This was posted 7 years 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PC] Destiny 2 Expansion Pass 20% off - $35 AUD on Green Man Gaming

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Destiny 2 Expansion pass 20% off with code FEB20.
Total approx $35 AUD.
Blizzard website is $50.

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Green Man Gaming
Green Man Gaming

closed Comments

  • +10

    They'll need to be offering a way bigger discount to get me back to Destiny.

  • +4

    As someone that logged over 2000 hours on D1, don't buy this.

  • -4

    Don't listen to these clowns great game great price - these guys are probably Warlock noobs

    • If it's such a great game at a great price, why didn't you upvote the deal?

      EDIT: Well that's weird, they upvoted the deal and a second later was a disableduser.

      • Correction: they always were disabled.

    • ahaha great game have a +1 for the good laugh
      should see the road maps for the content to come it is literately nothing.
      properly one of the worst game i played in ages. who in their right mind adds or lazy to remove aim assist on pc.

    • I dont exactly agree, and i bought this pass. The base game is great for the price, seriously there is lots of content and almost all is quite cool/fun.
      But this DLC is mediocre (at best) for the price

  • +2

    LOL I predicted these comments will pop up.

  • I got a free copy with my 1080ti. Haven’t played it yet but I think I’ll try this weekend. Surprised they are already releasing new expansions so soon though. I’m used to the old WOW process of longer year plus time periods.

    • The first expansion came out shortly after PC release. The problem was it took forever to come to PC.

  • +1

    I bought this for about $40 a while ago, so i'll give some advice.
    The first DLC was pretty small, but i liked quite a few things about it, it has some locations that look really nice (honestly one of my favourite things about destiny), and the story is relatively cool, some cool new guns also, plus being able to get to power level 335 so that can be handy for the Raid and shit, as well as giving access to heroic stikes.
    Bad things are, story is only a few hours long, the strikes are mostly recycled story missions just made harder, the main area added (mercury) is pretty small so doesn't give you tons to do (only 1 public event, 1 lost sector).

    The rumors for the second DLC do sound pretty damn cool though, Rasputin back and (profanity) shit up, one of the most powerful guardians ever back after disappearing for ages, possibly info about the new enemy teased at the end of the main story. Im pretty excited for this one.

    So for the $17.50 it would work out to in this deal for each DLC i would say its not terrible value (for the first one, if second one turns out how it sounds ill be very happy with that price). But if you aren't rushing to play more or keep up with levels and loot as the game goes you might be better jumping in with the full size expansion later this year that should also come with these two DLCs.

    Just my two cents, hope it was mildly helpful for someone

  • -1

    Bungie: Destiny 1, we promised an open world, great expansions with hours and hours of content for one price
    Activision: No, you will chop up Destiny 1 and sell sections of it and call it an expansion

    Bungie: We created a nice expansion for Destiny 1, hours of content
    Activision: What did I say?
    Bungie: But it's a nice, huge expansion for Destiny 1
    Activision: Call it Destiny 2, you will chop up Destiny 2 and sell sections of it and call it an expansion

    • The way the contracts were drawn up, Bungie are financially incentivised to cut the game up into bits hence why they did it. Don’t act as though Activision are the only bad guy in all of this. Bungie have made some insanely stupid decisions in some very basic parts of the games. A lot of the stuff they ‘fixed’ in Destiny 2 would’ve been simple patch/hotfixes that could’ve been applied in Destiny 1. Bungie just don’t (profanity) get what people want.

    • Ehhh, i agree with that for D1 but not D2. I think the content that came with base D2 is more than fair for the price. A lot more than most other games come with nowadays. I feel like it easily had as much as D1 + the first 2 DLC and maybe a chunk of taken king. Compared to any other shooting game you are getting several times more content

  • So whats the bet that they'll release an expansion thats not covered by the expansion pass like they did in D1?

    • The expansion pass specifically shows it is for two expansions, it doesnt say "every piece of DLC we ever make"
      Plus they have already said there will be a big 'taken king like' expansion at the end of the year, so we know for a fact there i DLC coming out not included in this pass.

  • ITT: helicopter parents.

    Are you an adult? Play D2 if you want. I think it's a good game that they're dedicated to, so if you can get it for a low price then it's definitely more worthwhile than some of the other trash dominating the online gaming market at the moment.

  • +1

    i fell asleep when i played the beta

  • is it include Destiny 2 ?

    • just the season pass no base game included in that deal

    • are you?

  • Put gazillions of hours in D1, and played D2 to finish all content till they start (profanity) with the game.

    Already own season pass when I bought D2 for PS4 and a copy of PC as well because, hey! Destiny in 4k!. I haven't even logged back in to play the first expansion. (profanity) that game. Having more fun playing Monster Hunter World and Division (which has surprisingly come back from the dead with the last update!).

    D2 with their 1st expansion also locked out content that was part of the base game. Meaning you will need to own D2 DLC to play something you could play till the day before.

    Don't give these guys your money.

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