• expired

Virgin Comprehensive Car Insurance - Free Extra Month & Price Renewal Promise


Virgin Car Insurance are offering 13 months comprehensive car insurance when you pay (online) for 12, plus a price renewal promise.
If you are renewing your policy soon & looking to save money they are worth getting a quote from. I used an online price comparison site, & their price was the lowest that came out.
They are underwriten by A&G Insurance Services Pty Ltd, who also underwrite "Budget Direct". Virgins quote was significantly cheaper in my case than even Budget Direct though (about 20% cheaper), & I got an extra months cover. Also the renewal price is promised to be the same or lower next year (unless I have a bingle…)

Referral Links

Referral: random (303)

Referees will receive 5,000 Virgin Money Points when they open their first Virgin Money Go Account and meet the Welcome Offer Bonus Points Criteria (1 debit card purchase/direct debits/BPAY transaction in the first 30 days).

Referrer will receive 5,000 Virgin Money Points for each referee who meets the Welcome Offer Bonus Points Criteria, for up to 5 referees in a month.

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closed Comments

  • I'll give em a + for having a that nice Mini Cooper S on the web page. But the deal isn't quite as good as Coles for me, pretty close though.

  • I just read I could also have received 6,900 Velocity Points for taking out the policy. Dammit.


  • Good prices, but for some reason I can only get 3rd party and comprehensive, it says fire and theft isn't available for my car…

  • Not a deal for me. My current Insurer RACQ is about $6 per month cheaper than this !

  • everyone should be looking at budget car insurance or nrma - both are offering incentives to join (budget: cheaper or $50, nrma: 10% price beat).

    virgin came out $150 more expensive than my current policy with budget

    • I was with budget. Thought the renewal was a bit high. This was the best price I found when I did the price comparison seach.

      Called budget & they knocked $50 off the renewal but it was still dear than virgin who also gave me the extra month, plus their price renewal promise.

      Guess it just depends on your age, car, etc what deal is the best.

  • I signed up with Bingle a few months ago, and the price they gave me for my car was around $650 — Virgin are quoting around $880.

  • +1

    I am not negging the post - some people may like to purchase at reduced price which is arguably a saving
    But why anyone would insure with Virgin, Bingle, Budget direct, Real or the like is beyond me
    I confess I sell insurance for a living and I have people walk through my door every day saying 'never again'
    If you are someone who buys the cheapest brand without regard to quality or service then that extra $20 you saved is great
    But when you have an accident and you are forced to take your car to a single repairer many suburbs away, be without it for a long time and receive it back with 2nd rate repairs done by the cheapest bidder with little or no recourse if the repairs aren't right it won't look like a saving
    You get what you pay for people.
    Insurance is a promise - I wouldn't rely on a cheap and nasty promise if I were you
    And if you do - I will wait to see you when you say 'never again' :)

    • +1

      Budget direct got money magazines 2010 Insurer of the Year so they must be something like half decent?


      Honestly I was with GIO years ago & was paying over $1000 for a car worth about $4000. Got gouged for years until I built up a no claim bonus. Terrible experience…

      • Again - the proof is in the pudding
        These reviews sit down and compare a few prices for various insurances and have a scant review of the policy wording and pick a winner
        But that is not the real world
        Read an insurance policy - some have real tricks in the fineprint
        Others policies read the same but the attitude and helpfulness of the 2 companies when you need it most may be much different

        I don't know of any polls showing customer satisfaction with insurers after lodged claims but if you read them you would see a very different result
        These new firms like Budget haven't been operating all that long so they don't have a 'history' or reputation to precede them yet

        Anyway - buyer beware - read the details
        If you are satisfied with the price AND the cover then go for it

  • Not cheap quota at all comparing to what I got in AAMI!!

  • Nah, just did an online quote and it is $170 more per annum than I'm currently paying through allianz online. I'd shop around.

  • +2

    Yeah the key thing is that everyone's situation is different, and no insurer will offer the best deals right across the board.

    Its about finding insurers who are gouging other people to subsidise you, rather than the other way round. To do that you really need to shop around, and especially keep shopping come renewal time.

    • I must be the perfect driver to these guys as I got a great price. Surprised to hear that others are doing badly with them pricewise.

  • -2

    THey won't even insure me. I drive an unmodified car with no claims in the last 5 years. Fail.

    • Maybe it has something to do with your name? I probably wouldn't insure you either. And its not a valid neg btw.

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