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(Android) Free Poke Me - Water Drink Reminder (Was $0.99) @ Google Play


It's over 30 degrees in Brisbane and I keep forgetting to drink water. Lucky I have this app to remind me to drink water. If only there is an app to remind me to breathe as well.

"Easiest way to improve your health

Our bodies are more than 50% water.
Water is essential to our lives.

But we often do not drink the necessary amount of water.
This "ads free" app can help you to change it.

The Drink water reminder application will help you keep your drinking regime."

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closed Comments

  • +4

    If only there is an app to remind me to breathe as well.

    Yes. Yes there is.

    • That's iOS, not Android!

      • +3

        iOS users need their Apple and iphones to tell them what to do. So give them a break!

  • Well, I'm all for staying healthy but … https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/25/upshot/no-you-do-not-have…

    • +2

      This is true but I am a chronic underdrinker which causes a range of health issues. To give you an idea of some of the symptoms, I experience a lot of these most of the time:

      The signs and symptoms of dehydration in adults range from minor to severe.

      Mild to moderate dehydration may include the following:

      -Increased thirst
      -Dry mouth
      -Tired or sleepy
      -Decreased urine output
      -Urine is low volume and more yellowish than normal
      -Dry skin
      -Few or no tears


      Yes, I could drink more water.

  • +3

    Ridiculous app based on a ridiculous premise. Unless you are unwell by far the best thing to decide when to drink, rather than some silly timer, is this wonderful invention we have called Total Hydration Instrument Remote Sensor Telemetry or 'T.H.I.R.S.T' for short. It can actually sense the water levels in your body and motivate you to drink appropriate levels of water!

  • -1

    I wonder how many Bitcoins they are idle farming while this is running in the background :D

  • +7

    I know people are quite sceptical about this app.

    However last week, I was in the office and I was not feeling too good. My mouth felt parched, I had an awful headache. I hadn't been to the toilet in days. My strength was waning rapidly….I could barely click the left mouse button to refresh the "new deals" page.

    But then I got a notification from this app. I crawled towards the water cooler, and managed to get a few drips of water in my mouth before I lost consciousness.

    When I awoke in A&E, the doctors told me that I probably wouldn't have made it without the "poke me water reminder" app.

    • +1

      Up next the 'Do not drink poison' reminder app, followed closely by the 'Do not climb to the top of buildings and jump off' app.

      I can actually see an app the opposite of the one here being useful. People with chronic cardiac or renal problems might be on a fluid restricted diet. It might actually be useful for them if you could use the app to set a maximum daily intake and then keep track of, and even suggest when, a person has a predetermined volume of liquid. It could also keep track of the amount of liquid contained in various foods which could be entered by weight. This could actually be very useful indeed for some people.

      • You could select your product. Coca cola, water, beer.

        Will it be available on ios though? I hope not. I'd prefer it if those users took a "trial and error" approach to the app.

  • It's over 30 degrees in Brisbane and I keep forgetting to drink water

    It's Darwinian selection at work - go with it, don't resist.

  • No thanks. My body comes built in with this sweet function called "thirst" that detects when I need water and actively pushes my body to get it (rather than just saying "get some water").

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