Hi, just wondering if anyone can recommend some bathroom scales? Harris Scarfe stock Weight Watchers brand but the reviews are not great and say that weight calculations can be kg off if you step on and then off the scale.
Decent Bathroom Scales for around $50

obviously for measuring his dinner portions!
I've used a WW scale before and I found it to be quite consistent. Reviews for a the WW model I have used at Target are mostly good https://www.target.com.au/p/weight-watchers-motivational-sca…
A simple tool, turned into a branded overpriced gimmick to prey on overweight people…
Sure, that seems like a smart purchase.
I don't know about $50 but I've found the ones around $10 to be pretty decent. If you have some bias with what the numbers are throwing up, then that is a separate issue.
If for some reason they are out, take them back for a refund or exchange.
Best reply.
I think what the OP is getting at is that the reviews are saying that if you weigh yourself then get off and back on again, it shows a different weight.
I'm very impressed with my Tanita BC730 scale. Accurate to .2kg. I could not lose weight without this machine. Don't buy cheap junk, you'll end up replacing it.
Good luck
OP, what scales did you end up getting, and are they decent?
Miniso with $50 you can purchase 2 or 3 scales.
and it's decent.
what are you using the scales for?