I have a back pain in the mornings and looking for some better matress topper. Any good solutions out there?
Please Recommend Me a Mattress for a Back Pain

Last edited 22/02/2018 - 22:40
Your council or mine?
Please, Please, Please do not buy a mattress with a 'Mattress Topper'. They are as hot as hell in the summer and you can't turn the mattress upside down.
I've got a a mattress with the topper - and yes, my back gets sore!
If you really crave a Mattress Topper - at least get one that can be removed.
I'd never buy a mattress again with one, upon the pain of death!
those eurotop crap ?
Time to take the Euro trash out!
do you do any sort of exercise?
Sleeping daily
sleep face plant , no back pain , but face pain
cut a hole like the massage tables
& pillow dribble
Is it firm?
You want a mattress for back pain?
People are weird.
Yeah my back has been playing up since about August, I think I injured it though, stretching helps.
But the common wisdom of buying the hardest mattress possible is no longer help apparently.https://www.painscience.com/articles/morning-back-pain.php
If you do want try a new bad have a crack at a sleeping duck mattress. You get 100 days to try it out and if you'd like to change between medium/soft and hard they will send you out a new inner for free during the 100 day period. Good luck.
Could be many things contributing to back pain for which a new mattress may not be a quick fix
Are you carrying a little extra weight, what physical activity are you doing, what’s a typical day at work look like for you, how are your hammies etc etcAre mattress toppers those quilt like things that goes on top of mattresses?
Personally, I'd just get a new mattress. I made the mistake of going cheap on a mattress and I regret it every day/night :(no difference in cheap or expensive mattress, it's the one that suits you matters
you can get back pain from expensive mattress too
I get back pains too
I don't get the theory around it, but firm mattress generally help with back pain
For a firm mattress, get the Lazybed one, though your female partner may not like it, to which I say add a single mattress topper
https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/352968The other obvious thing is exercise.
youtube them, the're really simple and easy… if I did them all the time I would rarely see my Chiropractor
i think hardest MIAB .. is ecosa ?
Suggest you look for a physiologist first
Why would you want a mattress to give you a back pain?
Op, if you are in Vic, try the mattress range at The Comfort Shop, Richmond.
Bit pricey, I got one of their firm therapeutic ones for my "back issues" - haven't regretted it one bit…
If your current mattress is causing you pain, its probably because the support is incorrect and the comfort layers have degraded significantly.
Adding a mattress topper usually won't help anymore. I had the same issues from about 4-5 yr mark with a Sealy Pillowtop, and just kept getting back, shoulder and neck pain. It's time for a new mattress.I recently got a new mattress from Rockdale Mattress Factory in Padstow, Sydney and my back pain has dramatically improved and almost disappeared.
It was a non pillow top but well layered padded pocket spring mattress. It's not terribly cheap but very good quality and airy. It may not be the one that you get, but I would strongly recommend making a trip out there and talking to one of the sales people there as they will at the very least educate you properly compared to some of the chain stores who are just trying to sell you expensive mattresses that aren't very good.From there you can opt to go mattress in a box style ones if you so wish, but at least you have a good foundation to start exploring from.
Based on recommendations OZB forums we checked out Prince mattress warehouse in Auburn (http://www.princemattress.com/). They seem to have the very firm mattresses. Also they are cheaper (Starting from ~$275.. the one we purchased was $400). There are other showrooms in Auburn that sell Prince mattress as well but obviously the warehouse was the cheapest. We have previously tried Ikea, Ergoflex but happy with Price mattress.
how is it now?
Yes how is it now
I've had a prince mattress for years (10+) and it's still going good! the specific model i have is SH3000.
park bench