What can you actually do to complain to the NBN? Honestly. Provider, Belong, says its NBN's fault. The phone line at NBN essentially directs you to get in touch with your ISP. Brilliant.
I call the Ombudsman, they say that NBN is outside their jurisdiction (conveniently enough) and that it's 99% likely not Belong's fault, just a technician running late or going to the pub. I have received literally zero communication from NBN or Belong regarding the cancelled appointments. My partner has taken two days off work to be at home for the appointments. We are chewing through phone data.
Anyone else had any luck getting through their thick heads? I sent them a message on Facebook but there's only so much good that can do.
My mate had a similar issue, he was told he had to be home to enable access to do the Install. He sent them (Telstra) an invoice for the 2 days he had to wait at home saying they would show up to connect at $750 a day. They responded pretty quick, it was a bit of work but managed to get 12 months free internet out of them once it was resolved. He then cancelled his account once the 12 months was up and went elsewhere. A tactic to consider.