager.

        Came back about 2 minutes later and said they can apply an extra 5gb and I confirmed that I still had the $10 port in credit and he confirmed I would get both.

        Winning. Persistence pays off.

        • Nice work

        • Haha I said the same, and they gave it to me,did you confirm it in your account portal?

    • Hi pea, did you mention $59 plan when you inquired about the $10 port in discount?

      • No I didn't, but the operator of course knew after pulling up my account details.

  • Anyone have a transcript they can share please? I keep getting told the $10 credit is only applicable to the Large plans. I'm not interested in the extra data. Thanks

    • +3


      • +1

        You are very kind. Thank you for your quick response.

      • Hi there, are you able to PM me as well? Thank you.

      • Hi thorpef1, any chance you could please send it to me too? I'm having the same issue! :)

        • For some reason I’m unable to start a convo with you

        • @thorpef1:

          Oops - I had private messaging turned off. It should be functional now. Thanks so much!

        • Hi Thorpef1 - just jumping on the bandwagon here - could you please possibly send it to me as well?

        • @saxlady:


        • @thorpef1:
          Could you send it to me too, please

      • Anyone had any luck in the last few days getting the $10/month port in discount using thorpf1's help?

        I am not having any luck myself. Are you able to message me the transcript also please @thorpef1?

      • Can you PM me the transcript? Thanks

      • Can you please send me the transcript?

  • +2

    Possible solution for existing customers.

    I was on a $108p/m Pixel XL plan that was due to lapse on 02/11 but decided to go a high risk method.

    Went into chat and requested a port over to the $49BYO/25GB plan with cancellation fees waived, a bit of back and forth and I ended up with the $59/15GB plan as the other plan is only for new customers. I was given a $10pm discount and extra 5gb since I've been with Telstra for almost 5 years so it came to $49 for 20gb.

    They waived the recontract fee but had to charge me the device payout for my Google Pixel 128gb - ~$350.

    So now the real challenge begins - porting from BYO to Friends and Family. This took hours. I do not recommend this unless you have a few hours on hand to waste.
    Chat after chat said no can do, doesn't matter about transcripts - it was done in error etc.
    At 2am I finally had some success, I was upgraded to the f&f xl plan from the BYO BUT no joy in getting $10 discount or bonus 5gb. I confirmed that there would be no ETC charges even though I had just started the BYO plan hours earlier

    I then left chat and tried again, referred to the original discount due to loyalty and wanted to confirm that it stayed on my account. They asked for ref/transcript but I had none. A bit of silence and they came back saying it's all sweet, added notes to my account, gave me a ref number and told me to call telstra credit/billing today to have it added.
    Called billing today and they confirm I have a $10 discount and 5gb bonus data.

    SO I ended up with the $49 pixel 20gb plan at the end but it cost me $350. Considering I can sell my old phone AND I just halved my phone bill I'll chalk it up as a win.

    Summary of chats:

    Edit: Please note that the final chat photo is from a different operator.

  • If i sign up for 2 phones on the same account, can i get the $10 discount and 5/10Gb bonus data for both through chat?

  • If i wanted to list the whole phone bundle in ebay, is it free?
    i see conflicting info on whether it is charged or not.
    Somewhere i see 0 insertion fees.

    Whereas another search landed me in an ebay calculator, and it calculates approx 120$ if i list for 1100$


  • I can't seem to get a hold of any real person over their chat function. 'Codi' doesn't recognise the word 'billing' and all assistants are busy.

    • I think you need question marks for Codi (I could be wrong).

      Or type "I have a billing question" maybe

      • How many question marks? One wasn't enough. :/

  • Has anyone actually been able to sell their Pixel on Gumtree since this OZB post created a massive oversupply of them?

    • I sold it on ebay little over a week ago. But Paypal stole 2.6%

      • How much did it sell for?

        • +1

          got about $1035 out of it
          you see a few wanting $1100 but that’s a bit of a stretch

        • @7necniv: did you sell the bundle or just the phone?

