Is It Worth Getting Personalised Number Plates?

At a cost of $200 plus $105 a year,is it worth getting personalised number plates?


  • I want to buy one but if I have to pay 100bucks every year then i will give up. Full end.

  • What are those NB ## ## number plates about? They're so fancy looking and have the NSW crest on them.

  • Oh god I thought this was another brag post from that guy that bought the Mercedes A200 - obviously wanting an "AMG" plate lol.

  • I once had a set of blue (interstate) plates that had the same letter combination as a high ranking diplomat (ACT diplo plates are a similar shade of blue). Got pulled over a couple of times in Canberra and never got booked.

    Hard to tell if it was dumb luck, or a case of the copper not wanting the hassle of the extra paperwork for diplomats. Either way, the cost of the potential infringement and demerits was higher than the (sub $300 iirc) one-off plate fee.

    • Sounds like he just pulled you over and couldn't be bothered giving you a ticket and let you go. Probably nothing to do with the number plates what so ever.

  • Wait wait..there's an annual cost too!?

  • For SA only.
    Personalised plates have a once off fee of $180

    Combination options
    Choose a combination of:

    1 letter followed by 5 numbers
    2 letters followed by 4 numbers
    3 letters followed by 3 numbers
    4 letters followed by 2 numbers
    5 letters followed by 1 number
    371mm x 133mm
    front and rear or slim front/standard rear
    371mm x 100mm
    front and rear
    252mm x 98mm
    rear only

    Custom plates have an annual fee:

    $200 for 1-6 characters
    $255 for 7 characters.
    Combination options
    Choose any combination of letters or numbers from 1-7 characters. Your combination must include at least one letter. For example:

    371mm x 133mm
    front and rear
    371mm x 100mm
    front and rear or standard rear
    300mm x 150mm
    front and rear or slim front
    Motorcycle (1-6 character)
    215mm x 95mm
    rear only
    Motorcycle (7 character)
    252mm x 98mm
    rear only

  • Is DIK HED still available in Vic? Asking for a friend…

  • I got one with my lucky numbers on it and it makes me feel lucky :p it’s worth it to me! Hahaha.
    What is the difference to people who pay money for metallic paints, body kits, wrapping their car etc etc to made their car look good and make the car owner feel special? To me the personalised number plate do add a personality to the look and feel of the car, or am I the only one who feel this way in ozbargain? lol

  • yes

  • -3

    Everyone is saying N0, so I will say something different:


    if your a moron.

    The only reason to do it would be for some marketing purpose (so deductible cost anyway) or your adding it to a expensive car (to denote you are different from the plebs).

    • +2

      "If your a moron". Now who's the moron.

      • -2

        damn grammar nazi… Do you know who i am? Well I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the (profanity) out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my (profanity) words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, (profanity). As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA(???) and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re dead. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the US Military and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your (profanity) tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.


        • -2

          With this being the internet my comment is appropriate response to your comment.

  • People are known to steal them to hang up in their room or wherever else so use rivets or a rare type of screw head to secure them to the vehicle.

  • +1

    No poll option?? Lol

  • +3

    Depends on the state, if you have QLD plates with the shit ass maroon colour, yes
    QLD plates also say stupid shit like "the smart state", even though we have the lowest test scores in the country

  • +3

    Go for it! My QLD plate says "R3DN3CK".

    • Does that mean something good about you?

      • -1

        Nah, it just means "BOGAN" and "BO6AN" were both taken already.

  • Ok, it is a waste of money to pay an annual fee but I justify it because we get free Rego for being a pensioner. Not sure but expect the cost to be similar. Would never pay for Rego and personal plates though.

  • Yeah, if you’re a car person. It finishes off the car gives it a clean look. What’s a couple hundo against a money pit of a car.

  • -1

    No, they're for knobs.

  • +2

    Funny how some people get so worked up over others choosing to spend a small amount of money on something that's not essential.
    Do you seriously spend all of your money only on the essential things in life?
    You really want to call someone a knob just because they have a personalised plate? I think you are the bigger knob for thinking that lol
    If it makes you happy just get it as long as you can afford to, but I wouldn't personally get it if there's an ongoing fee involved.

    • If the objective of the question was to have no comments, then it should have been a simple yes/no poll on a forum that doesn't allow comments.

      • So what? Did I say don't comment? I merely posted my own comment that the ones who call others a knob just for having a personalised plate to be a bigger knob.

  • no

  • +3

    Decision made.
    No plates

    • +2

      Good decision.

  • At least you're not as crazy as these guys!

  • I swear, some of these posts are so stupidly lazy and pointless. Even though I'd never pay money for them, it's entirely subjective. If you want them you get them, if you don't want them you don't. Simply asking everyone if it's worth it is like asking meat eaters and vegetarians if you should buy chicken for dinner.

    • Is thinking worth it?

      • Is it worth getting my balls waxed?

  • +2


  • +1

    "did you get the number plate of that hoon that just went past?" yeah… i think it was IMAWNKR

  • If you drive a nice luxury car, I would. Otherwise, getting personalised plates for an el cheapo car makes you look like the biggest money wasting knob in the world. At least for people who drive nice cars and get them personalised you know they have the money. Each to their own but when you see people drive dinky old bombs with personalized plates that probably is worth more than the car (like the bogan bitch across the road from me who has a $3k 'ANITA' on her dinky Corolla) you cant stop but laugh. Human beings and their priorities. And you wonder why some people have huge credit card debt.

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