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[PC] Free: Dead Space @ Origin (Was $9.99)


Free for a limited time via Origin's On The House program.

A great survival horror game, the PC version is a bit poor but this link has some fixes

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Great game, one of my favorites

  • +1

    The sequel is also really great. Good find!

  • +1

    Awesome game. One of about three games I have played to completion in the past decade. Am currently about half way through the sequel.

    • -1

      You must have kids.

    • What were the other two?

      • Hah. Uncharted and Abzu!

        • I recommend you check out Journey if you liked Abzu. It's nice and short, and still pretty, so even you could find the time to beat it.

          I prefer short games myself. Flower is another short but pretty game made by the developers or Journey.

  • amazing series - one of my all-time favourites

    • Watch the animated movies, they're great

    • +2

      amazing series first two games in a series.

      Fixed that for you.

  • Great find shadow

  • Reading about the camera and frame rate issues on PC I'm glad I already played through this back on PS3. Absolutely fantastic game. The sequel is good too. Haven't gotten round to the third installment..

    • I started playing it on PC within the last 6months, was pleasently suprised at how well it holds up given it's age.

    • +1

      The third one is the weakest in the series, but still a solid game.

      Nothing beats the original and the first time you step out into space.

      • 3rd one definitely favours the Bro-op genre over horror. Is lots of fun with a friend, competing to build the funnest/craziest guns.

  • +3

    This game was too scary me and my friend did not end up playing due to too much horror…

  • Can I down-vote this for causing stuff to come out down there?
    Oh also, I'm joking…

    • It's not OP's fault you wet yourself. Downvote those terrifying monsters instead.

      And yes, this game will do that to you!

      • I meant shit myself but eh whatever.

        • You shouldn't have clarified what you meant, this game would have been ozbargained by now…..

        • @luckduck10: Someone still doesn't understand the joke, I got downvoted.

        • @GTR12:

          Upvoted your comment to make it even. ;-)

  • Thanks OP. been meaning to play this for a long time.

  • -5

    Warning: this game is hot garbage. Especially on PC if you're planning on playing with a controller. Would legitimately give this game a 3 out of 10. The sequel would get a 9 out of 10, they fixed pretty much every issue with the first game.

    • Talking out of your ass

      • I played the whole thing from start to finish. I think I have a little experience in what I'm talking about.

    • +1

      Who in their right mind would play a shooter on PC with a controller?

      • They deliberately nerfed the mouse controls because the game was balanced around console analog stick controls. They thought it would be too easy with a mouse and didn't want to rebalance the game for PC, because most publishers considered PC gamers chumps and still do.

      • -1

        This isn't a shooter. It's 3rd person survival horror/action. Who plays 3rd person console games games with a keyboard?

        And everyone who's disregarding my comment… enjoy the asteroid section when you get to it. And dying randomly while landing in anti-grav sections over and over and over again. And wasting clips shooting glitchy dead enemies rolling around acting alive. And the outdoor asteroid field dodging section. I could go on.

        • Its a third person shooter…

  • I played this coop on the wii.
    Great game!

    • +2

      The Wii game is a completely different spin off, just in case you weren't aware

      • +1

        Really wasn't aware of this. I'll create an origin account and 'buy' this now, thanks.
        Edit: p.s. I enjoyed the wii game!

  • This game is pretty amazing, well worth a try. DS2 is extremely good (if not better) if you like this one.

  • +2

    Play at night with the lights turned off, with headphones, I dare you.

    • How is it compared to Doom? Or left 4 dead in terms of scariness?

      • +3

        Left 4 Dead can be tense, but not scary.
        Doom has jump scares, otherwise not scary.

        Dead Space Is tense and scary. There were sections of the game where I was playing with genuine feeling of dread. Even after subsequent play throughs.

  • Thanks, got out of video games around when this was released.

  • PC version is fine as long as you use a 360 controller. Mouse aim is slow.

    • Someone fixed this last year :)


      and use Widescreen Fixer to adjust the FOV


      • Wow.. only took 9 years.

        • Yeah guess it just takes the right person who has the skills to fix it to get the game. I replayed it last year with the 2 fixes and it's quite playable with keyboard/mouse now.

        • @Agret: I thought it would be the ideal way to play it, but that game used so many buttons that the face buttons had to double up their functions with a toggle (the aim trigger). I never tried playing it with keyboard, but it seems you would need a lot more buttons than a typical shooter, unless it too uses a toggle (which would be very bad for a keyboard).

          I ended up playing DS2 and DS3 with 360 controller, despite the mouse aiming being fixed in those games.

  • I have this from when the last time it was on the house.

    Sadly I could not solve flickering and frame rate issues. Looked like a really good ahead of its time game though!

    • +1

      I have this from when the last time it was on the house.

      Me too. I tried adding it again to see if it would double up like it did with Need For Speed: Most Wanted and Peggle. But it seems like they fixed it. Not that there's any point in doubling up in your library anyway.

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