        • @7necniv: sweet..

      • What is the best way to avoid final value fees

  • Some here have achieved a $10pm discount on their monthly bill. What is the actual wording on on the bill?.

    • +1

      For me, under “Charges outside of your Plan” it says
      “Monthly Mobile Credit … credit … $10”

  • +1

    Telstra are onto us

    I asked about the $10 discount for this plan and got this response:

    "we also have raised that previously as we receive the concern the offer is circulating on third party website.

    **** at 15:48, Apr 27:

    We also come up with a team that monitor provisioning and post provisioning to ensure these incompatible credits aren’t being applied."

    • Was this the sales chat or billing once you had already signed up?

      Sales have been saying this for days but billing had still been applying the discount for people

      • it was sales

        I guess if you have a previous chat confirming billing will do it then they have to honour it?

  • After reading the comments from this thread, would like to thank all that contributed here.
    I must be pretty lucky as it only took me one attempt to get the deal (49/Pixel2XL/Headphones/GoogleHomeMini/20GB)
    I did what was suggested and spoke to Telstra staff via chat to ask for $10 off prior to going to JBHifi. Didn't bother asking for extras at JBHifi either.
    Got back and communicated to them via chat and asked nicely if I was eligible for the 5GB and $10 off as a new Telstra customer. They asked if was promised this deal and I said yes. After about 20 minutes of staff checking internally, they told me they had provided me the bonuses. They even offered to email me confirmation in case it wasn't reflected in my bill next month. A pretty good experience with the Telstra chat for me.

    Big thanks to all the contributors of this post!

  • +1

    My wife got this deal without too much trouble. She was already on Telstra pre-paid. So swapped to Aldi mobile on the Saturday. Then went into JB HiFi on Sunday morning. Signed up to the $59 per month deal (also got the home mini and earphones). Went home and got onto online chat and got the $10 per month discount (saved confirmation number luckily). Then got the first bill and it was for $59. Had to get back onto online chat and have them apply the $10 discount again. Hopefully the second month bill is correct. I have put 2 other friends onto this deal and both got the extra $10 per month discount without much arguing.

  • So this current $59/month Pixel 2 XL deal ends at JB/Telstra tomorrow and they intend on introducing a new offer on Monday? any one got any info or thoughts as to what the Monday deal may be compared to the current offer?

  • I tried @Sydney11 's method today and it didn't work :(

    I got the BYO $49 plan at JBHIFI today. went home and tried the following:
    Sales chat said only the stores can do it.
    Billing chat sent me to another dept that called me up and told me I will be charged a termination fee if i change the plan.
    One fella told me to go back to the JBHIFI store if I want to change (if I do that they'll probably want their gift card back)

    Will try again later tonight

    • +1

      I know someone who managed to do it 2 days ago

      Mon, 23/04/2018 - 02:01
      thank you for this.try to do the upgrade today,they keep saying its for new port in only ,as i already sign up the 49 JB Hifi plan so they wont able …

      Thu, 26/04/2018 - 21:33
      went to Telstra store they say they can not do it. so call complaint team,give the offer straight away..thank you

      • Good news! I managed to get the deal but they're out of stock of Pixel 2 Xl in black :( have to wait at least 2 weeks for it they said

  • So I got on to this deal a few weeks ago, got the $59pm plan and got the $10pm credit ya da ya da. Ended up buying 2 more plans through Telstra business through my company for employee phone plans. Telstra business and Telstra consumer don't talk to each other. 3 attempts later, got both business plans with 20gb and $10 credit each as well, no promises when I signed up, but was still happy at $59pm anyway (almost half cost of existing Optus plan just about to expire). Have now sold both phones bundles at $850 each. So on 24 month plan with 20gb for only $13.58 per plan per month. I think I've hit the jackpot. Will have a crack at another 5gb later. Would've been perfect had one of my port ins not worked, no data at all, but can call and SMS, got temporary wireless dongle until they sort out

