I just logged into my ING bank account to find out that Coinbase has done a transaction for $150.
As a result, my account has been overdrawn (I use a second txn account for online transactions that require Debit cards).
Upon calling the bank, they told me that this has happened to many customers and Coinbase has said in their twitter that they're investigating the issue. I insisted that I want to make a fraud claim as I never initiated the transaction, so the lady on the phone sent me a form which I should fill, print, sign, scan, and e-mail (Too much work TBH).
Apparently, this was caused by Visa when they were trying to retroactively recategorise all coin base transactions as cash-advances rather than purchases. I've made a transaction with coinbase purchasing $150 worth bitcoin 3 weeks ago.
My problem is, why would ING let them draw cash from an account which has a $0 balance?
Has this happened to anyone else?
Last evening(20/02/2018) ING posted a Misc. Credit onto my account(for the sum of the total charge) which was backdated to 16th Feb. This may stop any overdraft fees being charged.
I had quite a shock when I checked my ING account.
I have multiple transactions from Coinbase over the last month that I was charged twice for. I wonder if I'm going to get hit with an overdrawn fee on top of it?