So I've received a letter from the Victorian government notifying me that they intend to take my family home for the north east link in Melbourne.
Slater Gordon, I'm triggered, say we'll get what the house is worth and no more. The guy said, `no one who has their property acquired walks away happy'.
In the several years since we bought our property I estimate that it has appreciated by $350k. When Daniel Andrews comes to my house and tears my beautiful children from their hand made cubby house as they cry, I think we'll have $400k to put towards our new home.
We currently live in an affordable area surrounded by aspirational millionaires. Read: there's no way we'll be able to buy another house within 10kms for under $1mil.
So, my question is where in the world could I move that I can:
- Buy a house outright
- Live on the balance
- Party!
And not:
- Be afraid for my life
- Be afraid for my the life of my children and wife
Surely the relevant issue is whether you can legally emigrate to that country, work and live there. We don't know enough about you and your family to say. Otherwise I'd say you're just having a rant.