  • +2

    So there is another JB Hifi Telstra offer and it goes something like this for "New Port In Customers"
    Pay outright $699 (after deducting $500 JB Hifi Giftcard) Samsung S9 12 months $49 plan 25 GB data
    Pay outright $849 (after deducting $500 JB Hifi Giftcard) Samsung S9 Plus 12 months $49 plan 25 GB data

    instead of the $200 JB Hifi Giftcard, they are giving out $500 JB Hifi Giftcards (which you use to get the Samsung S9 phones). I was curious if we can again upgrade from this new JB Hifi $49 deal to our $59 Family and friends plan which includes a free Google Pixel XL 2, Google Home Mini and Aiaiai Earphones (24 months plan). And if you contact Telstra Chat, they will give you a $10 discount and 5GB data (some have gotten even better deals with Telstra Chat)

    If you can upgrade it, wont that mean you get to keep the Samsung Phone (already bought outright) and another Google Pixel XL 2 phone. Can definitely sell either of them for $1000 profit. And so I contacted Telstra Chat. Turns out you can, at least according to Naruja.

    • +2

      Apparently it is "possible" according to Najuka. Here is the transcript

      P/S dammit. Forgotten unable to edit once another post has been made. Anyways the name is Najuka not Naruja (typo)
      and wanted to link the new JB hifi deal

      As usual, I suspect it will not be that easy to "upgrade it". It might take several attempts, alot of patience and determination

      Info at 21:26, Apr 28:
      You’re now chatting with Codi – Telstra’s Virtual Assistant.
      Info at 21:26, Apr 28:
      Please ask a question below.
      Codi – Virtual Assistant at 21:26, Apr 28:
      Codi – Virtual Assistant
      Hi, I'm Codi - Telstra's Virtual Assistant :)
      Codi – Virtual Assistant at 21:26, Apr 28:
      Codi – Virtual Assistant
      I'm here to answer your Telstra Mobile questions. To get started ask me a question. If I can't help I'll transfer you to someone who can.
      You at 21:27, Apr 28: transfer me to human operator
      Codi – Virtual Assistant at 21:27, Apr 28:
      Codi – Virtual Assistant No problem. I’ll transfer you to one of our human chat consultants.
      Info at 21:27, Apr 28:
      Please wait while your chat is transferred to the appropriate group.
      Info at 21:29, Apr 28:
      All agents are currently assisting others. Thank you for your patience.
      Info at 21:30, Apr 28:
      You are now chatting with Najuka.
      Najuka at 21:30, Apr 28: Hi
      You at 21:31, Apr 28: Hello Najuka
      Najuka at 21:30, Apr 28: How are you today?
      Najuka at 21:30, Apr 28: How may I help you today?
      You at 21:31, Apr 28: Just would like to make some enquiries and if you could help answer some questions
      Najuka at 21:31, Apr 28: Yes sure
      You at 21:32, Apr 28: Have you heard of the new JB Hifi $49 plan involving Samsung S9 for $699 and Samsung S9 Plus for $849 for 12 months contract (port in)
      Najuka at 21:33, Apr 28: Let me check it for you
      You at 21:33, Apr 28: thanks najuka
      Najuka at 21:34, Apr 28: Thank you for staying online
      Najuka at 21:35, Apr 28: Yes this offer is available in JB Hifi store, If you want so I can provide you JB Hifi number also
      You at 21:37, Apr 28: Actually what I heard from my classmate at university was he signed up for a JB hifi plan $49 this one
      Najuka at 21:37, Apr 28: Yes it is available, it will be provide in every JB hifi store. no need to worry you can visit the store for this plans.
      You at 21:38, Apr 28: then he requested to be upgraded to another plan called the Family and Friends $59 BYO Mobile Plus plan for 24 months which includes a Google Pixel 2 XL, Google Home Mini and Earphones Aiaiai
      You at 21:40, Apr 28: so he is upgrading from a 12 months contract to a 24 months contract
      Najuka at 21:41, Apr 28: Yes This friends and family plans is available
      Najuka at 21:42, Apr 28: If you take a handset so it for 24 month of contract.
      Najuka at 21:42, Apr 28: It available for port in customer.
      You at 21:44, Apr 28: Ah yes of course port in customers. He was previously with Vodaphone. So he ported in to Telstra on the JB hifi plan $49 12 months and paid $699 for a Samsung S9 phone. Then he requested for an upgrade of his plan to Family and Friends $59 for 24 months which includes a Google Pixel 2 XL, Google Home Mini and Earphone. So it can be done? Thanks for confirming
      Najuka at 21:48, Apr 28: Yes I understand
      Najuka at 21:48, Apr 28: This plan is available only on your JB hifi store
      You at 21:49, Apr 28: Yes of course, I will have to go into JB Hifi first. Get the $49 plan and Samsung S9
      Najuka at 21:49, Apr 28:Yes sure
      Najuka at 21:49, Apr 28:They will also help you with some discount
      You at 21:50, Apr 28: After than, do I contact Telstra Chat and tell them I spoke to Najuka and would like to upgrade the plan to 24 months plan $59 and include a Google Pixel 2 XL, Google Home Mini and Earphones?
      Najuka at 21:51, Apr 28: Yes sure, No worries

