Upgraded from 12 to 100 package
Getting 70/30 over wifi
But feels the same as before, other than paying more
So wondering what do you do with the extra speed ?
I probably should've stick to 12 basic package, saving the dollars
Upgraded from 12 to 100 package
Getting 70/30 over wifi
But feels the same as before, other than paying more
So wondering what do you do with the extra speed ?
I probably should've stick to 12 basic package, saving the dollars
There are 4 people in this house that constantly stream videos. I don't have 100mbps, but I wish I do. :)
Hardcore Pawn or Pawn Stars?
You mean pRawn?
Fresh prawn.
I have 500Mbit (a little congested today)
YouTube, Facebook, Ozbargain, the usual kind of stuff
Wow. Where do you live? How much does it cost?
KL , only a few buildings have it.
anything outside KL , are shitty 1mbps @ RM88 per month
Just under $100 a month, Kuala Lumpur.
Question should be: "what do you use the 40 Mbit/s upstream for?" :)
That would be easy for me, so that all the devices in your home can backup to the cloud in no time? Also for me to view my security camera feeds at home remotely. Again, I do not have 100/40mbps connection, but I wish I do. :)
obviously linux distros ;)
It all depends on what you do and and How many of you in the family using the internet all at the same time.
It’s a bit like the water pipe, if u all shower at the same time you will notice the shower head water slow to a trickle. Not nice. Hence why we run the washing and stuff when no one is showering.
But can you do that with your net? Are there multiple users demanding internet all at once?
What we do, I’m on adsl, is we download our Netflix stuff on iPad when we head out the door, so open iPad and click download. So never have any streaming congestion. We don’t watch Netflix on tv, we use tv for free to air.
I have had 100 Mbps for 5 years (cable). Well according to speedtest its 115/2.5.
The only time you max it out is downloading very large files from a site with huge bandwidth and some sort of Akamai server setup, like Apple or MS operating system upgrades. Not even channel BT gets to full speed. Web pages just never need that speed, rarely over 5-15 Mbps. Streaming at 4K about apparently 20-25 but I have never done that.
Where it is a case of more speed is always better is for a large family all doing their own thing like multiple streams, but even there the crap wifi routers that come with your internet package will be just as big a consideration.
Not even channel BT gets to full speed.
Channel BT may not, but a premium account with a decent file sharing site and a multiple-connection download manager will.
A good Seedbox will max your connection and its more secure.
It is not about the maximum speed, it is about having a fatter pipe so there is no congestion when multiple devices use data. If you have a 12mpbs connection and one device downloads a file, everyone elses youtube will revert to 240p.
I have 3 kids looking at youtube and the like when they are allowed on their computers, plus I remote in to my work computer from home around the same time. Works pretty well with 100Mbps. The wife also uses the internet on her phone around the same time too.
Once you have multiple devices loading down the connection you will see its benefits. Or if you are downloading large files, I get about 12 MegaBYTES/s downloading stuff on Steam, great when there is a 2GB update for a game pending since you don't have to wait long.
Edit:Should mention this is NBN FTTP 100/40.
I hate you because I'm jealous of you.
Sorry mate, I wasn't bragging, just saying it like it is.
Yeah I know. I just wish I had a) FTTP and b) a decent RSP that I can control, instead of my dad who rarely uses the internet for anything.
We're with telstra on the 50/20 plan on HFC, and my upload never goes past 10mbps, usually hanging around at 5 mbps. Support is super useless with Telstra, they just run you around in circles.
P.S What RSP are you with? Also, what upload speeds do you get?
@nikrox29: I'm with Aussie broadband, as recommended on Ozbargain. They have been really good, no speed dropouts at busy times and on Ethernet I'll get just under 5 Megabytes/s upload speed, pretty close to the theoretical maximum of 40Mbits/s. Wifi is a little bit slower, but thats just my router.
I have 100Mb, Multiple streaming netflix youtube etc at the same time IPTV. As there are only 2 of us, 50MB would probably suffice really, happy to pay extra for the best on this front.
I have 50 Mbps. Android stream box, PS4 MMO, plus at the same time, Live stream PS4 video to YT with Elgato @ 1080p60 around 9 Mbps upstream. No prob.
I got 100mbs to myself. Mostly games and torrents. When PUBG or whatever drops a 5GB update out of the blue, I can play within minutes. If I feel like watching a movie or show I can have it ready to go in minutes too. That's the value to me.
I have 3 down and 0.1 up for ADSL 2 + and there's nothing I can do about it. I use my mobile internet for important things.
I've got around 100 gig of photos that I back up to google, backblaze and aws. Without the upload bandwidth, this would be impossible.
I once uploaded 400 Gb of photos to a cloud service (well, iCloud) on my 115/2.5 bigpond account. It took weeks! It would have been one twentieth the time with a 100/40 NBN.
But you know what, once it was done it was done. the odd small set of new photos isn’t even noticed. So I would rather keep the extra 15Mbps download than switch to NBN until I am forced to later this year.
Don't have it yet atm but no biggie since I am being lazy and no rush since 12/1 is still very fast for my needs. Even when 4k content becomes more mainstream in a few years I think 12/1 will honestly still suffice just needs more waiting time and I have all the time in the world. I don't need really anything besides fortnightly reporting to centrelink and etc which I can really do at the office or library if need be anyways. I have pretty much given up on my hopes and dreams of my future as a software games developer or mobile engineer or streamer too many responsibilities and commitments life is too frucken hard and have too much stuff going on I can't even schedule enough time to find or complete a successful job application lol haha wtf. Fml. Rip my life
Is there a VPN that can keep this speed?
Downloading Movies, TV Shows, PC games.
Multiple streaming netflix youtube etc at the same time.