      Najuka at 21:51, Apr 28: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
      You at 21:52, Apr 28: Najuka, could you confirm there is no extra cost? penalty when changing plans. It is all free?
      Najuka at 21:53, Apr 28: I would like to informed you, this plans is only available only on JB hifi store. this plans is not available on via chat so they will you for all the details
      Najuka at 21:53, Apr 28: Regarding your plans
      You at 21:54, Apr 28: as long as it's free to upgrade I am happy
      Najuka at 21:54, Apr 28: No worries, Please visit the JB Hifi store they will offer you best plans as per your choice
      Najuka at 21:54, Apr 28: No worries
      You at 21:55, Apr 28: Thank you Najuka
      You at 21:55, Apr 28: I will visit them tomorrow
      Najuka at 21:55, Apr 28: Your most welcome
      Najuka at 21:55, Apr 28: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
      You at 21:56, Apr 28: nope. you have been most helpful
      You at 21:56, Apr 28: goodnite
      Najuka at 21:55, Apr 28: Have I solved your queries today?
      Najuka at 21:55, Apr 28: I would be glad if you could provide me a feedback about how I assisted you today by clicking the END CHAT BUTTON.

  • +1

    Thanks OP and others who have helped me to get it down to $49 p/m.

    Tried to go on live chat again but couldn't get the extra 5 or 10 gb data. May try again but don't really use that much data anyway.

    Anyway, signed this up through JB Hifi and there is an invoice for the phone about $1400, which GST amount.. Anyone been able to use this invoice to claim TRS?

    • @lilkid28
      In order to make a TRS claim, you will need to ensure that your name and address is printed on the JB Hifi tax invoice as the amount is greater than $1000.

      • Hmm, has my name, JB hifi customer receipt with JB hifi ABN, but missing my address.

        • @lilkid28
          A valid tax invoice includes the:

          • words ‘tax invoice’
          • Australian Business Number (ABN) of the retailer
          • name of the retailer
          • purchase price of the goods, including the GST paid
          • description of the goods
          • date the purchase was made

          Tax invoices for $1,000 or more must also show the name and address of the purchaser.

          You must ask the retailer for a tax invoice when you make a purchase. This provides the evidence needed by Customs and Border Protection to verify the purchase. Some retailers provide tax invoices as their normal receipts.

  • Thanks OP and everyone else from me too. Signed up in JB Hifi, then came home and got the $10 discount after several tries. No extra data though, but pretty happy.

  • Despite multiple chats where the staff say the $10 credit has been applied, bill has arrived today and is $59.

    Chats weren't emailed to me either for some reason, even though I asked for them at the end of the chat…

    • +1

      I had this same problem. Go back on and show them transcripts of this happening (if you have a reference number, even better) and complain that multiple staff members said they would do this and they havn't done their job. I did this and managed to get the credit applied. You should get an email from telstra to confirm that the credit has been applied. Without an email, its only your word against theirs.

      • Just on chat now, I'm going to print the transcript instead, don't trust the email option anymore!

      • +1

        I got reference numbers this time! And I can see in the Telstra app the bill amount due has dropped to $49; pdf bill still says $59 though.

        Hopefully it's sorted.

  • Managed to get the bonus data and discount, also managed to flip my old Samsung S7 which was getting alittle annoying with just being slow even after restores, so I calculated buying a phone outright previously around 500-700 for grey import flagships then lebara Kogan etc whatever plan would still equal out to 1000 over two years, factor in Google home mini extra data appl music and bonuses this wins out, not to mention I couldn't do roaming on lebara and the international call quality when I used it sucked.

  • Does this deal end today?

    • +4

      A Telstra operator informed me that this promotion has been extended until 09/07/2018

      Codi – Virtual Assistant at 7:11, May 1: Thanks. I’ll transfer you now.
      Info at 7:11, May 1: Please wait while your chat is transferred to the appropriate group.
      Info at 7:11, May 1: You are now chatting with AFREEN.
      AFREEN at 7:11, May 1: Hi
      You at 7:12, May 1: good morning Afreen
      AFREEN at 7:12, May 1: Welcome to the Telstra chat!
      AFREEN at 7:12, May 1: Very Good morning!
      AFREEN at 7:12, May 1: How are you today?
      You at 7:13, May 1: A friend told me about a Telstra promotion, something about a $59 plan for Google Pixel 2 XL, Google Home Mini and earphones
      You at 7:13, May 1: is this plan still available?
      AFREEN at 7:13, May 1: Yes, That deal is available from our end.
      You at 7:14, May 1: ok
      You at 7:14, May 1: they extended the expiry date?
      AFREEN at 7:14, May 1: Let me check for you.
      You at 7:15, May 1: thanks AFREEN
      AFREEN at 7:16, May 1: The expiry date is 09/07/2018.
      AFREEN at 7:16, May 1: I really appreciate your valuable time and work.
      You at 7:17, May 1: AFREEN can you check for me if the promotion is exactly the same?
      You at 7:17, May 1: any changes?
      AFREEN at 7:17, May 1: You get same deal as you heard.
      You at 7:18, May 1: cool
      AFREEN at 7:17, May 1: Apart from this, Would you like to check anything else?
      You at 7:18, May 1: what color stock of the phone Google Pixel 2 XL is available?
      You at 7:18, May 1: currently available
      AFREEN at 7:18, May 1: Let me check for you.
      You at 7:19, May 1: thanks
      AFREEN at 7:20, May 1:There is 2 options in color.
      -Just Black
      -Black and white.
      You at 7:21, May 1: you currently have stock for both?
      AFREEN at 7:21, May 1: Yes.
      You at 7:21, May 1: awesome

      • My chat agent told me the XL was out of stock on 29 April :( I hope they send it soon!

      • do you have reference no for this chat?

        • I get differentiating information. Online chat told me it was still available in store, walked into Telstra Tea Tree Plaza and the sales rep told me it has gone up to $69 per month.

          He was persistant in making a sale too.

      • I get differentiating information. Online chat told me it was still available in store, walked into Telstra Tea Tree Plaza and the sales rep told me it has gone up to $69 per month.

        He was persistant in making a sale too.

        • I was just told it's the Pixel 2 at this price ($59 per month)
          Not Pixel 2 XL ($59 + $10)

  • Can someone please send me a transcript?? Pretty please

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